Star Ace Toys: 1:8 Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

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Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I haven't started legends yet, looking forward to binging on it real soon.

I don't know what it is...I'm just real excited to get figures of these characters. It's like the excitement I felt for MCU's avengers...but now those are a dime a dozen. I want more variety and these figures would do just the trick.

I just hope SA doesn't let me down.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Yeah the writers probably hit that a little too hard, but like with any other discrimination it's not enough just to say "hey we're all equal, end of story, let's not talk about this anymore." Not when there are still underlying issues and very real institutional biases that are holding people back and that have to be dealt with.
All fair points. Its just when people emphasize her gender while listing her accomplishments, its almost if they are saying "despite the fact that she is a girl", as if it was a handicap to be overcame.

Out of the 3 CW Berlanti shows, I think Flash has the most momentum (pun intended :p). I like the writing, it's got a good balance of fun action, as well as emotional scenes (although they're a bit cheesy at times). The first 2 seasons of Arrow were absolutely brilliant, but it's suffering from a lack of a strong villain, and the show seems a bit tired. I would attribute part of season 4's flaws to the set-up episodes that they did to lead up to Legends.

I don't think it's fair to compare Flash and Arrow, since Flash is a meta-human and there's simply more room to do creative things with him, with all the new abilities, meta-human antagonists, etc. However, the first 2 seasons of Arrow along with the Dark Knight trilogy, have all shown us that it's still possible to have a great superhero show without super powers, it just requires more effort.
And that's where I think Arrow has gone so wrong. It is tonally inconsistent. Look at the type of show Arrow started out as and look at it now. Its barely recognizeable. What started out as practically a television adaptation of The Dark Knight has devolved into Batman Forever. And they have had to seriously retcon some major plot points to (barely) make it work.

That combined with way too much focus on the Oliver/Felicity love plotline, which restarted from square 1 just as it was about to come to its conclusion. Nothing bothers me more on television than when two characters completely abandon a serious committed relationship (usually after a wedding is paid for) due to a relatively minor issue that in real life could be resolved with only a moderate amount of communication, understanding, and compromise. You know it is just in a desperate attempt to inject some drama.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I haven't seen any of the Supergirl show yet, however, I'm intrigued by the quotes about "I'm a girl" and "Because you're just a girl". I'm just generally curious if adult females would be offended if they were addressed as a "girl" rather than a "woman"? I know some guys would probably consider it an insult if they were addressed as "boy" or "son", as it somewhat belittles them. At what age would females start referring to themselves as a "woman" rather than a "girl"?

Funnily enough, they address that in the pilot :lol When Cat Grant names Supergirl "Supergirl", Kara mentions something about how shouldn't she be named Superwoman? And Cat responds with something that basically comes down to "What's wrong with being a "girl"?" Personally, I'm 26 and I still refer to myself as a "girl" over "woman", because.... I am a girl :lol I guess it depends on what you prefer individually, and maybe if you've had experience where "girl" has negative connotation versus "woman". I wouldn't be offended if someone addressed me as "girl" instead of "woman", but I would be offended if they addressed me as "girl" in a negative way ^ like I mentioned before. I think it just comes down to personal preference :)
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Using "girl" in everyday language is one thing, but I can understand how Kara might have a problem being officially named Supergirl by the media, and how it might sound a bit more dismissive or disparaging coming from them.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Funnily enough, they address that in the pilot :lol When Cat Grant names Supergirl "Supergirl", Kara mentions something about how shouldn't she be named Superwoman? And Cat responds with something that basically comes down to "What's wrong with being a "girl"?" Personally, I'm 26 and I still refer to myself as a "girl" over "woman", because.... I am a girl :lol I guess it depends on what you prefer individually, and maybe if you've had experience where "girl" has negative connotation versus "woman". I wouldn't be offended if someone addressed me as "girl" instead of "woman", but I would be offended if they addressed me as "girl" in a negative way ^ like I mentioned before. I think it just comes down to personal preference :)

Oh, I haven't had any experience with that, since I'm a guy. I was just wondering since normally guys would probably get really annoyed if they're addressed as a "boy". Then again, I suppose it could just be a male machismo sort of thing.

Back to the figures, though, I'm really glad Star Ace got the license to these, as I find them to be a very capable up-and-coming company who can become a serious contender in the sixth-scale market. I do hope they are generous and give us some options in terms of heads sculpts.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Add Superman to the list of wants in this line. In less than 30 minutes of screen time, I already love this Superman. Clearly a better interpretation of the character than the Snyderverse Superman.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

But that costume... ugh!

unfortunately a lot of the cw outfits come off as low budget.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

But that costume... ugh!

unfortunately a lot of the cw outfits come off as low budget.

Yeah - I hate the look of the shoulder 'pads'! The Supergirl costume looks great, but all the other CW costumes seem to be leather jackets... not a fan of them at all, with the exception of the last series GA costume (sleeveless) – shame the series was c***!
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm assuming Star Ace is working on prototypes because they made a number of license announcements and then radio silence. Would at least be nice to have an idea of the character line-up.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

I'm assuming Star Ace is working on prototypes because they made a number of license announcements and then radio silence. Would at least be nice to have an idea of the character line-up.

They didn't announce anything yet. I wouldn't assume anything at this point.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Wow just found out about this! Been watching The Flash on Netflix and I absolutely want Flash/Barry Allen, Reverse Flash, and Zoom! Star Ace does such a good job on Harry Potter so I know they'll do great here too! Just so thrilled to know this is happening.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Would be nice to see Superman. Kid Flash might be cool too. Costume ended up looking better than the promo shots.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Any official word on these? I know Darklord Dave gave a slight update on all the Tarentino stuff(that it's being pursued or whatever). What is the status of these DC show figures? I think those would be even bigger sellers, especially amongst the forumers here. I'd be down for(bare minimum) Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl and probably several others depending on who they are and how much they cost.

Suggestion: Reverse Flash with 3 head sculpts. The standard RF head and...heads of the other unmasked version(s):panic:
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Any official word on these? I know Darklord Dave gave a slight update on all the Tarentino stuff(that it's being pursued or whatever). What is the status of these DC show figures? I think those would be even bigger sellers, especially amongst the forumers here. I'd be down for(bare minimum) Flash, Arrow, and Supergirl and probably several others depending on who they are and how much they cost.

Suggestion: Reverse Flash with 3 head sculpts. The standard RF head and...heads of the other unmasked version(s):panic:

The status is null until an official announcement.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Anyone owns the threeq ranger (Arrow figure). Debating if I should get it or wait to see star ace promos.
Re: Star Ace Toys: Flash, Arrow, Supergirl, Legends of Tomorrow

Anyone owns the threeq ranger (Arrow figure). Debating if I should get it or wait to see star ace promos.

It's a good figure with a very impressive sculpt.

Spoiler Spoiler:

But Star Ace may do a later version of the suit.