Sideshow 1/6 Jawa Figure Set

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The way i see it, and something i've witnessed before working for a toy retail chain, *maybe* Sideshow are trying to get a larger margin from one of their top seller licences to make for losses on other items. Pure speculation but the longer you are in the business larger your back stock gets. All those rebated items from multiple lines gotta weigh on finances and increasing pricing on potentially popular/best sellers items is an easy action to take.
The way i see it, and something i've witnessed before working for a toy retail chain, *maybe* Sideshow are trying to get a larger margin from one of their top seller licences to make for losses on other items. Pure speculation but the longer you are in the business larger your back stock gets. All those rebated items from multiple lines gotta weigh on finances and increasing pricing on potentially popular/best sellers items is an easy action to take.

This is good thinking, never crossed my mind. Very well could be possible.
If they were going to do that, though, I don't think they'd pick this release. Just not a neccessary enough character that is in the 'must own' category. Maybe their deal with Disney is not as good as HT's or they know that they won't get the numbers HT can get for their figures, in regards to run size. Just my impression, but I don't think SSC is padding the MSRP beyond whatever their regular margin is.
I wouldn't see that as an isolated action but more like a widespread strategy on multiple items/lines/licences. If nothing else, they gotta keep some sort of consistent pricing across their productions.
Seems like inflating the price across the board would only compound their problems with overstock , though. Maybe the run sizes are being cut to prevent overstock, so the price per unit has to increase as a result. We could speculate forever.
The way i see it, and something i've witnessed before working for a toy retail chain, *maybe* Sideshow are trying to get a larger margin from one of their top seller licences to make for losses on other items. Pure speculation but the longer you are in the business larger your back stock gets. All those rebated items from multiple lines gotta weigh on finances and increasing pricing on potentially popular/best sellers items is an easy action to take.

Interesting perspective? Ssc should have picked a more central figure then to pad the price with imo. Jawa is nice, but not a must have. They should have bundled power droid and stands then for their 219.99 asking price.
i understand peoples complaints about these. but it is what it is now. this is the price of our hobby. there is no alternative for guys like me. i buy this or i don't have them. SS knows this. plus, its their human sculpts that suck. those recent han and luke looks terrible. well, compared to HT. compared to anything else they are great. but then don't charge like HT and I wouldn't complain. I'm digging on these Jaws tho. pretty bad ass.
If someone wants to call me a name, they should just call me a fly or zookeeper, because I'm clearly attracted to other people's bull****.

this is the internet. BS is everywhere. you're always jumping on someones comments like you've been appointed the sheriff around here. i don't understand why you choose to disrespect people and lecture them just because you don't agree with them. if there ever was a troll around these boards, its most def you. i always see your name when there is a flame war. do you ever think you might be the problem?
i understand peoples complaints about these. but it is what it is now. this is the price of our hobby. there is no alternative for guys like me. i buy this or i don't have them. SS knows this. plus, its their human sculpts that suck. those recent han and luke looks terrible. well, compared to HT. compared to anything else they are great. but then don't charge like HT and I wouldn't complain. I'm digging on these Jaws tho. pretty bad ass.

:rock :goodpost:

this is the internet. BS is everywhere. you're always jumping on someones comments like you've been appointed the sheriff around here. i don't understand why you choose to disrespect people and lecture them just because you don't agree with them. if there ever was a troll around these boards, its most def you. i always see your name when there is a flame war. do you ever think you might be the problem?

:rock :rock :rock
I'm not getting why some are saying the fabric is wrong. Comparing it to the source material, the fabric used on the figures (which looks to be a custom weave with texture) seems to match the rough woven fabric of the original costumes.

The fabric on the original is a twill (aka duck or drill) weave. The same weave precisely as on a regular old pair of jeans, just much coarser because the fabric came from re-purposed blankets/throws. The fabric SSC have used is not a twill weave. I have some stuff here that matches the original very closely in scale - it insanely difficult to find something with the right pitch and weight.

Just not loving the fabric because of those crinkles (same issue with the SSC Tusken.)


And concerning Sideshow's price increases, these are some of the factors to consider...

Median income in United States:

2005 - $55,178
(2010 - $51,913)
2015 - $53,891

(about level)

Average yearly wages in China (manufacturing):

2005 - Y15,757
2015 - Y51,369

(increase of about 3.5X)

MSRP of best selling car in United States (Toyota Camry 4 dr):

2005 - $19,295
2015 - $22,970

(increase of about 20%)

Price of Sideshow 1/6 figure (directly comparable figures*):

2005 - $50 (Luke Jedi)
2015 - $240 (Luke X-Wing)

(increase of almost 5X)

*2015 headsculpt has noticeably improved paint apps.
i understand peoples complaints about these. but it is what it is now. this is the price of our hobby. there is no alternative for guys like me. i buy this or i don't have them. SS knows this. plus, its their human sculpts that suck. those recent han and luke looks terrible. well, compared to HT. compared to anything else they are great. but then don't charge like HT and I wouldn't complain. I'm digging on these Jaws tho. pretty bad ass.

I think tha th point a lot of us are trying to make.

I was a completist also but the price increase has chased me away, I have so much disposable income on non essential items and when a piece comes in above my tolerance I simply use that money on something else.
i understand peoples complaints about these. but it is what it is now. this is the price of our hobby. there is no alternative for guys like me. i buy this or i don't have them. SS knows this. plus, its their human sculpts that suck. those recent han and luke looks terrible. well, compared to HT. compared to anything else they are great. but then don't charge like HT and I wouldn't complain. I'm digging on these Jaws tho. pretty bad ass.

There are always alternatives.
The 1/6 line for me is now iconic items only, for everything else there is 1/12 scale. I'm sure Hasbro can put out a decent Jawa 2-pack.
Price of Sideshow 1/6 figure (directly comparable figures*):

2005 - $50 (Luke Jedi)
2015 - $240 (Luke X-Wing)

(increase of almost 5X)
Hmm, considering the 2015 figures are 10 times better than the 2010 figures, the price increasing by only 5 times is quite a bargain. Excellent point, TaliBane. I agree completely!
this is the internet. BS is everywhere. you're always jumping on someones comments like you've been appointed the sheriff around here. i don't understand why you choose to disrespect people and lecture them just because you don't agree with them. if there ever was a troll around these boards, its most def you. i always see your name when there is a flame war. do you ever think you might be the problem?

Hmm, considering the 2015 figures are 10 times better than the 2010 figures, the price increasing by only 5 times is quite a bargain. Excellent point, TaliBane. I agree completely!
In some respects I'd agree but I don't think Sideshow products seem quite as nice for the prices they ask. They do a good job on aliens, robots, and helmeted figures for the most part, but they still could use improvement on human characters as recent offerings like their Superman, Snake Plissken, Hoth Luke, and Hoth Han have proven. Even some of the tailoring on their outfits doesn't seem the greatest.

Also just going off of the few years I've been collecting it seems like Sideshow has began pricing their stuff higher more rapidly, especially since last year. At first when I started collecting (around 2012) their stuff was pretty regularly under $200, but now they seem to be pushing the over $200 barrier often, especially with Star Wars. Maybe some of it is licensing but they definitely seem to have taken a pretty sharp turn and frankly while I don't think their products are awful I don't know if they're worth the prices they're charging.
Hmm, considering the 2015 figures are 10 times better than the 2010 figures, the price increasing by only 5 times is quite a bargain. Excellent point, TaliBane. I agree completely!

Would not say Luke hoth and Han 10 times better. Also anh Ben still holds his own pretty well today.
Greedo, bossk, hammer head, emporer, sand troopers, and tusken raider were all nice figures under 100.00. So not a real argument to justify even more than double the price. They were not all bad like Luke bespin.