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What sculpts has this odell person recast?

Ppl need to know especially the people who create the sculpts

I hate seeing Q on ebay selling madbug myers sculpt and 2 or 3 beto sculpts

Sux so bad

All I know is that Odell re aster the Dexter sculpt and was selling here as the real thing
You accidentally bought one?? LOL
That is the excuse EVERYONE uses when it comes to buying a recast. You think everyone popping up with Walter White's isn't a recast? You accidentally bought one.....LMAO

Yes I did, and it is not an excuse. If it were an excuse, why would I admit it publicly on the forums? I never bought a Trevor Grove head before nor was I aware that you were a recaster at the time. You even made it sound like it was the real deal by saying you had one extra. I found out it was a fake when ppl here told me the original HS was white not flesh colored.
Regardless of who CodyH is... if that is the eBay account then he is selling recasts and will be banned for that alone. Although the suspicion of it yet again being Odell is likely right.
You accidentally bought one?? LOL
That is the excuse EVERYONE uses when it comes to buying a recast. You think everyone popping up with Walter White's isn't a recast? You accidentally bought one.....LMAO

Dude EVERYONE talks about how bad the freaks are when it comes to TROLLS and customs. Let's see....Denny Kim already stated about not posting on here because of constant thread comments about their work.....Rainman's threads are the most popular to get issues started. The only good thing about the site is grabbing good quality work from certain artists. Oh and why was I trying to buy clothing as well??? I guess so I can recast clothing
Whatever.....have fun with the troll ur thing as always.

As for you wanting clothing, that's simple. You want it either for your collection or to purchase and resell it for later. Getting clothing isn't a good alibi. Heck, Q sells clothing to go with his recast heads. Not saying you would intend to buy the clothing to sell recast heads, but you buying clothing wouldn't rule you out as a recaster.
Ok looks like its him from the response but don’t see the big deal really.
I know thats not good form round here but I don’t have a problem buying a recast if its cheap and good quality.
Started off buying diver recasts and some are very good.
I have one on my taxi driver and am quite happy with it.
Can’t understand the snobbery and elitism with the high end figures.
If the prices were more affordable to start with there would be no need to recastfor profit.
Havn’t got a problem with this guy whoever he is making money for offeting a product people seem to want and are happy with.
When you say "I was ripped off"
Because it was recast?
Poor quality?
You got no item?
Paid too much?
If the quality is good and a reasonable price fair enough.
As long as you know what your buying is a recast and not overlypriced as an original.
If your talking 40 pound for a rainman dude then thats too much imo.
Just my 2 cents.
I don’t recast and buy genuine and recasted sculpts depending what I can afford and what is available as do many hear knowlingly or not.
If that means some people will not sell to me in the future so be it.
Think I’ve had it with customs for a while.
More important things in life.
Great artists great work.
Useless dramas.
Said what has been on my mind for a long time but feared the backlash not bothered anymore.

I guess you must understand the difference between a mass produced product made by a factory and a small run product (usually under 50) that is created by an individual to earn some money? I also assume you must understand the basic economics involved in being able to offer products at a lower cost through higher production?

With this in mind what you are saying is that, for example, you spend a large amount of time creating something, crafting it into something perfect then selling it onto a few people - perhaps you have even chosen to make a limited number of these so that the customer feels like they have something really special - and then someone comes along, sticks your finely crafted piece of art into a mold and makes copies from it so that he can make money from your work. (Of course he will be cheaper, no time or effort has been put into this piece on his part so he CAN undersell the creator. ) So your saying, if this happened to you - and somebody stole your product and made money from it, therefore stealing your customers you would be perfectly fine about it?

You are cool to go to work and let someone take credit for the work you have done and get half of your salary?

This is not backlash, I am honestly confused at the logic, or lack of morality you are using and am interested in how your mind works
I don't know that we need to get into a discussion of ethics here, as it has been had many times in the past on the forum. But I will sum it up for those unfamiliar with it all--some will argue that if you are already doing a sculpture of an unlicensed character then you are no better than a recaster, and they will use this essentially as justification for creating or buying recasts. The admin and many on this forum don't agree, and do share sdabb's concerns about what this kind of behavior means for custom artists, and how it can turn them off to producing and selling products. Some think it is OK to recast official items but not custom ones for whatever reason, but forum policy is that they are both unacceptable, and that's something I subscribe to. Of course, some people just don't care either way, and will pay for sculpts they want, irrespective of who might be harmed in the process. The behavior of buying up recasts is something that is generally frowned on because it reinforces recaster behavior, but that's a personal decision, and we don't advocate witch hunts and calling people out for doing this.
The thing is about recasts , is what I hate , when you are being sold a recast saying it is original.
But then paying the same price.
But people tend to get angry when the word recast is mentioned.
But there are so many version of recast that people don't turn there nose up at.
Like downloading music , downloading games and films or torrent sites that is also recasting.
Also are the sculptors no the recasters to begin with?
Using a persons face without permission and paying royalties that Is recasting.
So really the sculptor has no right to the sculpt to begin with.
I hate recasts as the quality is bad.
But I must admit when I was into model kits I had bought a recast terminator without knowing , I then came across the original and the recast was cast so much better than the original.

Also don't forget people buying from babygq on eBay don't even know originals existed.
Just one of those things that can't be avoided , like watches and clothing.

If people are being sold a recast head for let's say half of the original price and being told it is a recast then let them.
But if they are being sold recast and being told they are original that is the part I hate.

If it was not for recasts then slot of people would not be into this hobby to begin with.
As the heads and other things are not exactly well advertised and people don't even know about these forums.
So the better thing to do is not sell them as limited releases and just open runs of the item.

Again I don't own or paint recasts I'm just saying people need to calm down and stop getting so angry over it all.
As it is only a hobby to be enjoyed and loved.
Just don't buy from the recasters.

I'm sure everybody has be burnt by recasts in one way or another including myself.
Just live and learn , also if producers done a certificate with there limited heads that would also help a lot .
Recasting, technically, is just making casts from a mold, and is not necessarily a bad thing. What we are talking about is more "counterfeiting" via recast, which is equivalent to downloading music you don't own via torrent. The claim of hypocrisy when someone says it is OK to use someone's likeness without permission but not OK to do unauthorized recasts of someone's work is something some people seem to generally believe, but many more simply use as justification for their own behavior detrimental to the forum and custom collecting hobby. The implicit forum policy is that original, unauthorized sculpts are acceptable, and actually encouraged, as it is the basis for the hobby of custom collecting, and is actually something Hot Toys and Sideshow themselves are guilty of doing.
That's if people buying are even aware of the certificate... it may help at least protect informed buyers, but not everyone is informed and I'm sure a certificate can also be forged.

The reality is that recasting will continue no matter what we do, but we make the attempt to let people know who to avoid and prevent them from acquiring or selling items on the board.
The reality is that recasting will continue no matter what we do, but we make the attempt to let people know who to avoid and prevent them from acquiring or selling items on the board.

Counterfeiting of items is the second oldest profession. It isn't ever going away.
Can I say this? There have been many discussions about recasters on here. Enough to make a billy goat puke. Bottom line is....yea, it sucks, and if this dude is a recaster....get him off of here! That's the topic of discussion.
Yes I did, and it is not an excuse. If it were an excuse, why would I admit it publicly on the forums? I never bought a Trevor Grove head before nor was I aware that you were a recaster at the time. You even made it sound like it was the real deal by saying you had one extra. I found out it was a fake when ppl here told me the original HS was white not flesh colored.

Now you just got caught in a LIE.....the original Dexter was in gray not white. Just stop trolling
Also perhaps a colour in the resin too.

But the main problem is when they are painted and don't come with a certificate whom is to know?
I would rather pay a few £/€/$ more to have a nice box and certificate with my sculpt
Makes it more precious when it arrives. , well to me it does anyway.
Even the cian head sculpt boxes I love too.
Also a few years ago I released a resin model kit that got recast and I found out that people wanted to hunt down the original more as it was in lime green resin. , in a nice box and with a certificate.
And a model kit I done in 25 limited editions and I sold for £90.00 one sold a year ago for about £435.00:clap

I guess a majority are uneducated in various ways.
As I'm not ashamed to say I bought a recast but I did not know.
And the fact I found the original could be bought cheaper from the producer made me even more angry.
As a few months ago when I got into 1/6 scale I bought a recast head
And did not know until I started visiting the 1/6 section as I just lurked nap out the statue and video game section.
I then knew it vas a recast so painted it and gave it away.
My sole intention of this thread was to make you all aware of CodyH/Odell/bcunning and to steer clear of him.

:lol Your defense is... why did you (try to) buy clothes as well? Dude! Anyone remotely familiar with you as of late knows you collect 1/6th as well as recast it. Get real man you're a snake, a ****ty one at that. Why don't you recast Trinity? Well, because it's not a premiere sculpt people are eager to get. :lol Also, I sell them on eBay and warn of recasters in my listing.

Sean, the address I was requested to send the sculpt was..

Billy Young
Beavercreek OH 45440

So that makes sense he would use that email, Billy seems to be an alias of his. Glad I was able to stop him from getting the sculpt. I will sell it to a trusted member now. It's obvious to me, CodyH is Odell. Ban him and spread the word of bcunning being a recaster.
We need to let Sean know... this guy was on the list to get his sheriff belt and colt. I would hate to see that masterpiece recasted and being offered on the bay as "original".
We need to let Sean know... this guy was on the list to get his sheriff belt and colt. I would hate to see that masterpiece recasted and being offered on the bay as "original".

Good shout! Let Hector know he'll sort that out
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