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Saw T2-3D tonight. Pretty good conversion as It does an excellent job at creating depth. I'm disappointed that we won't see a 3D bluray release here in the U.S.
Amazon has the Terminator 2 blu ray with endoskeleton arm at $119.99 today Terminator 2 Collector's Edition Blu Ray

Of course. They're 4K 3D and they cost about $1500. 3D is still extremely popular over seas. The whole point of this re release is the 3D, quite ironic that it won't be available in that format.
3D on 4k TV is amazing. Ever since I upgraded to an LG OLED 3DTV I'm not buying any new movies without 3D. I don't care much for 3D in movie theaters but 3D on an OLED TV is pure high fructose eye candy.
Just saw this
It really didn't need the 3D, some scenes looked really really cool (like the Cyberdyne building cop shoot out, that scene was great in 3D) and the ending in the steel mill was great in 3D,

But everything else kinda looked the same. I Know this is a 2D film converted to 3D, but i dont think it gained much from it. some scenes it felt uncomfortable in 3D

I Found myself taking off my glasses when there were close ups of the actors or when they were having conversations. When they go to see the Mexican guy for the guns, that whole scene i watched without the glasses, or when Sarah was in the hospital scene at the beginning, it honestly felt better without them.
(Or when they stop for food and to fix the car, I had my glasses off as well)
i know They fixed the movie's brightness in the conversion to make up for the darkness of the glasses but some scenes still looked too dark. the night driving scenes were a little annoying with the glasses.

Im very happy to have seen this in theaters. I am happy i got to experience this. it was really cool to watch this with people.
and to see the audience laugh at the jokes. I do kinda wish the showing was 2D to be honest (I KNOW the whole point of the movie going to theaters is the 3D) I just wish I could have seen it in 2D as well,

it was a really nice experience. thankfully my crowd was very polite. no one really talked or took out their phone. most people were older than 30 (which should be expected) but I thought maybe some people would have brought their younger family members or kids or something, or their kids or something, if I was older and had a kid i would have definitely taken them to see it,
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T2 in 3D was just additional funding Cameron needed for the tall thin Smurf movies, for Arnold, well, alimony for Skeletor possibly.
I'm confused. I thought the extended edition was canon? Is there confirmation anywhere on which version is canon? The chip removal scene was more than enough of a tangent to alter the context of the movie, at least in my opinion.
I kept waiting to see that scene in 3D ( i wanted to see how Sarah in the mirror looked in 3D,
And i wanted to see the terminator's chip opening in 3D

I was kinda sad that scene was out.
I haven't seen the theatrical cut in probably 15 years so I'm actually kinda curious about that. My tickets are booked for tomorrow - at 3pm. An earlier cinema trip than I'm used to.