The NEXT SW figure....

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Alice Adrenochrome said:
I hope not! Major mistake to pack a "Dark Jedi" in a box that has "Lords of the Sith" written al over it. It just isn't right. If there's no new category titled "Dark Jedi" planed, I say she's better of in the category "Scum and Villainy".
Wor-Gar said:
I think technically you're right...but I think, I think, they'll put her in a Sith box and her subheading will be "Sith Disciple" or "Sith Protege" or something like that.

Looks like you're right Wor Gar. SSC announced that she would go into the "Lords of the Sith" line. What can I say...
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Asajj IMO couldn't have been in any other line. The category "Lords of the Sith" shouldn't (and apparently won't) be limited to true Sith Lords. It will encompass others who have a strong, direct affiliation to the Sith. Asajj clearly counts. She was an aspiring Sith Lord. She was Dooku's disciple (as stated by Sidious himself). Heck, she has the red-bladed lightsabers to boot!!
Yeah, Asajj just didn't make sense to any other line. It made the most sense to my simple mind for her to be in the Sith line.
Agreed, plus a line dedicated to "EU" would be kind of lame, I think. Just jam them all in with the regular characters, why make another line? Well I guess cool new boxes, but otherwise, everyone in EU belongs in any of the main lines already started.

I hope we get an OT next though, I mean Plo and A.V. rock, but I'm itching for my classic characters.
Asajj should certainly be put under the Sith line, but her subtitle ought to read "Sith Disciple" or something like that, just like Obi-Wan's is "Jedi Master" or Han's is "Rebel Captain." Putting her in the Sith line is not a breach of canon as long as they specify her lesser status as being a follower of the Sith and not a Lord of the Sith.
jlcmsu said:
Yeah, Asajj just didn't make sense to any other line. It made the most sense to my simple mind for her to be in the Sith line.

Might as well put the there.. after Maul, Vader, Dooku and the Emperor who the heck else are they going to put in the Lords of the Sith line?
madden821 said:
Might as well put the there.. after Maul, Vader, Dooku and the Emperor who the heck else are they going to put in the Lords of the Sith line?

Exactly. I mean there isn't a lot they can do unless they venture into the EU.
madden821 said:
Might as well put the there.. after Maul, Vader, Dooku and the Emperor who the heck else are they going to put in the Lords of the Sith line?

Darth Malak baby!!!
madden821 said:
Might as well put the there.. after Maul, Vader, Dooku and the Emperor who the heck else are they going to put in the Lords of the Sith line?

Darth Nihilus! Booya :emperor
madden821 said:
Might as well put the there.. after Maul, Vader, Dooku and the Emperor who the heck else are they going to put in the Lords of the Sith line?

Revan, Malak, Plagius, Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, Jerec, Darth Talon, Dathomiri witches ........ there are actually quite a few once you go outside the three films - particularly from the PC games and comics.
Blasphemy! How can you leave out Uthar Wynn?

LordAzrael said:
Revan, Malak, Plagius, Exar Kun, Naga Sadow, Darth Bane, Jerec, Darth Talon, Dathomiri witches ........ there are actually quite a few once you go outside the three films - particularly from the PC games and comics.

I think there is a good possibility that we could at least one more PPO before the year is up.
yeah I think we're done for the year, but I would assume things will really pick up speed when we get closer to the cons.