Star Wars Cantina 3

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Super Freak
May 25, 2016
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Hello, I'm no expert builder but I'm getting better and planning better. I started with a simple inbuilt a better one with the window filed correctly and lights next to it and even installed color changing remote leds. I made them to fit in my shelf system and converted one to a stand alone by covering the outside but....

I decided to make one as true to Scale as I could using a close size to the SS version which I've never seen in the movie.

This version would allow for the 1/6 to walk right in so to speak and was made as a stand alone from the start so the pieces fit better with no gaps and as you see in the photos I used strips to smooth out the look how I want it and in the end it will have texture over it so it's just a building technique I like.

I can't explain each photo except to say that it's obvious it's not done. The top is not nailed as moving forward I'll be trying out styrene sheets for the inner curve this time and it will be wired with leds with a remote again. I had planned to light the window lights but I'm not so sure I want to but it should end up with a wall plug and an easy remote and look very professional.

This time I'm looking to do the red and blue stripes.

Thanks for checking it out now and in the future.
So the other day I was going over different ways to do the interior. I wanted to do something different than I tried before.

I had no luck locating styrene so I decided to give plexi a try. I cut a 24" x 13 3/4" sheet. It's too short for the whole thing but I thought oh well it's actually better this way because I need a flat back wall behind the chairs anyway and with the plexi being so thin you'll never see the transition after it's textured. I did this last time just using different material but this time all my cuts are precise and put together with good construction.

What you will see next it that the apex or top center of the plexi will be screwed to a 13 3/4 long piece of wood making sure the center of the plexi stays centered and the circle keeps its shape and position and the sides will be attached to the sides in the same fashion to this rectangle pieces.

I'll carefully drill the plexi so the screws mainly passes by only interacting with the wood.

One plus is that due to the posts I used in each corner to mount the side panels it gave me a perfect attachment point for the pieces the plexi mounts to. I used glue and tiny nails and will be hidden with texture and the plus is if needed wires will fit nicely behind them.

Enjoy the progress if you watch.
wow look at that ! Looking great ! Cant wait to see more.

keep it comin
Looks like an epic start, can't wait to see where you go with this.
So I have a lot of pix but all the pix just to show how the curved plexi was installed to keeps its shape and believe me it's very important that not only it keeps its shape but is able to deal with the weight of the texture. It's true when I say this whole ceiling from materials to construction just happened as I went through my available options. There are likely better ones but in the end I think thesecwill stand up to the texture which is likely to be concrete with dye in it. Not the QuickCrete but something similar but thinner like stucco.

Another note is that the predrilling of the plexi is a must to avoid cracking but cracks will be covered so I like the predrilling for strength. So enjoy the pix. It actually took a while to get from the last step to here. I used as you see locktite so seal it on the sides but while the plexi moved albeit minimal it still flexes and this will seal and hold it in the future and as long as I'm not beating it keep it from cracking the texture. One it's sealed with texture I think it will harden in place and be fine but better safe.
The caulk is semi sloppy but not bad but I'm not putting in Windows and it gets covered by texture so I was not the neatest but it will be good.

So there are a few things to discuss. Texture and lighting. I've made a few of these now and while ok I want to really change it up.

So first thing we will talk about is the texture.

I have used in the past caulk to achieve the texture and look I wanted. That while easy to work with but at times annoying to sand actually produced decent results. This time I attempted to use spackle and while testing I came across premixed mini tubs of stucco. I always wanted to use stucco but they process of making and using it and the weight I thought it would have cancelled that for me until now.

A thin coat of this and I'm hooked. The look and feel are well, real so I'm excited to test my concrete color.

Here are the pix of how it will look.
Lighting this is a must. While in the film it was somewhat dark and dirty this version will be less dirty and you can always shut the lights.

So in the pix there are red LEDs but I'll be using brand new RGB so that I can have white and all the other colors available with it. It will dim and strobe I guess if there's a party.

In past editions I just glued the lights to the inside and it was done. Well in this more professional version I've thought of a better alternative and that is to carefully glue them LED side down above the plexi. In fact the use of plexi allows this to be possible. It is far better to do it this way and it keeps the interior clean and clear.

Now one thing that should be neat it how I'll apply the stucco to the plexi all the way up to the lights. I'm damn excited to see how this is going to appear more than how it will function because the function is apparent I just think it's going to look cool.

Another thing I'm doing this time around is using battery powered micro LED lights to light to 2 lights next to the window. I went through many options but feel this is the best idea. They will operate independently from the ceilings ng lighting which is great to allow a darker room if wanted or you can put the all on and dim the ceiling lights down.

I ordered the lights so once I have all the parts I'm going to see how I can mount it and possibly make it look like part of the building.

So here are some preliminary photos and I have to say this is starting to shape up as something better than I expected. If it turns out as good as I hope I'll make a few to sell. The price may be costly but in the end this is not a cheap junk box. I'm putting a lot of thought and effort to make this one of the best I've seen.

Now about that texturing....
Been a slow time since I'm waiting on the micro LEDs to figure out my next move but I was able to install the ceiling light strip. Glued it down then locktite sealed it over top. Next update should be more exciting.

Ok just got my micro leds and I have to say they seem amazing and I could see uses for them in many other areas. Just great to get for like $8. Hope they make them in other colors so I'll see. Need some for my Kylo Ren PF project.

I am now hunting for a better way to creat the window lights. I could do them like past editions but I may do my own spin on them. I'll keep them similar but with no effects shop I have to be smart. The old style looks fantastic but installing leds into tubing is not what I want for this high end creation.
Forgot to mention that my second Cantina seat and table set arrived and Han, Chewy and Luke are coming this week. Still no HT Obiwan so that stinks but one day.

I was not able to afford it yet. I set out to do Greedo but he's more costly than Han and Chewy from HT combined in most places. Just no way lol
It has been a very long time since my last post but for bad and good reason. Left to do is the piping and lighting. The stucco yes but these other 2 things are done first especially the lighting of the 2 window lights. I have to have them finished and marked before I can move on.

In the past I just used rubber tubing, magnets and finishing washers to imitate successfully the lights but with this project I could not do that because I want it to look better so I got acrylic tubing in 3/8 inch. Used a tube cutter very carefully and at first I started with the magnets but opted out and just used finishing washers to get the desired look. While not perfectly screen accurate it's pretty similar and will look great.

Since these will be lit I had to devise a way to do the lighting with the micro LEDs. Thankfully the wires are so thing you won't see them likely. I have not mounted them since they mount after the stucco but I need them finished for the drilling. I'll drill then stucco then drill again.

So here they are and keep in mind they are super glued and I will be polishing them via dremel tomorrow. Did a first set and they polished up nicely. Who said they need to be clean anyway this is the Cantina right. The lit up pic has glow effects but in person it's a point of light.

I'll mount the controller on back in a plastic box or something with access to the battery and likely make the push button easy to press for light control.

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