What do you want from the next generation of consoles?

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they have about 3-4 more years of life left b4 a new console comes out. game developers still haven't used the PS3 full capabilities yet.

I dont think they will get the best out of the consoles, they could but likely won't

Imagine if all games for PS3 and 360 were developed strictly for the PS3 and 360, by that i mean they are Exclusive level quality for each platform.

Exclusive games are the best looking hands down. If all games had that level of quality there is still that range of potential to be tapped, but they won't as it's more cost effective to design with both in mind which means sacrifices have to be made in quality.

Battlefield 3 designed from the ground up with Killzone 3 level attention to detail for the PS3. While they also make Battlefield 3 from the ground up with Gears of War level attention to detail for the 360.

It'd be amazing.
we've got more than 2-3 years, If microsoft and sony stick to their guns about new consoles.

The existing systems are not yet taking full advantage of what their hardware can do. it's the software that's bottle-necking us.

Both companies have said they wouldn't announce the new consoles before 2015, and you can bet it'll be a year, possibly two after that before those consoles are in the wild.

Short version: there is life in the old girls yet.

That said, as the current generation lasted nearly 10 years, i'd like to see the NEXT generation of consoles last ANOTHER 10 years. possibly longer.

We've ALREADY got superhardware, I'd like to see Software that makes use of everything the machines can do.

As for digital downloads for games instead of disc media: Get used to the idea. the game publishers are SERIOUSLY behind this idea, and it is coming. Hard Copies of games are going to go away.
As for digital downloads for games instead of disc media: Get used to the idea. the game publishers are SERIOUSLY behind this idea, and it is coming. Hard Copies of games are going to go away.

I think its dumb to have hard copies to go away. What if something happens to ur system or u want to sell it but u want to keep ur games?
I think its dumb to have hard copies to go away. What if something happens to ur system or u want to sell it but u want to keep ur games?

There would need to be the ability to download again if something happens to the system.

At the moment i think there is a limit of times you can download, so if you buy it and the system breaks and you get a new system and download it again, then you lose 1 of those download tickets, which means you are basically renting the game than buying it.

Anyway if you have the game there is no need to re-download it unless it gets deleted or corrupted or something, so it doesn't seem to be a piracy issue
I think its dumb to have hard copies to go away. What if something happens to ur system or u want to sell it but u want to keep ur games?

Agreed. l don't like the idea of downloaded movies (no dvd) or downloaded games (no discs). What happens if your hard drive were to get screwed up? I want the game or movie in my hand. I hope digital download isn't the future, but l wouldn't be surprised if it is one day.
Agreed. l don't like the idea of downloaded movies (no dvd) or downloaded games (no discs). What happens if your hard drive were to get screwed up? I want the game or movie in my hand. I hope digital download isn't the future, but l wouldn't be surprised if it is one day.

Not just that, i only buy singles on iTunes, i don't buy albums as i like to put them on my PS3 with my surround sound and the DRM doesn't allow me to use the files where i the purchaser wants, which sucks.
My only issue with downloading games is that it takes too long. Most people can't download very fast (remember the U.S. isn't exactly at the top of Internet speeds in the world)

These days it takes long enough to download an 8GB game, imagine if they switched to Blu-Ray formats and you had to download a 40GB game? You start the game to download when it gets released and then you get to play it a week later.

That's why I think if they want to have downloadable games they'll have to make it stream the data so you can start playing before it finishes downloading.
If changing hardware components was as easy as 'unplug it and plug in the new one' would you guys be more acceoting of that...

No, because it's not just the hassle of working with the hardware, it's the hassle - and even more importantly, the cost - of having to buy them in the first place.

I just want to buy a console, and be done with it. I don't want to have to look at the side of the game box to determine if my console can play it, or have my wife buy me a game for Christmas or my birthday, only to discover that I haven't bought the latest $100+ upgrade kit required to use it.

As long as developers can make great games with the hardware available, I'm fine with it. As you say, developers STILL haven't taken full advantage of the capabilities of the PS3, and I imagine the 360 as well.

They need to be able to actually work without dying or having a life expectancy of a 1-3 years.

Here is the problem with at least the xbox. The design for the design is ____ed. The xbox 360 is designed to be a entertainment system, not just for video games, it is for using the internet, watching movies, watching netflix, and all that...

This is what I want from the next gen!

Microsoft handled the RROD pretty well, imo, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place. And being able to use it as a PC with my TV, stream videos, access the internet, etc - and do it WELL - that's exactly what I want.
I just want to buy a console, and be done with it. I don't want to have to look at the side of the game box to determine if my console can play it, or have my wife buy me a game for Christmas or my birthday, only to discover that I haven't bought the latest $100+ upgrade kit required to use it.

:goodpost: Good Points!

Microsoft handled the RROD pretty well, imo, but it shouldn't have happened in the first place. And being able to use it as a PC with my TV, stream videos, access the internet, etc - and do it WELL - that's exactly what I want.

Not for me, they replaced my RROD'd 360 with a new one that also got the RROD and then wouldn't replace that. :mad:
For myself, I want the tech to allow an improvement of what we are starting to get:

No jaggies
Better (much better) draw distances
More character model detail
Not for me, they replaced my RROD'd 360 with a new one that also got the RROD and then wouldn't replace that. :mad:

That really sucks - I hope this doesn't happen to me a second time! :(

With any luck, we'll be on the next gen of X-Boxes by the time it does.
I just want to buy a console, and be done with it. I don't want to have to look at the side of the game box to determine if my console can play it, or have my wife buy me a game for Christmas or my birthday, only to discover that I haven't bought the latest $100+ upgrade kit required to use it.

:lecture I don't want to mess with this upgrade crap anymore. I stopped doing this with PCs back in 2004/2005, and I don't really want to go this route with consoles. I understand leaving the possibility for future expansion, like say the Kinect or MOVE, but why make this guaranteed system spec??
All i know is when the next consoles come out, l sure in hell aint going to run out and buy one. I will waite at least a year and to see if there are any disasters (like the first couple batches of 360s) and to see how well they hold up before l buy the new one.
All i know is when the next consoles come out, l sure in hell aint going to run out and buy one. I will waite at least a year and to see if there are any disasters (like the first couple batches of 360s) and to see how well they hold up before l buy the new one.

Yup, that's the way to go.
Hasn't Sony recently said that the PS3 already has the must advanced tech so they're not making a new one anytime soon
First of all Sony has said a lot of things, and later contradicted themselves. The only statement Sony has made regarding this is that they want PS3 to have a 10 year lifespan. Well what that means to me is that they will continue to make and support PS3's for another 5 years. They did this with PS2, hell you can still go to Walmart and buy a brand new PS2. That statement has no effect on when they will release PS4.

So far two developers have already stated they are working on games for next gen consoles, (Crytek, and Ubisoft). Crytek even went as far as to say their next gen game will release in 2013. There is more evidence as I posted earlier in this thread, but that's all I need right there.

The fact is the current consoles, yes even PS3 are dinosaurs in terms of technology. Yeah PS3 has a processor akin to a multicore, but it also has a pathetic amount of main RAM, as well as a horribly outdated graphics chip that has a miniscule amount of stone age memory.
The fact is the current consoles, yes even PS3 are dinosaurs in terms of technology. Yeah PS3 has a processor akin to a multicore, but it also has a pathetic amount of main RAM, as well as a horribly outdated graphics chip that has a miniscule amount of stone age memory.

Lets not reduce this thread to a Sony vs microsoft flame war.
Lets not reduce this thread to a Sony vs microsoft flame war.

Where are you getting that from Octos post?

I hadn't heard that about crytek and ubisoft. Interesting. I think the timeline is very possible really. Announcemet at E3 12, a year plus of hype and a Fall 13 launch. I'm ready.