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I feel like I'm missing something very obvious but this was way before Order 66 so doesn't that mean he still could have gotten killed? lol
Yeah, you're right. I'm all over the map today. :( Forget it. :lol

Though I think he did survive in the comics and became a smuggler.

Oh okay good I thought it was me :lol.

I do think you're right about the comics though. He definitely stays on the low and I'm pretty sure he lives.
I just watched the first four episode Arc with Fives. Very good opening to this last batch of episodes!

Spoiler Spoiler:

Considering what he knew, this was the best for him. The alternate of going back, being wiped and rechipped would have been worse. Its too bad we all know that the Jedi sleepwalk all the way up to Order 66, there was no way this could have panned out for him.

The only ones that werent too great was the amidala political episodes. Nice to see Embo again though.

I. Not everything was a total hit but wow it was such a visually appealing show and it gave me Capt Rex, Fives, Ashoka, Savage Opress, the rest of the 501st, Commander Wolf, Embo, Cad Bane, and wonderful versions of all the jedi. Anakin is way better than he is in the films, Obi Wan is as good, Mace is portrayed as a much better warrior and leader. In fact, the show did a good job of not only giving the clones personalities (Waxer, Boil) but every Jedi in my opinion was much more likeable and interesting rather than just being a face in the crowd like the movies (except for the obvious few the movies focused on).

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This has ben brought up before, how a cartoon version of Anakin can seem much more real than its movie real life counterpart. Anakin CW is one of my favorite Star Wars characters, yet I hate every second of screentime he gets in the PT.

I'm just now starting the second half the season 6, I agree that the clones so far steal the show, hell, even in the banking episodes, the highlight for me was Commander Thorn laying the smack down. Just another example how a character with very little screen time can make such a huge impression.

And lastly, thank god Filoni didn't get his version of Clone Wars... although if you read the description, it now sounds a little familiar, hmmmm...Filoni's initial idea for the series revolved around a recurring cast of characters who traveled aboard a spaceship similar to the Millennium Falcon; the ship's crew would have included a smuggler, his girlfriend, a Gungan named "Lunker", a Jedi Padawan named "Ashla" and her Jedi Master. :lol
We've been watching following the chronological guide (thanks again to whomever post it) :D

Loving the show so far. Can't believe it's so great and we're just watching it now. (We are both huge SW fans too) :lol
Done with season 6. Guess it was a cool note to exit on, but I really liked the episodes at the start of the season the best. I wonder what they would have changed, if they had advanced warning that this was ending with 13 episodes, because for an end to the series, the banking stuff really wasted precious episodes. You could tell this was supposed to be a season 5 episode originally, it didn't have the feeling that RotS is imminent like the 5's and Yoda arc did.
Yeah the 5's and Yoda arcs were really great, and really left me with a bit of sadness for the show ending. It seemed to be getting better, heading towards the end of the war and what that might mean for the galaxy. That being said, I feel these last 13 really exemplify the best and worst things about the entire series. It has two very interesting, engaging arcs about deeper issues, conspiracy, darkness, the failure of the Jedi etc. Then two arcs of boring, obvious, senate manipulation for the millionth time and then obnoxious, goofy, filler crap with Jar Jar.

One saving grace for the 13 is the noticeably absent antics of the Battle Droids. They spoke very little and had almost no jokes/slapstick made at their expense and it makes for a much stronger show. I don't remember now if the last season had backed off of the droid antics, but I don't think so. I wonder if that's something they were finally doing in the doomed season 6. The entire tone of the episodes shift when the droids say and act ridiculous, and it was great to watch these episode with out that.
Considering what he knew, this was the best for him. The alternate of going back, being wiped and rechipped would have been worse. Its too bad we all know that the Jedi sleepwalk all the way up to Order 66, there was no way this could have panned out for him.

This has ben brought up before, how a cartoon version of Anakin can seem much more real than its movie real life counterpart. Anakin CW is one of my favorite Star Wars characters, yet I hate every second of screentime he gets in the PT.

I'm just now starting the second half the season 6, I agree that the clones so far steal the show, hell, even in the banking episodes, the highlight for me was Commander Thorn laying the smack down. Just another example how a character with very little screen time can make such a huge impression.

And lastly, thank god Filoni didn't get his version of Clone Wars... although if you read the description, it now sounds a little familiar, hmmmm...Filoni's initial idea for the series revolved around a recurring cast of characters who traveled aboard a spaceship similar to the Millennium Falcon; the ship's crew would have included a smuggler, his girlfriend, a Gungan named "Lunker", a Jedi Padawan named "Ashla" and her Jedi Master. :lol

Yeah that bit of Commander Thorn was very cool. It was nice to see the Wolfpack again. Too bad Clone Wars never got to revisit the Delta Squad. :(

I feel the same exact way about Anakin. Hes a far greater incarnation. He lives up to Obi Wan's descriptions from A New Hope and it helps make his eventual turn to the dark side more tragic whereas the films didn't make me feel for him as much as just dislike him.

Felt bad for Yoda. Thought it was a very well-done battle scene at the end though. The Jedi "heaven" was a neat scene with a pre-turned Dooku. Interesting. And I loved the Darth Bane bit.

They really try to make this show special to adults and they've added a lot of cool things to the mythology of the Star Wars universe.

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voice actors. Well back in '05 all the clones looked the same. As we know w/TCW movie/series most of them had different hair styles, tattoos etc...

That's all. :)

Gotcha. I know why Star Wars diehard fans would be pissed if they did that. But I won't lie, I watch the prequel films and I wish they were all done in the style of the cartoon. The lightsaber battles and force abilities of the jedi were something I'd truly expect a jedi master or sith lord to be able to do. They are that powerful.

Also agree with the clones. Just going by Episode 2 and 3, I didn't really get to appreciate the clones as characters. I think Commander Cody was the only one who actually showed a hint of a relationship with the jedi. And it was brief. I didn't know enough about the clones and their armor to associate them with anybody. But seeing General Gree in the Clone Wars with his unique haircut, and then seeing him try to execute Yoda in RotS, it adds more of a punch. I felt bad for Gree. It makes Cody's turn against Obi-Wan all the more painful after seeing what they went through in the animated series.

Which leads me to winder if we will ever really get to see the fate of Capt. Rex. In TCW he sees Anakin is one of the best leaders and a jedi he'd follow to death with no ill feelings. He considers him a friend. So, when Anakin becomes Vader would Rex still follow him? I know, according to what I heard, the 501st is I believe the only clone unit that stays in service with the Vader administration. All the other troopers are Stormtroopers. So, is Rex somewhere as Vader's top-ranking officer? Is he on the first Death Star when it goes KABOOM? Is he even alive by Episode 3? Does he feel betrayed by the jedi and/or the war and really go on his own way?

I can think about this nonstop. Cliffhangers suck sometimes. Still wondering what happens to Starkiller's clone.
Gotcha. I know why Star Wars diehard fans would be pissed if they did that. But I won't lie, I watch the prequel films and I wish they were all done in the style of the cartoon. The lightsaber battles and force abilities of the jedi were something I'd truly expect a jedi master or sith lord to be able to do. They are that powerful.

Also agree with the clones. Just going by Episode 2 and 3, I didn't really get to appreciate the clones as characters. I think Commander Cody was the only one who actually showed a hint of a relationship with the jedi. And it was brief. I didn't know enough about the clones and their armor to associate them with anybody. But seeing General Gree in the Clone Wars with his unique haircut, and then seeing him try to execute Yoda in RotS, it adds more of a punch. I felt bad for Gree. It makes Cody's turn against Obi-Wan all the more painful after seeing what they went through in the animated series.

Which leads me to winder if we will ever really get to see the fate of Capt. Rex. In TCW he sees Anakin is one of the best leaders and a jedi he'd follow to death with no ill feelings. He considers him a friend. So, when Anakin becomes Vader would Rex still follow him? I know, according to what I heard, the 501st is I believe the only clone unit that stays in service with the Vader administration. All the other troopers are Stormtroopers. So, is Rex somewhere as Vader's top-ranking officer? Is he on the first Death Star when it goes KABOOM? Is he even alive by Episode 3? Does he feel betrayed by the jedi and/or the war and really go on his own way?

I can think about this nonstop. Cliffhangers suck sometimes. Still wondering what happens to Starkiller's clone.

Thank you GodzillaSpawn.


Not to sound ignorant but I thought at first order 66 was a subliminal "order." Like ok we have a war to fight and follow our Jedi generals not knowing until that one phrase. But they new all along that this day might come. Whew luck for Ani-Vader that the 501st army didn't try to shot him in the back while marching to the temple......
Since Palpatine was the originator of Order 66 I am sure there is a "All Jedi except Anakin Skywalker" clause in there somewhere.
Thank you GodzillaSpawn.


Not to sound ignorant but I thought at first order 66 was a subliminal "order." Like ok we have a war to fight and follow our Jedi generals not knowing until that one phrase. But they new all along that this day might come. Whew luck for Ani-Vader that the 501st army didn't try to shot him in the back while marching to the temple......

Spoiler Spoiler:

And judging by Fives' response, it's not something that the clones would want to do. The order itself would evidently be very conflicting for some of the clones.
Maybe... maybe they had an off screen Memo sent out to all clones stating Anakin is now considered a Sith...