We need more Modern Horror PFs ~~~!!!!!!!!!

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I was just thinking this morning why we haven't seen any horror PF's in awhile and then I see this thread. A Michael Myers PF is a must. But for now any modern horror PF would be nice to see.
Well the latest Q&A sounds a little promising for Michael, Jason and Freddy. I won't hold my breath until something more concrete is announced though.
Taken from the April edition of Ask Sideshow in yesterdays newsletter.

Is there any chance of an original ‘Halloween’ Michael Meyers figure being done in the Premium Format line? I would love to add this to my other New Line Horror figures collection!

Michael Myers is being considered for the Premium Format line. We will share your support with the design & development teams.

Are you going to do any more Classic Freddy or Jason Premium Format Figures? This would be great!

We do have new Nightmare and Friday products in development, and hope to share more with you in the near future.

Since they do write We I assume they don't mean Mezco stuff either. Then again neither do they say it will be PF for Freddy and Jason.

I thought he looked badass in H20. I loved how the mask was all dirty and the hair was spikey. Not to mention he was the most badass in that movie than in any other. He just came off as being mad as hell. Like in the scene where he's flipping over tables. He didn't come off like that in any other movie IMO but I'd still prefer a H1 pf before a H20.
I thought that made him less like the real Michael. I liked the slow and steady, "inhumanly patient" Mike from '78. I liked him in that cold, calculating trance, not like any Joe Blow killer with an aggressive attitude. '78 Myers is the only one I want to see as a PF. Sideshow's latest answers to Ask Sideshow said they are planning a Myers PF. We just need to wait to see which version.

Jason 3 or 6 would also be very cool. I do have the FvJ PFs. I would also like part 3/4/5 Freddy.

A realistic Elvira.

An American Werewolf in London with real hair would be a grail piece.


Audrey II from Little Shop of Horrors.
