Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (12/16/16) *SPOILERS*

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Can you guys believe that Vader....freaking Vader is back up on the charts on the # 1 spot as a super ass kicking villain!

You have to give it to Disney/Kennedy/Edwards for that accomplishment after the whole "NOOO" thing FROM LUCAS brought Vader down to laughter material.
Actually, we're both wrong, it was the Phantom Menace. Whoops.

Curse you both for making me go full SW super-nerd. You're STILL both wrong. Coruscant first appeared in 1997's ROTJ SE:


Actually, we're both wrong, it was the Phantom Menace. Whoops.
In ROTJ, originally Vader and Palpatine were going to fight with Luke and Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda at the Emperors lava lair, so we kind of got that multiple combatants thing between those characers in ROTS.

Rogue One also has stormtroopers that look like they're straight from the original Ralph Mcquairie illustrations which I love. We got those beach front battles for both Rogue One and ROTS. Also that crystal Jyn had around her neck along with the Jedi planet go back as far as Lucas' 70s drafts from "The Star Wars". I think everything from that weird protector/journal of the whills/adventures of Luke Starkiller to Revenge of the Jedi have been covered. Might not have got Luke Starkiller, but we got a Starkiller in TFA. Might not have had a Wookiee planet in the 80s for ROTJ but we got it in ROTS. Stuff like that I love.[/QUOTE]

I can respect that point of view. There was a Star Wars Insider issue a while back that highlighted all the things from Lucas' original drafts from the 70's that made it into all the prequels. There was actually kind of a lot, even little things like Obi-Wan being suspended in those Force binder things when interrogated by Dooku. Originally it was a different character under different circumstances being incarcerated but on that level alone it was still neat to see certain nuggets of original ideas finally given life on the big screen, even if the end result was problematic to say the least.
Actually, we're both wrong, it was the Phantom Menace. Whoops.

In ROTJ, originally Vader and Palpatine were going to fight with Luke and Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda at the Emperors lava lair, so we kind of got that multiple combatants thing between those characers in ROTS.

Rogue One also has stormtroopers that look like they're straight from the original Ralph Mcquairie illustrations which I love. We got those beach front battles for both Rogue One and ROTS. Also that crystal Jyn had around her neck along with the Jedi planet go back as far as Lucas' 70s drafts from "The Star Wars". I think everything from that weird protector/journal of the whills/adventures of Luke Starkiller to Revenge of the Jedi have been covered. Might not have got Luke Starkiller, but we got a Starkiller in TFA. Might not have had a Wookiee planet in the 80s for ROTJ but we got it in ROTS.

Holy crap i'm losing it, that's how much I care about the PT LOL
Actually, we're both wrong, it was the Phantom Menace. Whoops.

In ROTJ, originally Vader and Palpatine were going to fight with Luke and Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda at the Emperors lava lair, so we kind of got that multiple combatants thing between those characers in ROTS.

Rogue One also has stormtroopers that look like they're straight from the original Ralph Mcquairie illustrations which I love. We got those beach front battles for both Rogue One and ROTS. Also that crystal Jyn had around her neck along with the Jedi planet go back as far as Lucas' 70s drafts from "The Star Wars". I think everything from that weird protector/journal of the whills/adventures of Luke Starkiller to Revenge of the Jedi have been covered. Might not have got Luke Starkiller, but we got a Starkiller in TFA. Might not have had a Wookiee planet in the 80s for ROTJ but we got it in ROTS.

Technically, we saw it first in the ROTJ Special Edition.

Ooops Khev beat me, damn these lathargic fingers!
What about the guy Vader interrogated before getting to Leia? He said they were on a diplomatic mission. Why lie to the guy who was chasing you a few hours/days ago?

Leia coached the crew as to what their "story" would be prior to being captured. Because if the captain fessed up and said "Yeah, we just high tailed it out of Scariff with your precious plans...b**tch" to Vader I can't imagine that things would have gone any better for him. :lol
Curse you both for making me go full SW super-nerd. You're STILL both wrong. Coruscant first appeared in 1997's ROTJ SE:


In ROTJ, originally Vader and Palpatine were going to fight with Luke and Force ghosts of Obi-Wan and Yoda at the Emperors lava lair, so we kind of got that multiple combatants thing between those characers in ROTS.

Rogue One also has stormtroopers that look like they're straight from the original Ralph Mcquairie illustrations which I love. We got those beach front battles for both Rogue One and ROTS. Also that crystal Jyn had around her neck along with the Jedi planet go back as far as Lucas' 70s drafts from "The Star Wars". I think everything from that weird protector/journal of the whills/adventures of Luke Starkiller to Revenge of the Jedi have been covered. Might not have got Luke Starkiller, but we got a Starkiller in TFA. Might not have had a Wookiee planet in the 80s for ROTJ but we got it in ROTS. Stuff like that I love.

I can respect that point of view. There was a Star Wars Insider issue a while back that highlighted all the things from Lucas' original drafts from the 70's that made it into all the prequels. There was actually kind of a lot, even little things like Obi-Wan being suspended in those Force binder things when interrogated by Dooku. Originally it was a different character under different circumstances being incarcerated but on that level alone it was still neat to see certain nuggets of original ideas finally given life on the big screen, even if the end result was problematic to say the least.[/QUOTE]


Can you guys believe that Vader....freaking Vader is back up on the charts on the # 1 spot as a super ass kicking villain!

You have to give it to Disney/Kennedy/Edwards for that accomplishment after the whole "NOOO" thing FROM LUCAS brought Vader down to laughter material.

Loved seeing Vader like that. My only head scratching moment was that this flowed right into a new hope, yet the light saber battle with Obi Wan was very lackluster. Like watching 2 90 year old asthmatic men fighting.
Loved seeing Vader like that. My only head scratching moment was that this flowed right into a new hope, yet the light saber battle with Obi Wan was very lackluster. Like watching 2 90 year old asthmatic men fighting.

I'm still having a hard time with the transition to ANH because Vader says "Don't act so surprised your highness, you weren't on any mercy mission this time" and the whole "you are part of the rebel alliance and a traitor!"

No **** sherlock you just chased her from a war zone involving the rebels, of course she wasn't on a mercy mission.

There's a few bits of dialogue in ANH that have newly become points of special interest...

''We intercepted no transmissions. This is a consular ship...on a diplomatic mission''
''If this is a consular ship where is the ambassador?''
''Darth Vader, only you could be so bold. The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this, when they hear you've attacked a diplomatic-''
''I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan''
''Holding her is dangerous. If word of this gets out it could generate sympathy for the rebellion in the senate''
''I have traced the rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base''
''Send a distress signal, then inform the senate that all aboard were killed''

Maybe if they'd had Leia escaping on some other ship and leave us to assume that she later transfers to the Tantive IV - like bank robbers changing their escape vehicle?
Just, Rogue One really leaves no room for plausible deniability that I can see.
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There's a few bits of dialogue in ANH that have newly become points of special interest...

''We intercepted no transmissions. This is a consular ship...on a diplomatic mission''
''If this is a consular ship where is the ambassador?''
''Darth Vader, only you could be so bold. The Imperial Senate will not sit still for this, when they hear you've attacked a diplomatic-''
''I don't know what you're talking about. I'm a member of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Alderaan''
''Holding her is dangerous. If word of this gets out it could generate sympathy for the rebellion in the senate''
''I have traced the rebel spies to her. Now she is my only link to finding their secret base''
''Send a distress signal, then inform the senate that all aboard were killed''

Maybe if they'd had Leia escaping on some other ship and leave us to assume that she later transfers to the Tantive IV - like bank robbers changing their escape vehicle?

The wacky part a-dev is that one can actually read those lines, plus the ones I already mentioned, and make them fit with RO.

I guess it all comes down to how one interprets the adversarial word game they got going on against each other.

It's really wacked, one can choose to say it doesn't match up and I would respect that viewpoint while also agreeing with those that say they do match up.
The wacky part a-dev is that one can actually read those lines, plus the ones I already mentioned, and make them fit with RO.

I guess it all comes down to how one interprets the adversarial word game they got going on against each other.

It's really wacked, one can choose to say it doesn't match up and I would respect that viewpoint while also agreeing with those that say they do match up.

I love the sense of urgency and desperation RO created. I love that Vader was within a few feet of reacquiring the plans and saw them just slip away on the escaping ship. I love the idea that the pursuit that opens ANH began right there at the end of RO.

I want to hear every rationalisation that enables the two films to match up. The battle in Rogue One and how it all played out was too cool to write off. I need them to fit.
I want to hear every rationalisation that enables the two films to match up. The battle in Rogue One and how it all played out was too cool to write off. I need them to fit.

For me the plausible deniability in Leia's story works because there literally was no other option. She simply could not tell the truth, no matter how obvious her mission was. They'd just watched the Empire obliterate an entire base of their own very loyal men. What chance did members of the actual Rebellion have who confessed to their crimes?

I did notice that during the RO space battle that the film did make a point to show us that there were other Tantive-class corvettes zipping around. Maybe it was a common enough ship that Leia's only prayer was that the Empire wasn't able to make note of the markings on her specific ship during the chaos when she escaped. Thus she couldn't break character, even for a second, and had to come off all defiant and pissed that Vader had the gall to capture the wrong ship.

Of course he didn't buy it for a second even when the plans weren't found on her ship. That's how certain he was that he was on the right track. No one paused and thought, "hmm, if the plans aren't here then maybe..." He instantly went to "Then the plans must be in the escape pod. Get it." No doubt in his mind.
Just got to go with it or just enjoy Rogue One for what it is and not worry about the continuity. Every franchise is like this Jye. Atleast the time line in the 8 movies aren't as bad as the X-Men or Terminator franchises. :lol

Want something else to drive you nuts? The Death Star plans data disc that is delivered at the end of Rogue One to Leia doesn't look the same as the one shown in ANH when she feeds it into R2! :panic:

They have lightspeed travel and planet-sized space stations but it's "relay race with ginormous floppy disc" when it comes to sending data.:lol

This was always an issue with the SW universe but RO made it all the more obvious.
For me the plausible deniability in Leia's story works because there literally was no other option. She simply could not tell the truth, no matter how obvious her mission was. They'd just watched the Empire obliterate an entire base of their own very loyal men. What chance did members of the actual Rebellion have who confessed to their crimes?

I did notice that during the RO space battle that the film did make a point to show us that there were other Tantive-class corvettes zipping around. Maybe it was a common enough ship that Leia's only prayer was that the Empire wasn't able to make note of the markings on her specific ship during the chaos when she escaped. Thus she couldn't break character, even for a second, and had to come off all defiant and pissed that Vader had the gall to capture the wrong ship.

Of course he didn't buy it for a second even when the plans weren't found on her ship. That's how certain he was that he was on the right track. No one paused and thought, "hmm, if the plans aren't here then maybe..." He instantly went to "Then the plans must be in the escape pod. Get it." No doubt in his mind.

True true...he wasn't aware that Leia was onboard that specific ship that dropped and took off, if they didn't see any markings he could've just hijacked one on a diplomatic mission.

Yay, Khev did it...Khev did it! :fest

They have lightspeed travel and planet-sized space stations but it's "relay race with ginormous floppy disc" when it comes to sending data.:lol

This was always an issue with the SW universe but RO made it all the more obvious.

Hence why I love SW and only like Star Trek.