Those who disliked TLJ, are you still buying toys from it?

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We are expected to believe that somebody with NO FLIGHT TRAINING precision flew a Incom T-65 down a narrow service trench at high speed WHILE evading turbo-laser blasts AND successfully delivered two photon torpedoes into a two-meter wide exhaust port? A novice bush-league skyhopper pilot did that? Isn't it awfully convenient such an exhaust port was placed there to begin with and linked all the way to the Death Star's main core reactor? The official story also goes a step further that this was accomplished without a targeting device AND without an Astromech droid stabilizing the engines during the final approach.

We are also supposed to believe the escort fighters accomplished this after the Y-Wings (far more capable of this type of mission) MISSED their targets altogether? The Flight Commander himself supposedly took point on the main attack run and missed, but then someone sitting in an X-Wing for the very first time was successful? Repeat - the guy who destroyed the Death Star had never touched the flight stick of anything larger than a glorified landspeeder. You can't make this stuff up.

Why would the Death Star drop out of hyperspace on the FAR SIDE of a gas giant and then circle the planet? What tactical value was gained? They could have converted to sub-light speed much closer to Yavin's fourth moon. This would give the Rebels no time to mount a defense.

The Empire could also have picked a safe distance to focus it's super laser on YAVIN ITSELF. The destruction of Yavin would easily take the fourth moon with it AND provide a strong message to the rest of the galaxy.

The inescapable truth is the Death Star was never destroyed. There is no Death Star today because it NEVER EXISTED to begin with. This was a false flag story created by the Rebellion to claim a victory against the Imperial Navy when there was never any such battle to begin with.

The Rebellion itself, through plot or incompetence, is the true culprit in the destruction of Alderaan and concocted the Death Star to cover their guilt.

Is it even believable the Empire could build a structure the size of a small moon IN SECRET? The financial and material resources would be detected by any of the member planets in the Empire yet there is NO TRACE such a station was ever built.

That's because there never was a Death Star. There is a truth that has yet to be uncovered. When that truth is found you will finally understand the evil of The Princess Leia Organa of Alderaan.
Either there's stupid decision-making going on with characters, or there isn't. And either it can be overlooked in SW movies (and all fantasy-based movies), or it can't.

Definitely not a hard and fast rule anyone should apply. Suspension of disbelief is a tricky consideration all film makers have to carefully navigate. If one film maker in a movie series pushes the suspension of disbelief past a breaking point, its a bad decision — not a new lower standard everyone should have to accept because it was made in a part of that film series.
Just to double check, we all do actually enjoy SW right? I mean that's why we're here in the first place? :lol
Just to double check, we all do actually enjoy SW right? I mean that's why we're here in the first place? :lol

Who knows anymore lol. I do know we can like certain SW movies and dislike others based on plot and character decisions. The whole ewoks winning a battle against the empire on Endor was never digestible for me whereas kamandi’s whole post I’m able to suspend disbelief. It’s a skill in film making/film writing.
Who knows anymore lol. I do know we can like certain SW movies and dislike others based on plot and character decisions. The whole ewoks winning a battle against the empire on Endor was never digestible for me whereas kamandi’s whole post I’m able to suspend disbelief. It’s a skill in film making/film writing.

Yeah I gotcha. Though for most people who aren't fans of/into SW, or sci-fi in general, it's because it's "not real" or "not realistic". So it's just humorous to see the actual fans of the universe debating the verisimilitude of it. :lol

Like I generally say, I suppose it's another case of nobody hates SW more than the most die hard fans of SW. :lol
It was an idiotic nonsensical plan even in 1983, don't fool yourself.

Luke: "Well first Han has been captured. So then we send Lando and let everyone think he's captured. Then I give Jabba the droids and they are captured. Then Leia and Chewbacca..."
Leia: "Stop. What the fu..."
Luke: "Wait for it. You get captured. Chewie too. Then I get captured...."
Leia: "This is a Jedi's plan?"

The whole palace was occupied by pigs, bellydancers and muppets. There's only 5 or 6 useful looking guys there. The rebels could've gone in with 20 commandos and been done with it.
Luke: "Well first Han has been captured. So then we send Lando and let everyone think he's captured. Then I give Jabba the droids and they are captured. Then Leia and Chewbacca..."
Leia: "Stop. What the fu..."
Luke: "Wait for it. You get captured. Chewie too. Then I get captured...."
Leia: "This is a Jedi's plan?"

Well YOU explain how else we're going to get Jabba out in the desert so we can choke him in the dark and blow up all his guests?
Luke: "Well first Han has been captured. So then we send Lando and let everyone think he's captured. Then I give Jabba the droids and they are captured. Then Leia and Chewbacca..."
Leia: "Stop. What the fu..."
Luke: "Wait for it. You get captured. Chewie too. Then I get captured...."
Leia: "This is a Jedi's plan?"

Luke: "Just stick close to Jabba and pretend you're his slave. I'm taking care of everything."
Who knows anymore lol. I do know we can like certain SW movies and dislike others based on plot and character decisions. The whole ewoks winning a battle against the empire on Endor was never digestible for me whereas kamandi’s whole post I’m able to suspend disbelief. It’s a skill in film making/film writing.

Just to be clear, other than the Luke vader aspects, I hate ROTJ.

As far as Luke being able to pilot an x wing, it's at least mentioned in ANH that he is a good pilot. without being familiar with a t-16, I can only assume it's similar to an x wing so at least there is that much.

Suspension of belief is one thing, but being shown contradictory evidence is a little different. Yes, other movies have problems, TPM jedi run speed to avoid droidekas but not being used by obi wan to help qui Gon fight maul for example.
Just to double check, we all do actually enjoy SW right? I mean that's why we're here in the first place? :lol

:lol I for one, love SW. Even TLJ was still enjoyable for me, despite my deep regret over some of the choices made with it.

Definitely not a hard and fast rule anyone should apply. Suspension of disbelief is a tricky consideration all film makers have to carefully navigate. If one film maker in a movie series pushes the suspension of disbelief past a breaking point, its a bad decision — not a new lower standard everyone should have to accept because it was made in a part of that film series.

You're right. And I shouldn't have parenthetically added "all fantasy-based movies" either. But, I don't think the plot devices used in TLJ (as far as First Order strategies perhaps being questionable or nonsensical) went past any breaking point that would even necessitate a new lower standard for people to have to accept. I think those were comparable to the standards of the OT, which are just about universally accepted.
Yeah I gotcha. Though for most people who aren't fans of/into SW, or sci-fi in general, it's because it's "not real" or "not realistic". So it's just humorous to see the actual fans of the universe debating the verisimilitude of it. :lol

Like generally say, I suppose it's another case of nobody hates SW more than the most die hard fans of SW. :lol

Lucas was never wrong when he kept saying he made his movies to be seen once with a bag of popcorn in the theatre and that was it haha.
Lucas was never wrong when he kept saying he made his movies to be seen once with a bag of popcorn in the theatre and that was it haha.

Probably indeed really the case.

The majority of us when younger, obviously loved it. Then you grow older and actually realize what's actually going on, and realize it actually sucked. Then companies produce high end figures of the characters from it, but you still just got to have them.

Hence, you end up with threads with titles like this one and people basically saying "yeah it sucks, but I'm dropping $200 on the figures anyway."
Definitely not a hard and fast rule anyone should apply. Suspension of disbelief is a tricky consideration all film makers have to carefully navigate. If one film maker in a movie series pushes the suspension of disbelief past a breaking point, its a bad decision — not a new lower standard everyone should have to accept because it was made in a part of that film series.

Perfectly put. :clap I think RJ over stepped that line too often unfortunately.

I always wondered why the Rebellion escaped Hoth by flying directly at Empire, my son has asked the same question but it doesn't detract from the overall joy of the production. He knows its a story and its just good fun.

TLJ - wacky races through space had him - an 8 year old - asking why don't the FO just send all of the fighters to destroy Leia's ship. AND if Finn and Rose can escape, why can't everyone else? I didn't even consider that but it took a young lad out of his Star Wars bubble, even the prequels haven't done that to him - or not that I've ever witnessed. I had to ask him to stop asking questions and enjoy the film.
His reaction to the BB-8 AT-ST scene was comical and will live with me forever.

I HATE the fact I came out of that movie feeling like I'd been slapped in the face. I was hoping I'd had a nightmare and I'd wake up ready to see the real Last Jedi.
I don't want to dislike it, I'm a SW fan, I've been a collector for 30 odd years but this film left me cold, regardless of the choices they'd made.
I watched TFA premier (same cinema) and it ended with applause and that's RARE in the UK - people were "in-the-bubble" and interacting with the movie. It was pretty exhilarating to experience.

Two years on and TLJ finished and you could see people staring at each other open mouthed, people hardly spoke and there was no sense of excitement. It was totally surreal.
Maybe its about time something was made in the Star Wars galaxy I do actually despise and the fanboy in me can't defend.
Definitely not a hard and fast rule anyone should apply. Suspension of disbelief is a tricky consideration all film makers have to carefully navigate. If one film maker in a movie series pushes the suspension of disbelief past a breaking point, its a bad decision — not a new lower standard everyone should have to accept because it was made in a part of that film series.

You would think this is common sense to everyone, but sadly its not.
Just to double check, we all do actually enjoy SW right? I mean that's why we're here in the first place? :lol

My question too when I’m reading all the complaints here lol

Funny enough, I only seem to hear all the negative stuff online from the uber fans. Out of all the people I’ve spoken to in person, only one has expressed dissapointkent in the new movie. Everyone else has told me they loved it (and I’m in that camp as well). Not saying its a perfect movie, none of the Star Wars movies are. But honestly, thats certainly not what attracted everyone to these movies in the first place right?
I love Star Wars. But it's a bit like family or friends that visit every few years - some visits are better than others. Right now it's visiting frequently and trying just a bit too damn hard to please everyone.

Ease up Disney/LFL. Marvel figured it out with Deadpool - when you're making multiple Superhero movies it's OK for them to target a specific audience sometimes. If I knew the game plan was the "episodes" are all ages slanting towards younger viewers and the "Stories" were for older fans like us... I think we'd all relax a bit.
My question too when I’m reading all the complaints here lol

Funny enough, I only seem to hear all the negative stuff online from the uber fans. Out of all the people I’ve spoken to in person, only one has expressed dissapointkent in the new movie. Everyone else has told me they loved it (and I’m in that camp as well). Not saying its a perfect movie, none of the Star Wars movies are. But honestly, thats certainly not what attracted everyone to these movies in the first place right?

Most people I speak to who like SW, even females, simply like SW in general and aren't overly critical of the films; they just treat it as one big adventure, all Episodes 1-8. They don't really dissect them and pick them apart; they just take the films for what they are because they like SW.

Some of these girls even go as far as sporting SW socks, so I suppose you'd consider them pretty devout fans. :lol

I didn't particularly care for the film overall. It wasn't horrible, but I feel it certainly isn't one of the better episodes/films either. I'd put it above only TPM and AotC. I did enjoy it though more on my second viewing, but I always liked Luke, Rey and Kylo since first viewing. I had no issues with the way Luke was handled.

At the end of the day though, it's still SW.

Haha, well I don't know about anyone else, but I certainly don't go into internet forums to argue with people over things I don't care about.

What about things you do care about? :lol
My question too when I’m reading all the complaints here lol

Funny enough, I only seem to hear all the negative stuff online from the uber fans. Out of all the people I’ve spoken to in person, only one has expressed dissapointkent in the new movie. Everyone else has told me they loved it (and I’m in that camp as well). Not saying its a perfect movie, none of the Star Wars movies are. But honestly, thats certainly not what attracted everyone to these movies in the first place right?

Come on over, we will throw back some (many) beers and I'll tell you everything I dislike about TLJ :)