Star Wars Chess Table!

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IrishJedi said:
Not me. I not only jumped off the completist bandwagon with the head-scratching Endor Rebel Troop figures... I catapulted off.

I was pretty much down with ordering this even though I thought that $40 was pushing it. But the revelation of it being $50 is producing yet another shocking dose of reality when it comes to this line.

This item at this price coupled with SSC claiming that a 1/6 Chewie or the Droids are not coming any time soon truly makes me wonder what is in the water there at Thousand Oaks. :confused:
as boring as the endor trooper were to me, i'd rather get one of them than spend the same amount for a chess table. just my 2 cents.

but a lot of people will buy anything they put out no matter the price.
Actually, The Most Boring SW 1/6 Figures Ever (this is their official name, you know :monkey5 ) were $60 a piece, making them close to $70/ea after shipping! :google
I'll still order this, but if there's no sign of Chewie, R2 or anything resembling a Millenium Falcon environment, I'll probably end up canceling it before it ships.
IrishJedi said:
Not me. I not only jumped off the completist bandwagon with the head-scratching Endor Rebel Troop figures... I catapulted off.

I was pretty much down with ordering this even though I thought that $40 was pushing it. But the revelation of it being $50 is producing yet another shocking dose of reality when it comes to this line.

This item at this price coupled with SSC claiming that a 1/6 Chewie or the Droids are not coming any time soon truly makes me wonder what is in the water there at Thousand Oaks. :confused:

The Endor Troopers caused me to rethink the completist philosophy that I had cultvated over time (I cancelled the set of three after ordering them on completist principle)--- now hearing about the price of this TABLE has got me really questioning what's happening with this once promising line.

I'm this close (imagine that my fingers are practically touching) to cancelling my ex. Bubo creature pack. I remember when 12" figs from the Bond line were a manageable $40 (US... I won't even get into the exchange rate and having this ex. shipped to Canada).

SS, if you're perusing these threads and come across my message please don't be like J.C. when the soothsayer told him to "beware the ides of March"... I buy pretty much everything in a line (just check out every fig/variant from HASBLO's ROTS 3 3/4 line that hang on my wall)--- the questionable pricing (that seems to be rising exponentially with every new release) has this SW fan rethinking his purchasing philosophy. That's not good. I love the 12" line. It's everything SW collecting should be and it gives me that nostalgic feeling I had so long ago... $50 US for a TABLE will wake me up from this day dream in a hurry. No ANH 12" figs announced yet, but when they do expect the line to rise in price to match the Medicom---
Yeah, I'm a completist so far, but this table is pushing me. I want it. I think it is cool and different. But $50 is ridicolious. I'd rather had to been all plastic and have the price be $25 or $30. Metal figures are not logical, clear plastic would have been just fine and Sideshow's excuse that they would have been too hard to cast is crap. They could have leased out Hasbro's factory for a day. I bet these critters are roughly the same size as some of the holograms that are currently being packed with the 3 3/4" figures. Polystone for the table isn't as bad, but plastic would have worked just fine as well.

I still think this piece is very cool, but the materials they are using that are raising the price isn't worth the price. Plastic works just fine.
We're happy to announce that the Sideshow Exclusive of our unique Dejarik Holochess Set expansion pack for our Star Wars 1:6th scale figure line will be Priority Pre-Ordering tomorrow, Friday, February 16th, 2007 at 10 AM PST. Made from real metal and high-quality polystone, this detailed piece, priced at $49.99, has never, to our knowledge, been offered to collectors in this fashion before! The Exclusive edition, featuring an extra creature with extended arms so you can recreate the body-slam from the movie, is sure to go fast, as there are only 1250 available worldwide.

Wow. A $50 accessory? I thought they were out of their minds when it was supposed to be $40. Then I found out the materials they were using on it and I thought the price was a little more reasonable.

But they are really pushing it with it this. I guess it will sell out though because they have realized that Star Wars collectors will buy anything.
rainman said:
But they are really pushing it with it this. I guess it will sell out though because they have realized that Star Wars collectors will buy anything.

Not this Star Wars collector.
I was gonna try and get this but now at $50 I'm not so sure. Its not like I consider this a definitive piece, the figures that go with this won't be out in the forseeable future and I'm not a fan of the fact the figures are pewter. I may preorder it and cancel later if necessary. After all I am one of the few people it seems that actually likes the Endor troopers.
BDarin73 said:
I was gonna try and get this but now at $50 I'm not so sure. Its not like I consider this a definitive piece, the figures that go with this won't be out in the forseeable future and I'm not a fan of the fact the figures are pewter. I may preorder it and cancel later if necessary. After all I am one of the few people it seems that actually likes the Endor troopers.

I like Nik Sant. But I'd prefer him in a Biker Scout disguise. :monkey4
Batty said:
Remember when Jedi Luke was $50? Ah, those were the days.

Well, now that SSC knows that lots of people will pay $70 for that same figure (and even say "thank you!" afterwards) those days are long gone.


Seriously, SW collectors are the most submissive lot of naive humans around. Give LFL and licensees an inch, and they'll take a mile... and the collectors are more than happy to let them.

I don't know, maybe it's me getting old (I turned 35 today) but I am personally tired of feeling exploited. I won't be buying anything that I know is overpriced ever again.
I liked the Endor guys. Thought they looked cool and where well priced. The table might be a tad high a $50 but if it's metal and poly sorry but that makes sense to me. Maybe some of you aren't used to buying polystone pieces but they don't come cheap and if it has metal too then it makes sense. I'm not one of these naive SW fans that will buy anything. I buy what I feel is worth MY dollar and so far everything in this line has been that. As far as this once promising line? What did I miss the freaking memo? Did something happen to this line? This lins is fine and selling well. I don't think anyone should be worrying about this line at all. I'm sure as hell not.
White metal/pewter minis are NOT cheap either. The only company I know of that offeres things similarly priced in white metal is GamesWorkshop. Their miniatures now top $10 per... unpainted. I would have liked this table to come in at $40, but I'll pay $50. It's a nice piece and could look interesting as a stand alone. The first thing I'll pass on is something EU that I don't like, but until then, anything from any movie that is worth it to me is a buy.
Did this thing have to be made of polystone and have metal figures? Couldn't they of made the actual table plastic and just made the pieces metal? that would of cost less, been easier to produce and sell more of 'em? First $60.00 for background figures, then nearly $50.00 for plastic animals that was not even seen in the movie, not a $50.00 chess set that is incomplete. Since when did Being a Star Wars fan translate into blind sheep?
jlcmsu said:
I liked the Endor guys. Thought they looked cool and where well priced. The table might be a tad high a $50 but if it's metal and poly sorry but that makes sense to me. Maybe some of you aren't used to buying polystone pieces but they don't come cheap and if it has metal too then it makes sense. I'm not one of these naive SW fans that will buy anything. I buy what I feel is worth MY dollar and so far everything in this line has been that. As far as this once promising line? What did I miss the freaking memo? Did something happen to this line? This lins is fine and selling well. I don't think anyone should be worrying about this line at all. I'm sure as hell not.

I think the line is fantastic--- you've missed my point. SS used to release 12" figs for $40... then it went to $50... now generic Endor Troopers that leave a lot to be desired are $60... You do realise don't you that when the 12" Vader is finally released he's going to be in the range of Medicom (or more) at $150 and every SW fan will be bending over saying "thank you sir--may I have another?" Everyone is entitled to an opinion. I stated mine--- this line is quickly spiralling towards where anything released will be priced ridiculously high--- and that'll kill off this line because as someone who has yet to win the lottery but does have a family and financial obligations I'll stop being interested. My opinion... I don't think I'm alone in this situation--- if I am, fine. Maybe the rest of this board is filled with millionaires or folks that use daddy's gold card without retribution.

$50 (US) for a table--- that pretty much says it all. I hope next month we'll get Obi-Wan's spitoon. That'll knock your socks off for the low low price of $75 (US).
I now fear the eventual 1/6 Scale Han in Carbonite. It'll probably be priced barely less than the 1:1 prop replica that was available a few years back.
chewblacca said:
Did this thing have to be made of polystone and have metal figures? Couldn't they of made the actual table plastic and just made the pieces metal? that would of cost less, been easier to produce and sell more of 'em? First $60.00 for background figures, then nearly $50.00 for plastic animals that was not even seen in the movie, not a $50.00 chess set that is incomplete. Since when did Being a Star Wars fan translate into blind sheep?

I say yes, yes it did. I don't want something done cheaply I want it done NICELY. Poly and metal will not only be very nice but also very durable. And how exactly is the chess set incomplete? It has the table, it has the pieces. If you don't like $60 "background" figures, don't buy them. But there goes most of the military line. Endor Troopers, Hoth Troopers, Stormies and Biker Scouts are all background troopers. If you don't like the plastic creatures, don't buy em. In the case of Bubo they were put in to add value and yes I'll admit, hike the price a bit more. Lastly, the chess set.. it was on film, it's being done for durability and is NOT in and of itself incomplete. It is only incomplete in the sense that you cannot recreate the scene from ANH this instant. Call me a blind sheep but I think SS is doing fine. Yes I question their decisions from time to time but at the same time, I let my credit card speak. I have ordered everything thus far and I have liked everything thus far.
Memnoch21 said:
I say yes, yes it did. I don't want something done cheaply I want it done NICELY. Poly and metal will not only be very nice but also very durable. And how exactly is the chess set incomplete? It has the table, it has the pieces. If you don't like $60 "background" figures, don't buy them. But there goes most of the military line. Endor Troopers, Hoth Troopers, Stormies and Biker Scouts are all background troopers. If you don't like the plastic creatures, don't buy em. In the case of Bubo they were put in to add value and yes I'll admit, hike the price a bit more. Lastly, the chess set.. it was on film, it's being done for durability and is NOT in and of itself incomplete. It is only incomplete in the sense that you cannot recreate the scene from ANH this instant. Call me a blind sheep but I think SS is doing fine. Yes I question their decisions from time to time but at the same time, I let my credit card speak. I have ordered everything thus far and I have liked everything thus far.

That's the great thing about the collecting community--- everyone is entitled to an opinion. By the way I saw the original (was it?...) SW chess table in Orlando at Disneyworld--- nice to look at it in the glass case all by itself. Am I willing to spend $50 (US) and then tack on shipping and custom fees to relive the moment in my office at home where I keep my collection? At this moment I'm not sure.

Also, I don't put the three stooges (Endor Troopers) in the same category as Stormtroopers or Scout Troopers--- but they'll probably be $100 (or more) a pop by the time they're released.