What was your first GI JOE toy???

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I'm pretty sure mine was this:


I have no Idea, I was 3-4 remembering my brother gave me his large box of Joes, because I kept stealing them and breaking them (don't think it was on purpose) I remember getting my own ones in the late 80's early nineties, I got a bunch of vehicles too like Hammerhead, Crusader and Destro dominator, I remember those most of all becausethey were xmas presents.

my friend had a brother that had SO many all mint in plastic bags with their filecards and all the vehicles/playsets set up, I really wanted to get my grubby hands on those :)
My mom bought me a straight arm Flash way back in 1982 at a super market. I promptly lost the accessories in the back seat of my folks Mazda. I still have the figure in my collection minus the left arm.
Straight-arm Hawk w/MMS for presumably my 5th birthday. I only have vague memories from that year though... Presumably it was lost or possibly traded with a friend, as I didn't have it when I really got into the line, when I was about seven or eight, after the ROTJ craze. '84 - '86 was when GI Joe was the main thing for me.
He looked like him. But was just a green outfit. I remember playing with a Gi Joe sub, footlocker full of stuff. Think the stuff was from yard sale or something. My first RAH was probably Flash or Snake Eyes, i got a few of em the first time. Wasn't long after that they added swivel arm and i had to get em over again! I also remember being at this house where they was selling/showing older Gi Joe stuff when i was a kid, seen the yellow helicopter etc.

Oh jeez, I can't remember. I think it was the old GI Joe Headquarters, Sky Striker, Rattler, Hiss Tank and some figures. Got it for Xmas with my brothers. Think this was back in '84 or '85.
My first 2 figures (because Snake Eyes was hard to find for a while) were Flash & Clutch with the Vamp:



But the first thing Mom found was actually the colorforms set:


I can't exactly remember my first G.I. Joe toy, but I'll share a memory.

Part of the excitement was getting a new figure and looking at the file card on the back, trying to figure out who the new characters were, especially in the first few years when the military specialties were listed instead of the code names.

As a kid, I didn't get a large allowance. I could buy a figure every now and then, but I had to save up to get a vehicle. Needless to say, I didn't have many vehicles, preferring to get figures instead. But remember those awesome foldable inserts inside that came inside the vehicles? Because I couldn't afford to purchase the vehicles, I would go to stores, open the boxes up, and steal the inserts. Not the vehicles, just the inserts. And would look at them until they were torn and tattered, dreaming about being rich and able to own all the Joe merchandise.
My first GIJOE was Tunnel Rat 1987 series....i absolute love that figure even 20+ years latter.... my favorite peace of his equipment are two flashlights that could be inserted on top of backpack, small but necesary detail ...
My first Joe's were Rock n Roll, Scarlett, Snowjob, and a Cobra Officer(at least I think it was a cobra Officer).
Got them for my 5th birthday in '82 those were followed shortly by the Ram motercycle and the HAL.
My first G.I. Joe was a vehicle, the Cobra Imp!



I just can't, for the life of me, remember what figure I got with the Imp. I know my aunt bought the Imp for me and also got another figure, since the Imp didn't come with one.

I think it was either the Heat Viper or the Alley Viper.
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