The Last of Us - PS3 & PS4 (Remastered)

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Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

I bet ND has too much of an urge to include Joel & Ellie in the sequel to some degree. I think if they have a small cameo that would do.

Whatever game they release will have some incredibly high expectations to fulfill.

I think the narrative of TLOU is mainly about how Joel lost so much, and bonded with Ellie - and she became his adopted daughter. The "infected" and the "end of the world" were just tools that were used to propel Joel's and Ellie's story.

So, I think if ND does have a sequel planned, they'll really have to focus on a simple, yet beautiful and emotional story with their characters again. Or else, it'll just end up being another action game.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Whatever game they release will have some incredibly high expectations to fulfill.

I think the narrative of TLOU is mainly about how Joel lost so much, and bonded with Ellie - and she became his adopted daughter. The "infected" and the "end of the world" were just tools that were used to propel Joel's and Ellie's story.

So, I think if ND does have a sequel planned, they'll really have to focus on a simple, yet beautiful and emotional story with their characters again. Or else, it'll just end up being another action game.

Whatever the main theme of TLOU 2 will be, it shouldn't be another bonding story. That would just seem like a cloned TLOU.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Whatever the main theme of TLOU 2 will be, it shouldn't be another bonding story. That would just seem like a cloned TLOU.

Yeah, not a story like Joel's and Ellie's. But, I think it should focus on the human-side of its characters again.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

On a side note there needs to be a hoard mode in MP. I can't believe the infected didn't make it into it.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

I don't really like the idea of going back and trying to retroactively fill in the gaps of an already established storyline. It reminds me too much of what Kojima is doing to MGS :lol. But, with that said, I think Ellie's story with her friend was a good move, because her infection and immunity was such a big part of TLOU.

I dunno. If there is going to be a second part of TLOU, I think it should be with different characters in another part of the country or something.

One huge negative for a Tommy story would be - we know the end result. One of the most harrowing aspects of playing TLOU for the first time was, with the way the story threw deaths at us, neither Joel or Ellie were safe. Would they both live? Ellie, almost certainly; Joel, probably. But there was absolutely no way their living through the game was guaranteed. This is what made leaving the science building right before Winter scary - we might have been seeing the end of Joel - especially since you are controlling Ellie in the next scene.

So Tommy might have some interesting stuff happen to him, but the fact that we know he is guaranteed to live, unless the story progresses past when Joel and Ellie move to the dam, that's a big aspect of suspense gone.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

One huge negative for a Tommy story would be - we know the end result. One of the most harrowing aspects of playing TLOU for the first time was, with the way the story threw deaths at us, neither Joel or Ellie were safe. Would they both live? Ellie, almost certainly; Joel, probably. But there was absolutely no way their living through the game was guaranteed. This is what made leaving the science building right before Winter scary - we might have been seeing the end of Joel - especially since you are controlling Ellie in the next scene.

So Tommy might have some interesting stuff happen to him, but the fact that we know he is guaranteed to live, unless the story progresses past when Joel and Ellie move to the dam, that's a big aspect of suspense gone.

I honestly thought Joel was dead until she asked David for penicillin.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Regarding a sequel:

I don't want it to be about Joel and Ellie
I don't want to find out anything that happens to them after the events of TLOU - I'd prefer entirely new characters, actually
It almost has to have a partner - I agree that another bonding story would feel redundant, but having a solo protagonist would be a tough adjustment in this universe
But like Solidus said - humanity is the core of the game. Seeing "normal" people struggle against infected and hunters, just to keep the shred of humanity left alive in the world, that would feel like TLOU to me.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

(going for the hat trick of posts in a row, only because they don't really relate to each other)

I haven't played the Uncharted games (they're next in my queue after I finish Tomb Raider), so it'll be interesting to hear the main character voiced by David's actor. From the reactions I read here, you can't tell it's the same guy. But just knowing it's him, I'll always be a little suspicious of Drake.

That actor did a fantastic job. I remember the first time I played, when you initially meet him, he seemed incredibly friendly. But when you replay it, there's this undertone of something sinister, played VERY subtly by the actor, that you wouldn't pick up on unless you know what's going to happen.

Grounded was so much fun to watch, not only for the insight, but just to see real people performing the scenes. And watching David's actor show how he came up with David's voice was so creepy.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Regarding a sequel:

I don't want it to be about Joel and Ellie
I don't want to find out anything that happens to them after the events of TLOU - I'd prefer entirely new characters, actually
It almost has to have a partner - I agree that another bonding story would feel redundant, but having a solo protagonist would be a tough adjustment in this universe
But like Solidus said - humanity is the core of the game. Seeing "normal" people struggle against infected and hunters, just to keep the shred of humanity left alive in the world, that would feel like TLOU to me.

It's really going to be a guessing game with what ND wants to do with a sequel. I know they got the itch to pursue the two of them again, but I think it's a mistake. Each sequel should be it's own contained world.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

A sequel doesn't have to be about bonding since that's already taken place. But I want more of Joel and Ellie. The Last of Us universe is about survival so the sequel can continue on with that. The premise can be that other people were found to be immune and either faction or both have been experimenting/killing the others to find a cure unsuccessfully and now they're after Ellie. This give's Ellie a reason not to want to surrender herself to them as she did initially. But regardless of the story, I prefer some more adventures with Joel and Ellie.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

I think it would be interesting seeing Ellie older and Joel older or dead might be an idea. Would you want a love story between Ellie and some guy? :lol
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

...Would you want a love story between Ellie and some guy? :lol

Nooooooooo! :panic:

For me, continue with both Joel and Ellie somehow or totally different people. But who am I kidding, I'll buy it either way and I'm pretty confident whichever way Naughty Dog decided to go, it'll be good.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Even redoing the same story might be just as compelling as the first game. It really picks up steam in the Winter section, my favorite part of the game.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

Maybe they'll let Frank Darabont write the sequel and it'll be about how the Clicker stuck to the wall in the goldstone building got there. :lol
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog


Yeah when I look back on that, it has no ****ing purpose at all.
Re: 'The Last of Us' - new IP from Naughty Dog

I think it would be interesting seeing Ellie older and Joel older or dead might be an idea. Would you want a love story between Ellie and some guy? :lol

The story will be about Ellie trying to marry a guy and an old Joel mad at her for choosing the son of a Firefly, perfection
