Statue Which Maquettes should be made next?

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Comic-Con isn't too far away right?

Maybe Sideshow are just waiting until just before it starts to announce a couple of statues, then have them to show off at the show.

Plus with The Hobbit coming out this year, i can understand why they might want to hold off releasing any hobbits until the madness begins and everyone wants a slice of all things Hobbit-y.

that's all fine but they should at least answered one of the hundred questions we all submitted, a simple "it's been worked on" or "coming end of year" would suffice.

This complete silence is maddening.
They are keeping so quiet on this line, and i feel that they have abondaned us.

My opinion is still the same. I think that they are mistreating the LOTR license.They should keep informed the fans
every moment.We place our trust in them-although the last quality controls were awful-and we need a ray of hope.

In this line for example, painted quiver of Legolas in the prototype is painted and then not understand why in China has not been done, or many eyes painted the figure of Arwen in the paint.

An example of a friend of mine just once and reach out Arwen.
Sideshow have to take strict measures in quality control, because this piece comes with the quality seal, and my do not tell me that the painter did not realize the finish this piece that's fine.




So you would have to have painted the finishing factory sheet Lorien.


And so the factory has been painted.


So not only are we lacking information but we are seeing the quality control in some parts not being treated with the maximum demand, and we all know that these figures are not cheap.
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A couple of you guys love beating a dead horse huh? :slap

Josh with all due respect, you would have to be more objective and not always defend Sideshow, we must recognize when they are wrong, as when we make mistakes we ever.

If I complain about is for the good of all collectors of this license, and I am a regular buyer of Sideshow Collectible, so is my right to give my opinion, and I'm not inventing anything, the pictures do not lie.

Again I apologize for my English, if not the entire world does not understand what I mean in my posts.
A couple of you guys love beating a dead horse huh? :slap

I think that is a little unfair, Gangrels post seemed fair and reasoned and backed up with picture evidence to support his claims. There is nothing wrong with constructive criticism :)
Maybe that's the reason that there are no news on the LotR maquette line.
Everyone is just complaining about the new statues (Arwen and Legolas).
I guess there was a huge replacement initiative for Arwen and not much profit at all.
With all the negative feedback it's no wonder that Sideshow loses interest in the line.
I don't want to defend Sideshow but there are mistakes on both sides, Sideshow AND the collectors.
Collectors are asking for more and more statues in short time range and if there are little flaws the statue is a fail in their opinion.
To me it is a good sign that Sideshow is taking time to make a new statue which hopefully continiues the good quality of Gimli.
Considering the fact that the next statue will much likely be Sam & Frodo you all should be a bit more patient.
Many collectors were complaining about the Frodo PF and if we're rushing Sideshow with this piece they might screw him up again.
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Maybe that's the reason that there are no news on the LotR maquette line.
Everyone is just complaining about the new statues (Arwen and Legolas).
I guess there was a huge replacement initiative for Arwen and not much profit at all.
With all the negative feedback it's no wonder that Sideshow loses interest in the line.
I don't want to defend Sideshow but there are mistakes on both sides, Sideshow AND the collectors.
Collectors are asking for more and more statues in short time range and if there are little flaws the statue is a fail in their opinion.
To me it is a good sign that Sideshow is taking time to make a new statue which hopefully continiues the good quality of Gimli..

So we blame the collectors too?, By demanding more quality? but corresponds to what is taught in the prototype, to say as it would have to go sorry do not understand.

I have only said that besides the lack of news and what we're getting is buggy, and you suggest that we should shut up. I think the criticisms are construtivas and not the slightest doubt that if Sideshow does a good job I'll be the first to say in this forum.

As has been the case in the Mordor Orc Premium Format, a figure that is absolutely spectacular, and without fail I believe in the painting stage.

Totally agree with you, Gimli Maquette is perfect and I hope that Boromir also follow the same path.

But make no mistake the Sideshow problem is not in the modeling, this phase of painting in China factory.

I am not asking more and more statues, I am requesting information because we have 6 months without any news, to see if I can continue to rely on this line and will try to fix these errors.

I do not think it's a mistake to ask for more quality products from Sideshow, unlike both the company and the collector are benefiting from that.
Let's not forget a maquette is now worth $ 250 minimum.

And again I apologize for my English, I try to get me around the world and with the maximum possible respect, so if I miss someone is not my intention.
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Honestly, saying sideshow makes mistakes isn't what I'm taking about at all. What I was talking about was the constant sideshow hate lotr collectors type talk. It's literally everyday between a couple of them. Constant complaining in a thread isn't how we're going to get news posted here. If we don't get a couple statue announcements at comic-con then I'll be worried. We still have 3 statues to ship this year, and if you look at what's being announced (in other lines) are all due to ship this year. Right now if they one a quarter there is only one quarter left without one. So what we see next will most likely wait to ship in 2013.

I know on the S&F weta is going to have several things lotr wise it sounds like at comic-con so I expect the same with sideshow. Also if you watch them they don't pump out announcements everyday either. Great things take time.
Ok Josh, now I understand better their position.

I hope you understand I just want to know if we've heard of this line soon, I'm not asking for Preorder, only to have some information, such as Weta has informed its customers that there will be releases at Comic Con, specifically 10 products

I personally do not hate Sideshow, I have a lot more products from this company and I'm very proud of these statues, one day I have to show a photo of my collection to see that I'm not talking about offending Sideshow, but I want this company restore the requirement that before showing in their final products, not if I explained well.

Another example took several weeks Sideshow answers questions and shows no news to the maquette line, suffice to report that they are working on several and that will be presented at Comic Con, but this would be sufficient and lack of information to collectors we come doubts.

And I apologize if you felt offended in my previous message, because it was not my intention, it is difficult to maintain a conversation when I do not master the language, I hope you understand. What I do see in my posts, which look at all a feeling of hatred Sideshow, I'm the maximum interest that this company again be that of 10 years ago.
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A couple of you guys love beating a dead horse huh? :slap

With all due respect, Josh, expecting a company to be in tune with their customers' concerns is not "beating a dead horse." As SS said when the maquette line was first announced, the idea behind it was to be able to produce more varied characters for collectors, and at a faster pace than the PF line. So far, that hasn't been the case. While they still seem to be actively pursuing the PF line - albeit at a much slower rate than some of us would prefer - the maquette line hasn't even gotten a mention in 6 months. So while they may have something up their sleeves for Comic-Con, they also may not. What I don't understand is why they wouldn't at least post a QA saying something like "While license restrictions prevent us from saying who is next in the LOTR maquette series, rest assured we are committed to the future of this line." That would make a lot of us feel very happy to at least know that something is DEFINITELY in the works.
Hi folks! :wave

Nobody is blaming Sideshow of doing a bad work, but there are some mistakes that, like clients, we make them to know, so there are no more problems in the future.

As Gangrel has said, the sculpting and modelling are great, as the variety of lines and figures, but from a time to now we are having some painting problems that spoils a well done job, and that doesnt come straight from Sideshow, but the chinese company that works from them, and some problems with the quality revision of the painting work.

I am the owner of that cross-eyed Arwen that Gangrel has posted here. After years of waiting a nice Arwen representation and finding it on this maquette, you all can imagine how I have felt after opening the box and discover what is happening with my arwen's eyes.

As you all can see at the pictures, it is not a slightly fault. The left eye is looking to the front, as the right one is totally looking at the right. Obviously this is a mistake of the painting company (I still cannot understand how the painter sees what he is doing and doesnt mind it...), but that company works for Sideshow and they are supposed to have a quality revision test on the figures, as Sideshow labels on each box, and that ruins a well done job, because we are not talking about cheap plastic figures, but collectors editions for serious people which spends 200$ by minimum on these marvellous figures. Something fails on this process... :(

I bought my Arwen Maquette from an official distributor at my country, so I cannot make a reclamation straight to Sideshow, but I hope to receive a replacement for it, and there wont be any more problems. :wink1:

I hope, as collector of the LOTR full line of premium formats and maquettes, that Sideshow keeps offering us the best of the best, as they always do, with the quality that, as a top company, has always offered to their clients. :exactly:
I will reply to you all when I get home. There is a lot to say and hard as hell to type on a phone. :lol

Gangrel I'm not offended. :duff
I'm completely with Josh on this one. We still have Boromir and the newly-announced Ringwraith still to ship, why all the panic?

Weta only have Orthanc to ship in the environment line, and that's shipping to some people now, yet there's no panic on the Weta boards about the future of that line. Yes, there have been polls and constant input from Weta themselves, but that's Weta's choice, SS don't have to post on these forums if they don't want to.

And i do believe SS have said recently about upcoming maquettes....?
I think that about four statues announced per year is a good target--and if we have to wait until SDCC for the next one it will be nine months in between preorders, and we are going to fall pretty short of that goal. So I'd love to see a new announcement in April/May that we can consider a delayed/combined Q1 and Q2 preorder. Then we can get a Q3 order at SDCC, and one more in October/November for Q4.

But if we do indeed get nothing until SDCC, then Q1 and Q2 will have gone by without preorders, meaning the last part of 2012 and first part of 2013 are going to be a big dry spell when it comes to shipping. To keep up a reasonable pace, we should have had at least one new preorder in the 6-9 month span between the Ringwraith and SDCC this summer. So I'm not going to give up on seeing something new in May AND at Comic Con this summer. My fingers are crossed.

I don't think that the sky is falling and the end is near, but I do think that six months of no news at all throws cold water on the enthusiasm that people have been building for the line. I guess I can quit or be patient, and the pieces released so far are too good for me to quit. So, patience it is.
Ok Josh, now I understand better their position.

Cool. I hope everyone does.

I hope you understand I just want to know if we've heard of this line soon, I'm not asking for Preorder, only to have some information, such as Weta has informed its customers that there will be releases at Comic Con, specifically 10 products

I'm with ya and I get that. I want some news or a preview for this line that I do love. I just don't think some of the language used is the best way to get what we want.

With all due respect, Josh, expecting a company to be in tune with their customers' concerns is not "beating a dead horse." As SS said when the maquette line was first announced, the idea behind it was to be able to produce more varied characters for collectors, and at a faster pace than the PF line. So far, that hasn't been the case. While they still seem to be actively pursuing the PF line - albeit at a much slower rate than some of us would prefer - the maquette line hasn't even gotten a mention in 6 months. So while they may have something up their sleeves for Comic-Con, they also may not. What I don't understand is why they wouldn't at least post a QA saying something like "While license restrictions prevent us from saying who is next in the LOTR maquette series, rest assured we are committed to the future of this line." That would make a lot of us feel very happy to at least know that something is DEFINITELY in the works.

I think SS is in tune with their customers. They know we want news and I believe they will give us some. There are many reasons as to why things are what they are and I think its best to go with the flow. We can do that still send messages to them asking questions
We know everyones weak spots...

And I'm not trying to offend you Josh, but each of us is fighting for our interests.

I'm not offended at all.
I think that about four statues announced per year is a good target--and if we have to wait until SDCC for the next one it will be nine months in between preorders, and we are going to fall pretty short of that goal. So I'd love to see a new announcement in April/May that we can consider a delayed/combined Q1 and Q2 preorder. Then we can get a Q3 order at SDCC, and one more in October/November for Q4.

But if we do indeed get nothing until SDCC, then Q1 and Q2 will have gone by without preorders, meaning the last part of 2012 and first part of 2013 are going to be a big dry spell when it comes to shipping. To keep up a reasonable pace, we should have had at least one new preorder in the 6-9 month span between the Ringwraith and SDCC this summer. So I'm not going to give up on seeing something new in May AND at Comic Con this summer. My fingers are crossed.

I don't think that the sky is falling and the end is near, but I do think that six months of no news at all throws cold water on the enthusiasm that people have been building for the line. I guess I can quit or be patient, and the pieces released so far are too good for me to quit. So, patience it is.

I would not be shocked to see something in May as well. That could be a Q4 release and assuming all is well when we get something at comic-con that should be a Q1 release.