Worst Movie Ever

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I would say that the worst movie I have ever seen is Beloved. It's hard to criticize something like Grease 2, which wasn't aiming that high to begin with. Beloved was supposed to be a good and respectable and "important" movie but it was the most boring and long and pretentious pile of junk I've ever seen. I guess there are some works of literature that just don't translate well to the screen and this one sits at the top of my list.
Batman and Robin was an atrocity! Of course everyone knows that. Another movie that came out within weeks of B&R and was equally wretched was The Fifth Element. I know there are many that love the film, but I thought it was one of the biggest disasters in film history.
Morgan the Raider said:
Batman and Robin was an atrocity! Of course everyone knows that. Another movie that came out within weeks of B&R and was equally wretched was The Fifth Element. I know there are many that love the film, but I thought it was one of the biggest disasters in film history.

I'll second that.
My vote is for Manhunter, the first attempt to bring Hannibal to screen from Thomas Harris' Red Dragon. This film just had all the elements of of a poor film, overacting hero, poor, lifeless villain, a good actor delivering a terrible performance as Hannibal the Cannibal, and add to the mix the cheesiest synthesizer film score to come out of the 80s and I'd say you've got a pretty bad movie. I bough it cheap on VHS when Hannibal came out in theaters thinking it'd be cool to see that story, and the box promoted it to be scarier than Silence of the Lambs; I watched it with my older brother and both of us laughed harder watching this film than any comedy I've ever seen.
MaulFan said:
My vote is for Manhunter, the first attempt to bring Hannibal to screen from Thomas Harris' Red Dragon. This film just had all the elements of of a poor film, overacting hero, poor, lifeless villain, a good actor delivering a terrible performance as Hannibal the Cannibal, and add to the mix the cheesiest synthesizer film score to come out of the 80s and I'd say you've got a pretty bad movie. I bough it cheap on VHS when Hannibal came out in theaters thinking it'd be cool to see that story, and the box promoted it to be scarier than Silence of the Lambs; I watched it with my older brother and both of us laughed harder watching this film than any comedy I've ever seen.

BLASPHEMY!!!!!!!!! Manhunter is one of my favorite films EVER!!! Michael Mann's best film. It has so much atmosphere and surreal style and the soundtrack is awesome. I'll take Brian Cox as Lecter over Anthony Hopkins any day. Tom Noonan as Francis Dollarhyde is one of cinemas all-time creepiest villains. Silence of the Lambs was pretentious and boring and they turned the Hannibal series into a glorification of grotesque violence instead of an intellectual psychopath. Brett Ratner should have his DGA license revoked for remaking it line for line with Ed Norton. William Petersen IS Will Graham. In a gadda da vida honey!
To this date, there are only two movies that were so bad that I wish I didn't watch the whole thing:

The Mummy (1999)
There's Something About Mary
Protozaius said:
C'mon people... we are talking the WORST MOVIE EVER!!! That has to be:

:chew :chew SGT. PEPPER'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB BAND:chew :chew

starring Peter Frampton, the BEE GEES and... George Burns. I defy ANYONE to watch that movie and NOT toss their cookies!!! :lol :rotfl :lol

Some of the musical renditions weren't that bad but yeah, The movie as a whole was pretty bad. You know Across the Universe comes out soon and it to is based on plot points taken from Beatles songs.
Hmm, the last movie that I remember seeing that was a piece of crap was "Miami Vice". What the &#^=@* was it even about?! Total waste of money. I would've waited for it to come on cable, but wife wanted to see it in the theater. Crapola!

Then there's "Top Gun". Now here's the kicker, when it was first realesed, I loved it! Then when it was released on VHS, I watched it over and over. Then years later I saw it again and I said to myself, "What a piece of crap this movie is!" The diaologue is pathetic and the storyline is even worse. Ughh!!

So many bad films...so many. Off the top of my head I'd say...

-Vanilla Sky
-Not Another Teen Movie
-Tomb Raider 2
I hafta agree with some of the movies so far: Batman and Robin, Caddyshack II, Battlefield Earth, Manos, BI 2 and Fifth Element all are great examples--especially 5th Element--nothing but a rip-off of every sci-fi movie ever. But I hafta say Cool As Ice is the worst ever. Poor Michael Gross.

I can't believe no one has listed The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen yet -- the comic was great, but the movie was miserable :monkey4
Oh man, that makes me think of First Knight. I love the Goldsmith soundtrack which is infinitely better than the film. I'm sure someone thought it looked good on paper... Sean Connery as King Arthur but Richard f'n Gere as Sir Lancelot?!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?!? NEVER... and I mean NEVER cast an American in a traditionally British role... ESPECIALLY if they are going to use an American accent! Didn't anybody learn from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? Another awful AMERICANIZED movie with Sir Sean. Let's see, Connery sure has starred in some clunkers. Let's take a look...

Highlander 2
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
First Knight
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Avengers

...and depending on who you ask, Never Say Never Again.
MaulFan said:
My vote is for Manhunter, the first attempt to bring Hannibal to screen from Thomas Harris' Red Dragon. This film just had all the elements of of a poor film, overacting hero, poor, lifeless villain, a good actor delivering a terrible performance as Hannibal the Cannibal, and add to the mix the cheesiest synthesizer film score to come out of the 80s and I'd say you've got a pretty bad movie. I bough it cheap on VHS when Hannibal came out in theaters thinking it'd be cool to see that story, and the box promoted it to be scarier than Silence of the Lambs; I watched it with my older brother and both of us laughed harder watching this film than any comedy I've ever seen.

:confused: :confused: :confused: :confused:

Wow, I have never heard anyone criticize Manhunter like that. I for one think it is a GREAT movie. I remember watching it when it first came out. Way before Hopkins popularized the Hannibal character. I think its a very very good movie.
dekadentdave said:
Oh man, that makes me think of First Knight. I love the Goldsmith soundtrack which is infinitely better than the film. I'm sure someone thought it looked good on paper... Sean Connery as King Arthur but Richard f'n Gere as Sir Lancelot?!?!?!? WTF!?!?!?!? NEVER... and I mean NEVER cast an American in a traditionally British role... ESPECIALLY if they are going to use an American accent! Didn't anybody learn from Robin Hood Prince of Thieves? Another awful AMERICANIZED movie with Sir Sean. Let's see, Connery sure has starred in some clunkers. Let's take a look...

Highlander 2
Robin Hood Prince of Thieves
First Knight
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
The Avengers

...and depending on who you ask, Never Say Never Again.

Now Robin Hood Prince of Thieves was PURE COMEDY!!! Alan Rickman was absolutely hilarious!!!!! Actually...he was the best thing about that movie...the rest was rather lame.
sladesuperagent said:
I hafta agree with some of the movies so far: Batman and Robin, Caddyshack II, Battlefield Earth, Manos, BI 2 and Fifth Element all are great examples--especially 5th Element--nothing but a rip-off of every sci-fi movie ever. But I hafta say Cool As Ice is the worst ever. Poor Michael Gross.


I think we have a winner here!!! Damn that K-Fed sure is stealing his look from Vanilla Ice!!! :lol
sladesuperagent said:


I was dragged to see this piece of trash. I couldn't walk out because I was driven there, never have I wanted to actually hurt someone for being in a film....
