The Zartan thread

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I don't see it as a cheat. As I mentioned in the question, the exposed abs and chests wouldn't fit in with Sideshow's more realistic take on the line. Sure Zartan isn't ever going to be 'realistic' with a color chaning feature, but still, exposed abs makes no sense when the rest of your torso is armored. Even if I had a 6 pack I wouldn't show them off and risk taking a bullet there. :cuckoo:
I am all the way with Buttmunch on this one. The design on vintage Zartan was very 80's chic. And it is simply ridiculous. I understand the nostalgia that some people feel for the Village People-esque design of 80's Zartan, but I am all for Sideshow re-imagining him in a way that makes him fit better with the look of the rest of the line.

And I can't wait to see how they do it!
I am all the way with Buttmunch on this one. The design on vintage Zartan was very 80's chic. And it is simply ridiculous. I understand the nostalgia that some people feel for the Village People-esque design of 80's Zartan, but I am all for Sideshow re-imagining him in a way that makes him fit better with the look of the rest of the line.

And I can't wait to see how they do it!

Exactly! thats why I didn't get all that upset with Firefly even. I know different things all together but what I'm saying is that I don't mind tweaks to make them a bit more modern. I know these are based off of the RAH series but a tweak or two to make them a bit modern is ok by me. I don't get all that upset by it for whatever reason. I've loved GI Joe since I was knee high to a grasshopper so a change or two isn't gonna change that for me.
I am all the way with Buttmunch on this one. The design on vintage Zartan was very 80's chic. And it is simply ridiculous. I understand the nostalgia that some people feel for the Village People-esque design of 80's Zartan, but I am all for Sideshow re-imagining him in a way that makes him fit better with the look of the rest of the line.

And I can't wait to see how they do it!

One could just as easily argue that it's part of that very "unique" look that gives Zartan his appeal. If given the choice, I'd prefer a classic looking Zartan to a halfassed DDP look just so Sideshow could cop out on having to address the issue of an exposed midsection. I'll also argue that probably 90% of what makes this line the success it is, is in fact, nostalgia. Firefly already bit them in the ass with them taking far too much creative license with a figure and the collector backlash that ensued. I'm curious to see how Zartan turns out.

P.S. Any BS comments about an exposed midsection not being armored are just that, BS. Modern day CIRAS and OTV vests utilized by just about every branch of the military leave the midsection exposed as well.
Doesn't make it good armor design, however. Getting shot there would still be bad.
Regardless its part of the character design, and it dose not bother me. As long as sideshow dose not give us one of those worthless HT style rubber muscle bodies, I do not care what they do with him. I would be fine with a T800 Style body however.
Doesn't make it good armor design, however. Getting shot there would still be bad.
Regardless its part of the character design, and it dose not bother me. As long as sideshow dose not give us one of those worthless HT style rubber muscle bodies, I do not care what they do with him. I would be fine with a T800 Style body however.

I entirely agree and still have absolutely no clue why they're "more superior" than an Omega with a vest beneath. Maybe it's to match the "superior" camouflage abilities of the ACU? :lol
Doesn't make it good armor design, however. Getting shot there would still be bad.
Regardless its part of the character design, and it dose not bother me. As long as sideshow dose not give us one of those worthless HT style rubber muscle bodies, I do not care what they do with him. I would be fine with a T800 Style body however.
i don't get why ssc would make their 12" figure the same as how they will make him look in the dio. seems to me they should make 1 classic looking and 1 modern, that way they appeal to more.
Some Joe fans.

Close to original as possible >>> reimaging.

One could just as easily argue that it's part of that very "unique" look that gives Zartan his appeal. If given the choice, I'd prefer a classic looking Zartan to a halfassed DDP look just so Sideshow could cop out on having to address the issue of an exposed midsection. I'll also argue that probably 90% of what makes this line the success it is, is in fact, nostalgia. Firefly already bit them in the ass with them taking far too much creative license with a figure and the collector backlash that ensued. I'm curious to see how Zartan turns out.

Classic Joe looks and nostalgia with a touch of modern flare all the way. If SS can't handle the exposed torso, I'll have to use a muscle body (Hot Toys and Enterbay have already mastered the exposed look, SS should be willing to keep up).
Zartan's outfit wasn't practical in the 80's and no one cried foul. Save the updated "armor" for Tatum and Wayans. Leave Zartan alone.

And the Reich Minister of Public Enlightenment and Propoganda has spoken.:D

That might have a lot to do with the fact that we were stupid kids back then. I like to believe that my preferences are more refined, now.