The Official Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Thread

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So 'Soap' is rumoured to appear in the game, that's cool but what about 'Capt. Price'? :monkey2 (Don't tell me he's dead as you can't 100% confirm it :banghead )

Maybe he will appear, but the makers want to make it a surprise.
There seem to be clues pointing to him dying, but you never know he might have survived for a cameo
Maybe he will appear, but the makers want to make it a surprise.
There seem to be clues pointing to him dying, but you never know he might have survived for a cameo

If he isn't in it then at least a relative of his will be. I think there has been a Captain Price in every IW COD game thus far.

This is my most wanted game right now. I wonder if snowmobiles will be in multiplayer mode. Vehicles can sometimes work out pretty good in MP like the Battlefield series.
This is my most wanted game right now. I wonder if snowmobiles will be in multiplayer mode. Vehicles can sometimes work out pretty good in MP like the Battlefield series.

True but they can also be overused like in WAW.
Agreed. Tanks were such a noobie was tank or be tanked. They ruined the multiplayer experience, took no skill at all. They were fun to use the first few times but they became annoying, when people began abusing them, an maps turned into a tankfest.

IW should make the right call and leave vehicles out and rely on skill...
I don't mind tanks in WAW never use them in MP, but like most have been owned plenty of times by them. When some no game having prestige player runs to the tank and starts going to town, I just use my Tank Killer class and make sure anybody using tanks gets sealed in them.:D

I wouldn't mind vehicles in MW2(kinda hope so) as long as there are weapons to negate there effect, it's all good.
I don't mind tanks in WAW never use them in MP, but like most have been owned plenty of times by them. When some no game having prestige player runs to the tank and starts going to town, I just use my Tank Killer class and make sure anybody using tanks gets sealed in them.:D

I wouldn't mind vehicles in MW2(kinda hope so) as long as there are weapons to negate there effect, it's all good.

I wouldn't mind vehicles as long as like you said there were weapons to stop them. In BF I used to plant c4 on the hood of the jeep and then drive it off the ramp into enemy territory and then detonate it. I got tons of kills like that.
This game is going to kick ass! Call of Duty 4 is still on my top games list and won't be replaced until MW2 comes out.
I do hope we still get the old maps back in the form of a DLC.
Same Here!!! :rock

Campaign for shooters for me has become the practice mode, the part where I spend 10 minutes in when I get I then jump online and never look back. I buy shooters for the online multi and the campaign is sort of just tacked on, it's the icing on the cake for me I suppose. I only beat COD4's campaign is because a few select times I wanted to play but couldn't get online, so I settled for single player.

I'll be at prestige number 5 in like a month...
Campaign for shooters for me has become the practice mode, the part where I spend 10 minutes in when I get I then jump online and never look back. I buy shooters for the online multi and the campaign is sort of just tacked on, it's the icing on the cake for me I suppose. I only beat COD4's campaign is because a few select times I wanted to play but couldn't get online, so I settled for single player.

I'll be at prestige number 5 in like a month...

But COD4 tells a brilliant story.
I can't help but think your missing out if you don't play the campaign.
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To be able to customize a soldiers a appearance would be good! Also maybe a map set on a massive plane. "Fight to save the pilot as Americans, while OpFor guard him like a flag. Americans have fifteen minutes to get to the pilot before the bomb, hidden in the cockpit, blows up over American soil! This level could include vents for sneak attacks and chair cover for long winded battles. The environment should be destructible, plane windows could break after tremendous amounts of gunfire. For Hardcore matches civilians should be on board. to many civilians wounded ends the match for the Americans." I would certainly play!