Star Wars On Blu-Ray

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I'm all in for Amazon: great price, no tax and Prime shipping means I'll get it on release day. :yess:

That's it brother !!!! I may take off just to watch it in my underware !!!!

Technically the dark times started with the special editions. :monkey1

Bull____. :)

While yes there will be issues, the OT will still win out over the PT. :monkey5

Agreed. But... the PT brought the wars back to the light and spawned Celebration and so much more. I am grateful for that.

I agree.
I love the prequels, especially Revenge of the Sith. If we are talking about the dark times, I would say that was around the late 80's to the mid 90's when you were lucky to see anything new regarding Star Wars. Love them or hate them, the SE and prequels gave Star Wars the resurgence it still has today.

It was so bad during those times. POTF-II ugh. It was hard.

There is so much we have today a direct result of the PT's being made that I cannot knock them completely. Not to mention, beyond the story, the visuals and sound are amazing and for a videophile, they are a blessing to behold.

They gave me back my childhood and brought back my passion.

Like I said Celebration, but also,

Clone Wars

The list is endless.

For that I am grateful. For the new friends I have made as a result of it all.... Those are the priceless gems I treasure most.

thank you PT, OT and lucas.
Yeah, to be honest, even though there is a lot you can criticize about the PT, we probably wouldn't have half of the amazing OT collectibles we have today if those movies had never come out. And I love that kids today still like Star Wars, even if they are more familiar with the Clone Wars cartoon than the original movies.
I liked the prequels. sure they weren't what they could have been, but I really liked AOTC and ROTS. Phantom menace I think I was just really excited that it was the 1st Star Wars movie since 83 and that made me like it a lot. Darth Maul battle was sweet. I still love the lightsaber duels (although some of the editing was off).
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Well said, buddy! :1-1:


Yeah, to be honest, even though there is a lot you can criticize about the PT, we probably wouldn't have half of the amazing OT collectibles we have today if those movies had never come out. And I love that kids today still like Star Wars, even if they are more familiar with the Clone Wars cartoon than the original movies.

I agree.
I love the prequels, especially Revenge of the Sith. If we are talking about the dark times, I would say that was around the late 80's to the mid 90's when you were lucky to see anything new regarding Star Wars. Love them or hate them, the SE and prequels gave Star Wars the resurgence it still has today.

Exactly! I remember seeing and loving SW as a kid but you almost never saw toys at Wal-Mart or other stores. It was for all intents and purposes forgotten as far as pop culture goes. The PT got me into SW again when it came out, pushed others into loving SW again, and helped bring many a new generation into SW. So I think OT fans should be thankful for the PT for many reasons and as a I said they have many of the same issues.
I will definitely be purchasing the Complete saga set...but I'm not pulling the trigger just yet with Amazon. If history is any indication, I'm sure one of the big retailers (Target, Best Buy, etc.) will have some rad bonus that will make shopping with them more worthwhile. We'll see. Either way, I'm excited for this set, despite the fact that I'm once again Lucas' b-i-t-c-h. :lol
are the kind who would never try it themselves. ;)

Nah, I watch the PT and OT and feel the same about both. For me they have virtually the same exact types of issues. I'm not of the mind set to sit and go oh this trilogy is better than the other.
From the trailer I noticed these things:

1) Sabers still suck in the OT. Why can't they go back and redo them?
2) Yoda is still a puppet in ESB!

Why would you want to replace puppet Yoda in TESB?!

Personally, I think puppet Yoda (at least in the OT) looks so much better than CGI Yoda. He's much more organic looking. He look's far more real in the OT than in the PT.
Why would you want to replace puppet Yoda in TESB?!

Personally, I think puppet Yoda (at least in the OT) looks so much better than CGI Yoda. He's much more organic looking. He look's far more real in the OT than in the PT.

I like puppet Yoda in the OT. He is adorable.

Seriously, you can't get rid of puppet Yoda no matter how good the CGI is. Its sacraligist (I mispelled that didn't I?), ok then: It's sacred!!!
Puppet Yoda in the OT = Good.
Puppet Yoda in The Phantom Menace = bantha poodoo. I hope they changed that one to CG.
I agree.
I love the prequels, especially Revenge of the Sith. If we are talking about the dark times, I would say that was around the late 80's to the mid 90's when you were lucky to see anything new regarding Star Wars. Love them or hate them, the SE and prequels gave Star Wars the resurgence it still has today.

I remember those times, as far as toys, Micro Machines and Bend Ems were it, those came out around the release of the THX cleaned up VHS copies of the OT. I remember when the first catalog came out that had pictures of the new Kenner line, I was so excited, despite the He-Man physiques, they were still nicer sculpted and painted figures than the vintage stuff, so that was neat, but just new Star Wars was cool. The biggest thrill for me was the SEs, I was born when Jedi came out so I'd never seen Star Wars in a theater before, I was most excited about ANH and ROTJ, ANH because it was finally my first time to see Star Wars like that, and Jedi because it's my favorite OT movie. Those were fun collecting times too, I still treasure my Spirit of Obi-Wan mail away figure from Fritos, I thought it was so cool how they'd done a spirit figure with clear plastic instead of just pale paint like the vintage Anakin.

I'm really not that bothered by the SE versions, other than the removal of Shaw from the spirit scene in Jedi, and i do wish they'd fix the lightsabers from the DVD release. I'm not bothered by them not looking as sharp as the CGI ones of the prequels, but shots where the white part is gone or the blades overlap each other goofily like when Luke and Vader cross in front of Palpatine's face, it just looks really bad now. Shocking that the DVD cleanup actually made those worse, they looked fine before that.
Placed my order on Amazon yesterday for the complete set...cant beat that deal.

I placed my order as well, but I would not be surprised if somewhere down the line the price goes down due to competition with Best Buy and Wal Mart, it almost always does when it comes to really big releases.

ALSO, I am sure there will be exclusives, which may sway some of us, depending on what they are.
I placed my order as well, but I would not be surprised if somewhere down the line the price goes down due to competition with Best Buy and Wal Mart, it almost always does when it comes to really big releases.

ALSO, I am sure there will be exclusives, which may sway some of us, depending on what they are.

I have found that in most cases the exclusives are tacky and 99% I never use them. This already comes with 30 hour of bonus stuff, more than what I will watch anyway. I am perfectly happy with the amazon release. I think the only exclusive I would entertain would be a nice picture book or something. The Seinfeld exclusive comes to mind.
Is there a box set with all six movies or just two separate box sets, one for each trilogy?