The Transformers: The Movie (1986)

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Actually yes. It just rolled off the table and that ass Hot Rod forced himself upon it. It didn't even choose him. Gosh I hate him even more now. I'm surprised he didn't then go off and have sex with Prime's widow.

I don't think the matrix picked Hot rod because he grabbed it first, it was just forshadowing that Hot Rod was the one. Also, the only thing hasbro had on it's mind when it killed Prime and the other Autobots were toy sales. Got to have more new characters to sell, so kill off the older ones. Well, I'll tell you when I saw it as a kid in the theater, I wasn't happy when all of my favorite characters were killed (Prowl I'm looking at you). Granted, I did like that the movie had real stakes, and lives were actually in danger. I dug that a lot.
Thinking back when I was younger, I felt similarly to Veil in some ways. I didn't like the new characters, and didn't like losing older ones, but the idea that these characters really could be killed off gave the movie more weight than other things I was exposed to at the time.
I thought it was foreshadowing as well when Hot Rod first touched the Matrix. I don't think there's anything supporting the "Whosoever Touches The Matrix First Will Be Leader Of The Autobots" theory. I remember hating Hot Rod when I saw the movie in the theater because it was his fault that Optimus died, and I still don't like the character. The animated series after the film was ok, but I definitely lost interest with the loss of some of my favorite characters. There aren't many episodes that I remember as vividly as ones that came before the movie was released.
When I was a kid, it took me a couple of viewings to realize it was Hot Rod who really got Prime killed. If only he listened to Kup. And I have no issues with introducing new characters, but did they really have to kill off the other ones? I mean KILL them? Why not just simply stop using them? You traumatize a kid more by showing their favs dying than you do if they just stopped showing up in the cartoons.
I suspect it was mostly just the writers having a bit of fun. They were always creative when doing Transformers and GI Joe, sticking things in there that would have appealed more to adults than kids (like Geraldo being in an episode of GI Joe, or making a Transformer a gambling addict). I suspect they were given leeway to do something like this, so they ran with it and had some fun as writers. They probably weren't all that concerned about the trauma it might have on some kids :lol
I didn't mind the movie having character deaths as, like others said, it immediately gave a weight and resonance to the film never before experienced in other "action figure" cartoons like He-Man, GI Joe, and so forth.

I just didn't like that:

1. Other than Starscream not a single Decepticon died. After all the Autobots got wiped out at the beginning I was really wanting to see them come back and kick ass. Instead a lot of the Decepticons got cool new bodies while the Autobots stayed dead. That didn't seem right to me.

2. Hot Rod got Prime killed. That was just so wrong.
It's possible some of the insecticons died when they got run over, though it wasn't clear. It was a big weird to decide to make the new Decepticons reincarnated versions of the older versions, without doing the same for the heroes. But it served the story.
Haters gonna Hate.

I googled it out of curiosity, and there is a pretty lengthy discussion of the wacky reincarnation scene here, and what might have happened with the various older Decepticons:

The Transformers: The Movie (1986) - FAQ

Interesting read, thx for sharing.

Would also love to know, where was Omega Supreme in all this? The Aerialbots? Skyfire? They sure could've helped Autobot City.

And I always thought "Cyclonus Armada" meant the "Sweeps". Never realized it was an actual Decepticon that never actually appeared after that.
Well Skyfire wasn't really a presence on the show for very long. I read or heard that the aerialbots hadn't been released yet at the time the movie's draft was written (despite the fact that the movie is supposed to take place following the episodes they were in), which is why they aren't in there, along with some of the other Gestalts. Not sure about Omega Supreme. Maybe they just didn't want to complicate the story by including such a massive and powerful Autobot into the mix.
So, the plan was to kill Prime all along. How shameful, Hasbro.

Those guys were (apparently) low on Energon (I can't see any other explanation for the "one shot kills) and it seems like Prime was the only one with enough will to put up a fight.

Even Devastator was a letdown, it only took one headbutt from Slag to put his ass down.

So many plot holes, but still better than anything Bay has made by miles. It'd be awesome if we could get another animated movie in the future.
For years I've fantasized about an updated G1 Transformers CG film, using current technology, good voice actors, and writers who took the audience seriously yet still recognized what it was serious fans really care about regarding the source material. Essentially, a Transformers version of GI Joe: Resolute. But I'm not sure we'll ever see it. Not enough money to be had as would be the case with a compromised (in one way or another) TV series or live action movie.
I want to see the 1986 movie redone with current CG. Just keep all the same dialogue, have it be the same movie, but with Big Hero 6 quality CG animation.
I've gotta say, I will take traditional, high quality, hand drawn animation over CG any day of the week. I just recognize that the costs are lower for the CG route, and it lends itself to the Transformers, which is why a best case scenario version of any new animated material will probably go that route.
I just want some closure. So many things were left out there, the damn thing really had no ending to speak of. Lord Zarak leaves with Galvatron and all the Autobots get to live happy after that? Why wasn't there a final, decisive bout between Prime and Galvatron? I would've loved to see something like that.. Hot Rod intervening again, but this time Prime doesn't give two ****s and lets him get obliterated or something.
I just want some closure. So many things were left out there, the damn thing really had no ending to speak of. Lord Zarak leaves with Galvatron and all the Autobots get to live happy after that? Why wasn't there a final, decisive bout between Prime and Galvatron? I would've loved to see something like that.. Hot Rod intervening again, but this time Prime doesn't give two ****s and lets him get obliterated or something.

:lol :clap
This time Prime shoots Hot Rod in the face, so that Galvatron's jaw drops in stunned confusion, then BLAM!. . .dammit, Michael Bay was already two steps ahead of us with his psycho Prime!
Almost, almost pulled the trigger last night on the BD (UK?)version of this film. But I just can't see myself paying that much for a BD in this day and age.

What's the problem again with this movie getting a U.S. BD release?