Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

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Not a big Spidey fan, but this does look quiet interesting :lol

agreed. it's always nice when companies try to take a stab for a different take on a well-established character. imo, will still be a hit or miss. they could spruce up the graphics on the "amazing" spiderman dimension though. ugh! :google


And I have to agree with your earlier comment about the Web of Shadows game. That game exceeded my expections.

I'm looking forward to more updates with this new title. It has some big shoes to fill!
Web of Shadows had some of the worst voice-acting I've ever seen in a videogame.

And I've been playing videogames since 1985.

IMO, that ruined it. Totally.
Yeah it was pretty bad but.....

Gameplay > Voice acting

The VO's in this game already sound tons better from the little we've heard.
I'm just glad they're taking the Spider-Man video game series into a new direction that isn't just free-roaming, open world. As great as that was, it was being milked dry creativity-wise.
If I get to web people up and eat their brains in the zombie universe, I'll probably buy this.
So cool they got the guy from the 90's cartoon doing one of the Voices.
Due out in sept.

WonderCon: Early Look at Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions

Source:Edward Douglas
April 3, 2010

Before heading over to the Moscone Center on Friday for Day One of WonderCon, ComingSoon.net/SuperHeroHype were invited by our good friends at Activision to get an early preview of their new game "Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions," which is scheduled for release in September. Senior producer Meghan Morgan, Beenox's Creative Director Thomas Wilson and one of the senior programmers named Dennis were on-hand to give us a demo of an early build of the game and talks us through how it differs from previous "Spider-Man" games.

Written by Marvel Comics' Dan Slott, who has been one of the primary writers on the "Amazing Spider-Man" comic book since it was relaunched with "Brand New Day" a few years back, the principle of the game involves four very different takes on Spider-Man that each have their own look and feel and style of gameplay. Each incarnation of Spider-Man represents a very specific dimension where its main Spidey super-villain boss, their minions, the graphic style, props and gameplay interactions are all tailored specifically to it.

Essentially, the game will begin with an opening cut scene that acts as a framing sequence for the overall storyline in which an ancient artifact called the Tablet of Order and Chaos is broken into many pieces that are scattered throughout the four different universes, falling into the hands of that dimension's villain. This event ties together the respective Spider-Man of each universe who are then called upon to work together (but separate) in order to retrieve the piece of the artifact from a location in their dimension.

Besides the unique premise of being able to play four very different versions of Spider-Man, the game will get away from the open world design of "Web of Shadows," which involved a lot of "travel time" to get from one mission to the next. Instead, "Dimensions" is more of a level-based game where each of the four dimensions will have its own main boss who you'll encounter three times in different incarnations as the story progresses. We were told that they're working hard to build upon the relationship Spider-Man has with each villain in the comics. More on that below.

After the introduction, you'll have a chance to play the first level of one of the four dimensions, and once you've finished that, you can move onto one of the first levels of another dimension. Essentially, you'll be alternating through the four dimensions in whichever order you'd like and once you finish all four, you'll get another cut scene setting up the second leg of the storyline, and you'll move to level 2 of each dimension.

First, we were shown an early build of the "Amazing" dimension, which is basically the Spider-Man we know and love from the comics. Unlike "Web of Shadows," this level doesn't take place in New York City, but in a jungle environment--we wondered if it could possibly even be the Savage Land--and in this dimension/level, Spider-Man is trying to find Kraven the Hunter in the jungle, a twist on how Spider-Man is usually being hunted by Kraven. Despite the jungle setting, this level looked the closest to "Web of Shadows."

In the "Amazing" dimension, Spider-Man's fighting is very much web-based, and we were shown a bunch of examples of how his webbing is used, and we were told this will have a similar upgrade path to "Web" so that Spider-Man's power will evolve as he completes different challenges, giving him new ways of fighting bad guys the longer one plays. We were shown some of the boss battle between Spidey and Kraven in an arena surrounded by his minions, and one of the coolest new things we saw in this level was that at certain points, the game can switch into a first-person interactive sequence that's similar to the boxing game "Punch Out." When you earn enough hit points on the boss--and we're not sure if this is in each level or this particular level--the game cuts to a sequence where you see the opponent up close with Spider-Man's fists on either side ready to belt out some damage against him.

Based on the recently-introduced Marvel Comics series, the "Noir" dimension looks very cool, dark and shadowy, a very distinctive look not just for a "Spider-Man" game, but any video <nobr style="color: darkgreen; font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; font-family: Arial;" id="itxt_nobr_8_0">game </nobr>. We were told that this was an older and darker version of the character, and they had modified the costume from the comics, so that instead of wearing a long flowing trenchcoat, Spider-Man is wearing a dark vest. In this dimension, Spider-Man uses stealth to get around, trying his best to avoid being spotted by enemies before he can sneak up behind them and take them out. It's similar to the main gameplay of something like "Metal Gear Solid" or sections of "Batman: Arkham Asylum." Because Spider-Man's costume is mainly black and he's mainly moving around in shadows, there's an outline of light surrounding the character so that one can see him while he's melding into the shadows. We were actually surprised how well the different elements of the environment were able to translate into this almost completely black and white world.

We also were shown the start of one of the boss battles with that dimension's main baddie, Hammerhead - who hasn't yet been introduced in the Noir comics yet. In this level, Hammerhead is stationed at a giant gatling gun spraying bullets at our hero, and Noir Spidey has to navigate around the area in shadows to sneak up on the boss. We were told that each of the three levels for each dimension ends with Spider-Man facing that dimension's boss, but each time he fights them, they'll be in a different form, having been transformed by their possession of the tablet fragment. The tablet will give these villains different powers and make them stronger as the game goes on, which is a little different from normal games where you fight a lot of minions or underbosses and then finally face the big boss at the very end. This means you'll essentially face Kraven and Hammerhead (and the other two undisclosed bosses) three times in the game in different forms.

So far only the "Amazing" and "Noir" universes and their bosses have been announced, but one safely assume the other dimensions and bosses will be announced over the summer as Activision attends E3 and Comic-Con in San Diego. In the meantime, Spider-Man comic book and video game fans should have fun trying to guess what other dimensions they might go for, whether it's the 2099 or Ultimate universes or something completely mad like the Marvel Zombie universe, as one of those at the game demo suggested. Either way, each dimension will be very different and unique from the others both in look and gameplay, which should keep the game interesting.

Likewise, all four versions of Spider-Man will be voiced by a different actor, all of whom have voiced Spider-Man before. Christopher Daniel Barnes, who voiced the character in the beloved '90s animated show, has already been announced as voicing the Noir version of Spider-Man. We were also told that the <nobr style="color: darkgreen; font-weight: normal; font-size: 100%; font-family: Arial;" id="itxt_nobr_11_0">Nintendo </nobr> DS version of the game will have a similar four-dimension philosophy but include different villains for Spider-Man to fight.

It looks like Activision and Beenox are on their way to creating something truly special for Spider-Man fans that could be on par with "Batman: Arkham Asylum," in terms of bringing the comic character to game consoles while offering a lot more different types of gameplay than earlier games.

If you're at WonderCon on Saturday (today), you can check out the Activision panel at 3:30PM where they'll probably be showing more of the cool gameplay we watched. You can also watch the previously-released trailer below.
Source? Sites has nada.

I'm gonna go with Ultimate and 2099

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Casting Call

Two more Spider-Men are needed for the next game. Here are our picks.

by Greg Miller and Rich George

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<!-- END: latest media --> <!-- START: main article content --> <script>showUSloc=(checkLocale('uk')||checkLocale('au'));document.writeln(showUSloc ? 'US, ' : '');</script> April 5, 2010 - Last week, the spider-beans were spider-spilled. Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions is coming to a console near you and bringing with it a new take on webhead videogames. Rather than just cast you as Peter Parker in his red and blues, Shattered Dimensions is going to have you play as four different Spider-Men.

Drawing from the nearly 50-year history of Spider-Man, Shattered Dimensions will have players hopping between four different universes. That mean you're going to be four different Spider-Men from four different comic book worlds.

So far, we only know that you'll be playing in the "Amazing" universe (which is Spidey in his traditional costume with the traditional story we all know and love) and the "Noir" universe (which is a dark and gritty world set in the 1930s during the Great Depression), but there are two other universes that will round out the game. These unannounced dimensions will be different in terms of look and gameplay when compared to the already announced settings.

That's cool and all, but we want to know what fans are going to be swinging into later this year, and if Activision isn't telling, we're going to start pitching out our ideas. Below are five universes from Spidey books that we would looooooove to see brought to us in Shattered Dimensions. We'll tell you what that universe is about and why it would rock to play through it with the controller of your choice.

None of these are guaranteed to be in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions, but geeks like us can dream, can't we?

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<!--- end image div -->Oh, sweet ghost of Jean Grey, please let this one happen. If you missed it, Marvel got on the undead bandwagon in 2005 and let Robert Kirkman -- creator and writer of The Walking Dead series -- whip up a world where the zombie outbreak happened and it even infected superheroes. What transpired over the initial five-issue run was an unbelievably awesome world where these zombie heroes could still talk intelligently but had gaping wounds on their bodies, Black Panther was alive but missing limbs because Giant-Man has been nomming on him, and a team of undead heroes tore Silver Surfer apart and ate him alive.

Still, possibly the best moment was when the heroes were gathered together and Zombie Spider-Man broke down in tears over the fact that MJ was dead because he killed her and ate her.

This stuff needs to be in Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions. You figure, gameplay is going to be totally different from the other dimensions -- you're dealing with a character who is dead, so he's not moving all that quickly. On top of that, it's going to be a completely different visual because New York is destroyed and all the main characters look like they've been in severe car accidents and left to rot.

If Activision and Beenox are looking for stuff that is totally unique, Zombie Spider-Man has it in spades.

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<!--- end image div -->Dubbed as Marvel's "The Dark Knight Returns," Spider-Man: Reign was a more mature tale than most Spidey books on the market. Here, 30 years have passed and we find Peter Parker a broken down old man working a remedial job. New York City is a military state of sorts; crime is down, but a Big Brother-like police force known as "The Reign" runs the streets and beats people for fun. Through a series of events, Peter dons the Spider suit once again, but it's the emotional struggle -- he retired after the death of Mary Jane, an event he unknowingly caused because every kiss and intimate moment was actually dosing her with trace amounts of radiation -- that keeps this tale going.

Reign would be such a cool addition to Shattered Dimensions. In the comic, Mary Jane's ghost -- or at least the ghost in Peter's mind -- is there and guiding his actions. It would be rad to play the Reign part of Shattered Dimensions and have MJ there giving us objectives and guiding us toward the piece of tablet this old Peter Parker needs to find.

Sure, the gameplay would be slower here when compared to the "Amazing" universe, but if this was designed using Kaare Andrews' art style and featured a tenth of the storytelling found in the book, this would be a dimension that would be hard to top.
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions Casting Call

by Greg Miller and Rich George

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<!--- end image div -->Marvel's 1602 universe is certainly a more obscure concept in the grand scheme of comic book mythos, but it's one that could easily work in Shattered Dimensions with the proper application. If Beenox is looking for settings that inspire unique gameplay and visual stylings, this world would certainly provide that in spades.

1602 takes the concept of the Marvel Universe and fuses it with the Elizabethan Era of England (late 1500s, early 1600s -- go figure, look at the title). Many famous Marvel characters such as Nick Fury, Dr. Strange, Dr. Doom and Spider-Man were adapted in 2003 by writer Neil Gaiman and artist Andy Kubert for this eight-issue project, which eventually led to several spin-off books that expanded the lore. These expansions are actually what made us suspect 1602 would be an ideal target for Activision's new game, as Marvel recently dedicated a mini-series to that era's Spider-Man so that it could develop his solo adventures and re-imagine his rogues gallery.

In this world, Peter Parker (or Peter Parquagh) is an assistant to Sir Nicholas Fury, the head of Britain's intelligence agency. Though loyal to the spymaster's missions, Peter eventually finds himself following a path we're all familiar with as he is bitten by a spider and adopts a masked identity to save innocents with his new-found powers. What's interesting here to us is the concept of Peter as an agent of Fury. With the Noir setting adopting Arkham Asylum-esque stealth action, perhaps 1602 missions could take more of a detective gameplay style, with Peter tracking down clues and leads to defend the Queen from threats domestic and foreign.

What would excite us most about the 1602 setting, however, is the potential for a strikingly new visual interpretation of Spider-Man and his world. The original series was perhaps most notable for its bold visual styling, which saw Kubert's wildly imaginative universe then digitally painted by Richard Isanove. Take one look at some of the comic book art and you'll understand how wicked it would be to play a game with that visual dressing.

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<!--- end image div -->Yeah, yeah, yeah -- technically Spider-Girl isn't Spider-Man, but we're allowed to dream with this one, right? If you missed this series, you've missed a movement. Spider-Girl is actually May Parker, daughter of Spider-Man and Mary Jane. She's had a handful of series, and every time one is canceled or threatened to be canceled the fans freak out and save May's skin. May's powers are a lot like her dad's, but they're not exactly the same. She's more agile, but she needs to focus when wall crawling to stick to surfaces via her body's bio-magnetic field. Plenty of her villains, friends, and supporting cast in general are offspring of folks who appeared in the traditional Spider-Man universe.

At first glance, Spider-Girl might not offer enough gameplay differences for Activision and Beenox to seriously consider dropping her in as a counterpart to the Amazing universe, but the small differences in powers could lead to some really cool gameplay tweaks. Imagine being able to use May's magnetic field to fling enemies off the floor, the mini-game to focus her abilities in a frantic boss fight, and the implications of a change in agility. Toss in the grandson of J. Jonah Jameson, Normie Osborn, and a baby brother who has been involved with the Carnage symbiote, and you've got plenty of awesome hooks to draw players in.

In a lot of ways, Spider-Girl is totally the Spider-Man of another dimension, so we hope Mayday doesn't get looked over. She's sassy, funny, and different enough that she deserves a shot at videogame glory.

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<!--- end image div -->Though many alternate universes are quickly forgotten, Marvel's futuristic 2099 setting has lived on in the hearts and minds of fans, despite not having an extensive publishing agenda since the mid-'90s. One key to the success of the imprint was Peter David's Spider-Man 2099, a rather bold, dark interpretation of Spider-Man and one that only referenced Peter Parker as a legend of a brighter, more heroic age. If you ask us, 2099 is practically guaranteed to be one of the two remaining dimensions selected for Activision's Shattered Dimensions game. The setting is just too well-known, too iconic and too rich with potential to be ignored.

Set in the not-too-distant future, this era stars Miguel O'Hara as a geneticist who, after discovering his corporation is corrupt and being threatened by those in power, accidentally manipulates his genetic code to include spider-like abilities. What should set this universe apart from others, particularly from the standpoint of a videogame, is that Miguel's abilities are somewhat different than his predecessor. Though he still has spider-like strength and agility as well as organic web-shooters, this Spider-Man has no spider-sense. In its place are a variety of powers, ranging from enhanced vision and healing to fangs that contain a paralyzing venom. We'd love to see some vampire-like combos in the game. Make it happen, Beenox!

Visually we'd expect the differences here to be more environmental than anything else. Being set in the future should allow the developers to run wild with the cyberpunk motif, drastically changing up the vibe of the game during these levels. Enemies should also be an interesting source of inspiration, as well. Spider-Man 2099 features a wide array of original characters, but still features new interpretations of classic foes like Green Goblin and Venom. Needless to say, of all our ideas here, the 2099 universe is by far the easiest to adapt. We'd bet money Miguel O'Hara has a starring role in a videogame this fall.



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If 2099 makes its way into this game, it would be a dream come true. I can only hope at this point.

When is the revealing of the other two dimensions?
I liked Web of Shadows, it allowed Activision to break free of the Spidey movie games and tell their own story. Granted the game controls did leave some to be desired but they were still pretty good once you got the hang of things. And switching between the Black & Red suits was awesome. Best Spidey game since Spidey 2 in my opinion.

I'm looking forward to this, I'm interested to see the direction they'll go...I just hope Activision isn't rushing their developers like usual...that is what they ALWAYS do and you end up getting a game that could've been tweaked slightly for some of the various bugs.
Don't worry, i heard their was some ass chewing because of the last spider-man games. And they don't want repeat performances.

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick has come clean and admitted that the company's last five years of Spider-Man games have "sucked". Yes he actually said that.

Speaking to US mag Game Informer (via D'Toid), Kotick said, "Our Spider-Man games have sucked for the last five years," he said when talking about what he's seen in the quality control department from Blizzard. "They are bad games. They were poorly rated because they were bad games."
He added that, "We went away from what is Spider-Man. It's about web-slinging. If you don't do web-slinging, what is the fantasy of Spider-Man?"

<!--[bigpic]--> The games Kotick is talking about are Spider-Man: Web of Shadows, Spider-Man 3, Spider-Man: Friend or Foe, Spider-Man: Battle for New York, Ultimate Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2.

(SM2 AND USM were great though)
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