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Open minded. Yes. Simple. No. I like some kids films yeah. I will always be a child at heart. Keeps one feeling young. Hardly any? Ok you keep believing that. the OT is not on a pedestal for me.

Yet the PT is? I don't see how any sci-fi or movie fan can't hold the OT in such high regard.
No, there's no Jar Jar but he's only really any kind of annoying in TPM. Barely does crap in the other two. There are the same writing issues in the OT/PT at least for me. I think Hamill is as annoying in parts of the entire thing especially in ANH as Hayden is in AOTC or ROTS. Oh I think there's some forced humor in parts of the OT. As far as characters that annoy me or I could live without I care as much for Lando as I do Jar Jar. Anakin yelling yipee is not a big deal he's a kid they say those kinds of things its no different than Luke's reaction to him blowing up the death star.

I like the story of the PT and watching the fall of Anakin that to me is what really makes the PT sad. Watching him go from some happy kid to fall he takes is sad.

Just some for where I'm coming from I talked about this last night over xbox with Dino. For me I saw the OT as a kid a few times and it made me like SW. Then honestly SW fell off the map especially at an age when there was no toys in the stores. Then when I was a Junior the PT comes out I was at an age many of you all saw the OT at. So now when I watch the PT and OT I just see some of the same issues in both and love both for what they are.

Thanks dude. All valid and interesting points.
I placed my order as well, but I would not be surprised if somewhere down the line the price goes down due to competition with Best Buy and Wal Mart, it almost always does when it comes to really big releases.

ALSO, I am sure there will be exclusives, which may sway some of us, depending on what they are.

Iin my experience with blu rays and DVD's..noone beats amazon.. Best buy will be close to full pop for these when they come might undercut them by cents....but you wont see this price...they hardly ever discount boxed sets on release..and with Star might only see a black friday deal that could touch this one.
And i have been reading this dribble...I will stay out of the OT/PT war...lets just say I think its not even close how one trilogy is better than the other...not worth my breath
Whatever, all you OT purist make me laugh. Tons of greatness in the PT. Quit _____ing and go make your own movies since you are all such experts. How bout that? Cuz a bunch of freakin monkey's defeating the galaxy conquering empire was such a great idea. I do think they should remove Obi's line from ANH where he talks about how precise the stormtroopers are with shot placement, seeing as how they NEVER ACTUALLY HIT ANYTHING after the sandcrawler. Love all the films, and can't wait to see them in HD

Alright. But how about you cant call a movie good unless you know how to make one as well. So your opinion, my opinion, everyone's opinion in the world is null and void because none of us have made a feature length motion picture (unless you're famous and you have :lol). Otherwise, dont say anything good or bad about a movie, because you dont know how to make one.
Nope, I don't put it there either. I love SW both PT/OT equally and am thankful for what the OT did for the genre.

And your thankful for what the PT did to it? And how it basically defaced the SW name?

Alright. But how about you cant call a movie good unless you know how to make one as well. So your opinion, my opinion, everyone's opinion in the world is null and void because none of us have made a feature length motion picture (unless you're famous and you have :lol). Otherwise, dont say anything good or bad about a movie, because you dont know how to make one.

Exactly. :goodpost:
Alright. But how about you cant call a movie good unless you know how to make one as well. So your opinion, my opinion, everyone's opinion in the world is null and void because none of us have made a feature length motion picture (unless you're famous and you have :lol). Otherwise, dont say anything good or bad about a movie, because you dont know how to make one.

I have never made a pizza either...but I can certainly tell you if one sucks or not...the fact noone has made a movie has nothing to do with someone critiquing it...I dont recall the last Roger Ebert summer blockbuster.
I have never made a pizza either...but I can certainly tell you if one sucks or not...the fact noone has made a movie has nothing to do with someone critiquing it...I dont recall the last Roger Ebert summer blockbuster.

You missed my point....

The point was, those comments "If you cant do it, you shouldnt talk bad about it" are very asinine comments. It can be applyed to enjoying something as well. I mean, if you dont know how to do it, how can you effectively judge it?

The answer? Oh yes you can. Like you said, I dont need to know how to make a pizza to tell if one tastes like poop. Just like I dont know have to have made a feature length motion picture to have a say in weather a movie sucks or not.
Iin my experience with blu rays and DVD's..noone beats amazon.. Best buy will be close to full pop for these when they come might undercut them by cents....but you wont see this price...they hardly ever discount boxed sets on release..and with Star might only see a black friday deal that could touch this one.

:lecture And by pre-ordering now with Amazon, any price drops will be reflected when the shipping time comes even if the price rises. On most occasions they'll price match Walmart, Best Buy, and Target on any ads too.
I dont recall the last Roger Ebert summer blockbuster.

I have a hard time watching it with the PT in mind. Vader doesnt seem any more. Just a whiny ****** in a black suit. :dunno

But I take that out, and the OT feels like it always did. Fun.

And yea..i always knew Vader had issues..but i figured he was just pissed off and a badass.... now I view him as a..well a big baby who didnt get his way..."Waaaaaa...the Jedi council didnt grant me master status yet...waaaaaa" On the flip side..he was nailing Natalie Portman when his beliefs were totally against he still holds a little badassness
The prequels introduced Star Wars to a new generation. Most kids will prefer the prequels to the originals. In fact, there are kids now whose favorite Star Wars viewing is not a movie at all, but the Clone Wars show. The prequel characters are loved by today's children and they are the ones the kids want to be for Halloween--I see tons of clone commanders trick or treating every year, and very few Han Solos.

I have accepted the fact that Lucas didn't make the prequels for me--he made them for my kids. It's a different Star Wars experience than the one I had as a boy, but I certainly wouldn't give up the opportunity to share it all with my children.
The prequels introduced Star Wars to a new generation. Most kids will prefer the prequels to the originals. In fact, there are kids now whose favorite Star Wars viewing is not a movie at all, but the Clone Wars show. The prequel characters are loved by today's children and they are the ones the kids want to be for Halloween--I see tons of clone commanders trick or treating every year, and very few Han Solos.

I have accepted the fact that Lucas didn't make the prequels for me--he made them for my kids. It's a different Star Wars experience than the one I had as a boy, but I certainly wouldn't give up the opportunity to share it all with my children.

Of course he did...after he got the merchandising right from the OT he knew it would be a cash cow..he couldnt sell all those Kenner figures to love that the end, its all about the dollar
Lucas pretty much ruined Anakin in ROTS...If I were Obi Wan I would have b*tch slapped him at least 3 times in that movie. Was so glad he chopped off his legs. I only wish he would have sat there and talked more _____ once he did. I would have kicked his whiny A$$ right into that lava. SNL needs to get Ewan M on there so they could re do the Vader-Obi Wan fight scene from ANH so Obi could really show Vader up.
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