RICEaRONI's Capital Wasteland Customs

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That Ledger sculpt looks extremely creepy. Not in a bad way. The way how you can clearly see how bang on the eyes are.

I'd imagine as you progress more that will look extremely lifelike.

It reminds me that scene when he arrives in the elevator looking for Harvey as he is walking about.

Well that makes me feel good as thats the exact scene I was going for. you know "you remind me of my father..." :naughty

The Vader repaint looks pretty cool :cool:

Yeah I would never have thought it would be so hard to get those "sith eyes" to look just right. Ill eventually go back and repaint him

Man for your first repaint you're doing good job! The eyes on that last obi wan looks good!

yeah I went ahead and restarted on him, the eyes look pretty spot on now. I've definitely gotten better. :banana
OK.....I think I am finally going to lay off this guy for a good while. Maybe once I get better I will pick him up again and give him another go, but for now I am going to say I'm done with him.

Outdoor with natural sunlight and Indoor with regular light.

Sixth Finished Paint job
Obi-Wan Kenobi, Revenge of the Sith
Sculpt by PaulCarson







Thanks for checking it out
Last edited:
Well here's my latest WIP
Chris Howe's Licky Joker sculpt
Paint job: Post "road duel" pre "batman just beat the crap out of me"

"when the chips are down....these civilized people....they'll eat eachother..."

please ignore the tongue i just painted it that color as a placeholder. :gun




I have a quick question, why didn't you put any green in the hair? Did you just not feel like, not want to, or just make a funky haired joker for your own personal touch?
I have a quick question, why didn't you put any green in the hair? Did you just not feel like, not want to, or just make a funky haired joker for your own personal touch?

Hey mate thx for the reply

as far as the green in the hair, i felt like representing the scenes that I based the paintjobs off of as accurately as possible. in the interrogation scene Heath had barely any green left in his hair if any at all, it had been washed out by all the sweat. at that point in the film it was pretty much just his bleached hair.
i was going for this look here

and for my party crasher paintjob green has been added since those pictures were taken :woo
You need more practice man.

Thanks man, for my seventh paint job while never having picked up a paintbrush in my entire life I would like to think I'm pretty decent and better than a lot of other people in the world. But I would love to check out some of your customs sometime.... maybe you can teach me?
Thanks man, for my seventh paint job while never having picked up a paintbrush in my entire life I would like to think I'm pretty decent and better than a lot of other people in the world. But I would love to check out some of your customs sometime.... maybe you can teach me?

I dont paint.I guess you didnt like my comment.I just told you what I felt about your customs...:huh
I dont paint.I guess you didnt like my comment.I just told you what I felt about your customs...:huh

i fully accept criticism, i actually like it because it helps me know what I'm doing wrong or what people think looks better, but you saying "you need practice" doesn't help me at all. I know i need practice, ive been painting for a month MAYBE. constructive criticism though bro :peace
I can't think of any "constructive criticism" because I don't really paint. But they're looking good so far. Keep at it! :chew

I should really have a go at doing some custom paint ups but I'm a lazy person! :lol

Leave it to masters! :cool:

PsychoCenobite :monkey5
for a beginner painter they're looking good, but there is room for improvement (as there is with anyone)

I think the skin tone is a bit too light, expecially around the eye, the eyes also look a bit too white.

I'd also suggest practise with the drips/smudges from the eye makeup

But other than that, it's looking good so far =]