Star Wars Chess Table!

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DarthNeil said:
Also, I don't put the three stooges (Endor Troopers) in the same category as Stormtroopers or Scout Troopers.

Me either. Endor Rebels aren't even a fraction as cool or iconic as Stormtroopers or even Scout Troopers. Heck, the Rebel Fleet Troopers are even better and more recognizable and iconic as SW characters. Been saying that since Day 1. For whatever reason, SSC picked what is arguably the weakest type of trooper in any SW film to start off the Military line. They're borning, generic and were priced at $60 a piece. That's why many people are turned off, not because they are "background" characters. Heck, Plo Koon and Kit Fisto are basically background characters in the films but I happily ordered them (though I was bummed to see that Plo Koon was the first 1/6 SW figure to be slapped with the new $5-10 price hike).

The line is not in any real danger. No one is saying that. But SSC better be cognizant of the fact that many of us are now grumbling and that it IS possible for the goose to kill the golden egg if they are not more careful and tactful.
DarthNeil said:
That's the great thing about the collecting community--- everyone is entitled to an opinion. By the way I saw the original (was it?...) SW chess table in Orlando at Disneyworld--- nice to look at it in the glass case all by itself. Am I willing to spend $50 (US) and then tack on shipping and custom fees to relive the moment in my office at home where I keep my collection? At this moment I'm not sure.

Also, I don't put the three stooges (Endor Troopers) in the same category as Stormtroopers or Scout Troopers--- but they'll probably be $100 (or more) a pop by the time they're released.
I then the troopers will be right around $100 I dont see them going much higher. But then agian who knows, I don't think the fact the Medi is $150 for theirs will help. They have seen we will pay $150 so they are like hey lets keep it around that price.(And no they are imported BS please they are the about the same price in Japan).
DarthNeil said:
Also, I don't put the three stooges (Endor Troopers) in the same category as Stormtroopers or Scout Troopers--- but they'll probably be $100 (or more) a pop by the time they're released.

And that's fine if you don't put them in the same catagory or as Irish said, they aren't as iconic as Imperial Troops but they ARE background characters. Nameless and faceless. Kit Fisto and Plo Koon are the same, background, set dressing.
IrishJedi said:
Me either. Endor Rebels aren't even a fraction as cool or iconic as Stormtroopers or even Scout Troopers. Heck, the Rebel Fleet Troopers are even better and more recognizable and iconic as SW characters. Been saying that since Day 1. For whatever reason, SSC picked what is arguably the weakest type of trooper in any SW film to start off the Military line. They're borning, generic and were priced at $60 a piece. That's why many people are turned off, not because they are "background" characters. Heck, Plo Koon and Kit Fisto are basically background characters in the films but I happily ordered them (though I was bummed to see that Plo Koon was the first 1/6 SW figure to be slapped with the new $5-10 price hike).

The line is not in any real danger. No one is saying that. But SSC better be cognizant of the fact that many of us are now grumbling and that it IS possible for the goose to kill the golden egg if they are not more careful and tactful.

EXACTLY!!! I might have not been so blaze about the Military Line if the $60 figs were from the iconic scene aboard the Tantive IV--- And I think your golden egg analogy is dead on. SW is a proven brand---- fans range in age from the very young to the very--- er-- experienced as it trancends generations. SS have put out exceptional figs-- I proudly display them alongside my beloved Bond figs (I own the entire line)... but those Bonds were all purchased around $40 each... It's hard for me to validate collecting this line when the prices inch towards the land of the PF's--- of which I'd love to collect but it's not financially viable for me to do so... Heck, I just bought a giant slug and his throne (haven't seen it yet because it's currently somewhere in Quebec getting through customs) for me that's close to $500 Canadian----- that's not something that I can do on a regular basis. This completist is quickly becoming a choosist with this line... A sad day indeed...
Memnoch21 said:
And that's fine if you don't put them in the same catagory or as Irish said, they aren't as iconic as Imperial Troops but they ARE background characters. Nameless and faceless. Kit Fisto and Plo Koon are the same, background, set dressing.

Which would you rather display: A) trenchcoat Han standing in front of the Endor Troopers B) Mace standing in front of Kit Fisto and Plo Koon C) Darth Vader standing in front of two stormtroopers-- a rebel officer at his feet?... Now change the question--- which of those three choices would you eliminate if you had to eliminate one? Background characters are hard to define, but some are iconic while others are forgettable. I'm afraid that, in my humble opinion, SS chose very forgettable characters (from the weakest part of the original trilogies---again just my opinion) to start their Military line.
chewblacca said:
Since when did Being a Star Wars fan translate into blind sheep?

Probably around the time TPM was released and Lucas realized how much money he could make off licensing Star Wars products.
I agree with what Josh said. It's all about what you feel a product is worth to you. I believe Sideshow did their best in trying to make this piece with as much thought to price as they did to quality. I would much rather see a polystone/metal combination item for $50 than a cheap plastic table that falls over for $40 or less.
There is big time double edge sword with this line. If SS puts out all the heavy hitters in the begining its dead in a year a two. If they put out too many background characters all together they may lose collectors. I think we willl see this go in waves, some more iconic characters, then some background. The problem is there is no previous sales model to follow or to aviod. They can't do the same as Hasbro does and put out the same character in the same clothes every few years and continue to sell them these are not $6-$7. I belive they have said they want this line to be a long term item and to do that they have to keep some bigger characters held back so they have something in years to come.
DarthNeil said:
Which would you rather display: A) trenchcoat Han standing in front of the Endor Troopers B) Mace standing in front of Kit Fisto and Plo Koon C) Darth Vader standing in front of two stormtroopers-- a rebel officer at his feet?... Now change the question--- which of those three choices would you eliminate if you had to eliminate one? Background characters are hard to define, but some are iconic while others are forgettable. I'm afraid that, in my humble opinion, SS chose very forgettable characters (from the weakest part of the original trilogies---again just my opinion) to start their Military line.

The one I would eliminate is the second one. Im just getting frustrated for people saying Jedi sucks, and I will defend it till I die because that was my intro to Star Wars. I will forever like Biker Scouts better than Stormtroopers. And I wouldnt have a rebel officer at his feet... it just seems wrong. People are always claiming Lucas raped their childhoods with the SE's, or that collectors are blind sheep, or on the flip that people are just positive to be positive and all that. Why is it that Star Wars is SO devicive? You dont like it fine. You do like it, fine. Just stop harping on the same things over and over. Take a wait and see attitude. Am I guilty of what I rail against? Of course, Im human. But at the same time if there were nothing to really make me want to post I wouldn't post. Healthy debate is fine, but it seems anytime something is announced it goes beyond healthy debate and people take it personally. Also, this may sound mean and a swipe at you but it isnt. If you don't wanna pay the duty fees DONT ORDER DIRECT. Order from a local comic shop.
mfoga said:
There is big time double edge sword with this line. If SS puts out all the heavy hitters in the begining its dead in a year a two. If they put out too many background characters all together they may lose collectors. I think we willl see this go in waves, some more iconic characters, then some background. The problem is there is no previous sales model to follow or to aviod. They can't do the same as Hasbro does and put out the same character in the same clothes every few years and continue to sell them these are not $6-$7. I belive they have said they want this line to be a long term item and to do that they have to keep some bigger characters held back so they have something in years to come.

Long term is great!!!... It's just hard to see Jedi Luke for around $40 and then the next year a $20 price hike for nameless Endor Trooper.
mfoga said:
There is big time double edge sword with this line. If SS puts out all the heavy hitters in the begining its dead in a year a two. If they put out too many background characters all together they may lose collectors. I think we willl see this go in waves, some more iconic characters, then some background. The problem is there is no previous sales model to follow or to aviod. They can't do the same as Hasbro does and put out the same character in the same clothes every few years and continue to sell them these are not $6-$7. I belive they have said they want this line to be a long term item and to do that they have to keep some bigger characters held back so they have something in years to come.

I think you hit it on the head. People are too used to Hasbro putting out figures in waves and in repeats and things like that. This line must have legs. These figures won't come in waves that may have something you like to offset what you dont.
DarthNeil said:
Sorry... My mother-in-law just passed away and I'm dealing with some heavy stuff here (far away from our home) as I try and help my wife... I'm just posting here to unwind and get away from reality. I thought that's what these threads were for--- reaching out to a community of likeminded individuals.

Well my sympathies, and don't want to sound rude, but its not relevant. Hey, I understand you like the stuff, I understand if you don't but there's no need to reiterate your dislike and displeasure at every oppertunity. It seems more people are becoming more repeatedly vocal about their displeasure which brings out the defenders. And simply on a personal note, if you are trying to ease your mind after the passing of a loved one the last place I would tell you to go is to an online forum. Spend time with your family, enjoy the world around you, because while we are all getting worked up over plastic and polystone and all that, the world is passing us by. Truth be told the only reason Im on here most of the day is because 1. its cold as hell out, 2. i have no family here, and 3. my course work pretty much demands me sitting at a computer for the majority of the day.
Memnoch21 said:
Well my sympathies, and don't want to sound rude, but its not relevant. Hey, I understand you like the stuff, I understand if you don't but there's no need to reiterate your dislike and displeasure at every oppertunity. It seems more people are becoming more repeatedly vocal about their displeasure which brings out the defenders. And simply on a personal note, if you are trying to ease your mind after the passing of a loved one the last place I would tell you to go is to an online forum. Spend time with your family, enjoy the world around you, because while we are all getting worked up over plastic and polystone and all that, the world is passing us by. Truth be told the only reason Im on here most of the day is because 1. its cold as hell out, 2. i have no family here, and 3. my course work pretty much demands me sitting at a computer for the majority of the day.

Thanks for the advice... bye.
DarthNeil said:
Long term is great!!!... It's just hard to see Jedi Luke for around $40 and then the next year a $20 price hike for nameless Endor Trooper.

There are lot of business factors here too. You can't start a line too high and have it get off the ground. A lot of items have to start with lil profit to no profit and as the line grows increase the price to make a resonable profit. The problem for SS at first is this. Hasbro puts out 12" figure at around $20 and they seel very well. Now SS want to put out a well done 12" figure but can't do it for cheap. The question is how much can we charge. If start to high it never gets off the ground and its dead. Charge to little and you will be in the red for a long time. Start of with very little profit margin to get it off the ground and then over time slowly increase that profit margin to a reasonable profit margin. I am pretty sure SS makes less on the endor troopers per peice then Hasbro did on the 12" figures they made.

DarthNeil said:
Sorry... My mother-in-law just passed away and I'm dealing with some heavy stuff here (far away from our home) as I try and help my wife... I'm just posting here to unwind and get away from reality. I thought that's what these threads were for--- reaching out to a community of likeminded individuals.
Im sorry to hear that I'm glad we are here to help you vent some.
Quote Mfoga: Hasbro puts out 12" figure at around $20 and they seel very well. Now SS want to put out a well done 12" figure but can't do it for cheap.

But let's look at what Sideshow makes. The bodies they use are not new or differently made for Star Wars, so all we are paying for is the outfit, a new head and some weapons. The more a character has the more it will cost which is why the Endor troopers go for so much. But if your going to charge more for the figures then give us the ones we want. At my calculations there are 7 different Lukes they could make, 5 different Hans, 7 different Leias, 3 different Anakins, 3 different obi Wans, 3 different Vaders, and at least 10 different Padmes. That's a lot of figures to make, but if they were to make at least one each per year that's a lot to look forward to not counting characters like Chewie, Yoda, and the droids. So they have more than enough material to work from before giving us that-guy-that-stood-by-the -tree on Endor for $60.00, and stand alone chess tables for $50.00