UFC, etc.

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That's only because Tito had 27 ribs missing in that fight. But he's had surgery, and he feels good now and he's in the best shape of his life. And he supports the troops and porn.
Good card. Now the only problem is who gets KO of the night!? :lol

Tito has SOTN locked down. Cruz & Faber have FOTN locked down. But there was 4 KO's. And each one was nice. Kinda partial to Condit for that flying knee personally.
Good card. Now the only problem is who gets KO of the night!? :lol

Tito has SOTN locked down. Cruz & Faber have FOTN locked down. But there was 4 KO's. And each one was nice. Kinda partial to Condit for that flying knee personally.

Brittney gets KOTN. she KO'd me. :lol

I remember someone saying the card was crappy and that it wasnt worth the money. I hope that person enjoyed watching Bridesmaid.
Damn, I had Faber winning 1,3,and 4. In what was basically a kick boxing match, I would have thought knock downs in each of those rounds would count for more than some lame leg kicks. If there's no immediate rematch, I'm sure it won't be long til they fight again, the division is pretty weak.

I wouldn't be shocked if Bader got cut after 2 lousy performances in a row, and I'm sure Dana isn't happy he has to deal with Titot's crap for another couple years. Couture should come out of retirement to give him another spanking.

Guillard is capable of beating anyone in that crazy stacked division. He should get a top 5 guy and if he wins, he should get the next shot.
I can agree with all of that except for the fact that I looked at Condits win as more of a TKO rather than a KO. I think Leben should have gotten the KOTN.

Anthony Njokuoni and Melvin Gullard put on awesome fights. Melvin is freaking exciting man.
Hmmm.. iunno man, Kim was more out of it than Wand. Once Kim got popped he fell against the fence and couldn't even raise his hands to defend himself. He took like 2-3 unblocked shots from Condit and even after the ref stopped it he was still kinda paralyzed. Wand was clocked silly too but he was still moving around at least.
Great card last night, I really question the scoring for the main event though. I had Cruz winning but nowhere near a 50-45.
Great card last night, I really question the scoring for the main event though. I had Cruz winning but nowhere near a 50-45.

Agreed. Faber did better than 50/45 or 49/46. I saw it as going down to that 5th rd, which Cruz shocked me. What'd he have, like 6 take downs? That was a good fight. I just don't know if Cruz is neat or annoying to watch. I bet he's a son-of-a-gun to fight, though.
Leben, Tito, and Guillard won. My night was complete.

Guillard is one fight away from a title shot, IMO.

Though I wonder where this puts Leben.

Leben vs. "I have hands the size of heavyweights Stann?" No. Already happened.

Leben vs. Sonnen?

Leben vs. a bottle of alcohol rematch?
I really wished Faber would have pushed Cruz more especially win he was rocked those couple of times and when Cruz started to slow down.

I know. Every time Faber knocked him down I was expecting Faber to close in and take it to the ground. And you'd think Faber's confidence was sky-high considering he was shrugging off everything Cruz was throwing at him, and dropping him each time he'd score a hit.
If Penn deserves an immedaite rematch against Fitch, I don't see why Faber doesn't deserve one, especially in a weak division and we already know it would make a great fight and lots of $$$. Faber may have great hands, but his lack of wrestling in last nights fight cost him.......well according to the judges anyways :monkey3
Penn vs. Fitch was a draw though. Cruz won a unanimous decision in a close fight. It wasn't a robbery and the decision wasn't controversial.

No need for an immediate rematch IMO. Let Faber fight Torres next (both coming off losses) and give Mighty Mouse (4 fight win streak) the next title shot vs. Cruz.
Thats fair, but if Faber doesn't see a rematch, I think Bowles vs Faber would be better, or maybe since Bowles hasn't lost since losing his belt, maybe he gets the next shot and Mighty Mouse takes on Faber.