Quentin Tarantino's 'Django Unchained'

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Costner had a scheduling conflict? What did he have to do, go grocery shopping?

I prefer Russell too. Glad to see him join the cast.

This is what they're saying:

The film's backers spin it this way: Costner's schedule didn't allow him to keep the role. (He's also playing Jonathan Kent -- Clark Kent's human father -- in "Man of Steel." He's also in pre-production on TV series "Hatfields and McCoys.")
Looks like Don Johnson will be in the movie and Gordon-Levitt might be as well:

You gotta hand it to Quentin Tarantino. Nobody knows how to perfectly select a mix of rising newcomers, veteran actors and dudes people just plain forgot about, and with this bit of news, we’re surprised the collaboration hasn’t happened already.

Don Johnson—yes, James Crockett—is the latest to join “Django Unchained” reports Variety. Apparently, it took four months to land the actor whose carefully considered screen roles lately have included parts in “Bucky Larson: Born to Be a Star,” “When in Rome” and playing Grandpa Whitey in something called “Glenn Martin DDS.” But of course, Johnson also had a role in Robert Rodriguez‘s “Machete” so he’s no stranger to the kind of pulp world QT dabbles in and enjoys. We’d gather his hesitation might be due to the nature of the part.

While his exact character in “Django Unchained” hasn’t been disclosed, the remaining roles aren’t exactly nice guy parts. He’s either one of the redneck Brittle Brothers, the outlaws who sold off Django and Broomhilda (that’s our guess), or possibly slave owner Spencer “Big Daddy” Bennett (though we think that part has gone to Gerald McRaney).

Either way, it seems QT has been working the DVDs of his fave ‘80s shows pretty hard. Still a few roles left to go, most importantly, that of Broomhilda, Django’s wife who sets the story in motion. Jamie Foxx, Leonardo DiCaprio Christoph Waltz, Samuel L Jackson, Dennis Christopher, Kurt Russell, Laura Cayouette and M.C. Gainey round out the cast. “Django Unchained” arrives on Christmas Day 2012.

Joseph Gordon-Levitt is in talks to join Quentin Tarantino’s Django Unchained (check out the already awesome cast). His schedule is tight but having Premium Rush moved from a January to August 2012 release should help, as Tarantino intends to start shooting Django in New Orleans in January, when Gordon-Levitt would have been busy doing Rush press. With this film, plus Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight Rises and Steven Spielberg’s Lincoln coming up, Gordon-Levitt shouldn’t be too discouraged if he doesn’t manage to build the momentum necessary for a 50/50 Oscar nomination. He’s just getting started.
Kerry Washington cast as Broomhilda:

While Quentin Tarantino has spent the last few months filling out the supporting roles in his newest film, Django Unchained, with names like Kurt Russell, M.C. Gainey, Don Johnson, Gerald McRaney, Dennis Christopher, and possible Tom Savini and Joseph Gordon-Levitt, one major part has gone un-cast: the part of Django's wife, Broomhilda. While a few months back there was a report that Tarantino was interested in Kerry Washington for the role, there hasn't been any substantial news on that front since. That is, until today.

Deadline reports that after more than four months, Tarantino has gotten his wish and has cast Washington in Django Unchained's lead female role. The casting process took so long because the director was thinking about filling the part with an unknown actress, but eventually decided to go with the established name. The film's plot revolves around an escaped slave named Django (Jamie Foxx) who teams up with a German bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz) to rescue his wife from the evil plantation owner, Calvin Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio). Samuel L. Jackson is also in the movie as a house slave loyal to Candie. The movie is scheduled to start production later this year and is scheduled to be released on December 25, 2012.

Quentin Tarantino has always been known to write strong characters for women, so Broomhilda is one that I am quite curious in. From the logline it would seem that she basically plays the damsel in distress for the entire movie, but that's not exactly the filmmaker's style. It will be interesting to see what Washington and Tarantino can come up with together.
The only news I've heard recently is:

- Joseph Gordon-Levitt is supposedly meant to be playing one of two Australian brothers along with Anthony LaPaglia.

- Sacha Baron Cohen is playing 'Scotty Harmony' who wants to buy Django's wife from Calvin Candie (DiCaprio).

- Tarantino apparently wants to incorporate Lady Gaga into the film in some capacity.

- And rumor was that they started filming just before Christmas, and have been on a break since then.

I'd assume that production will be in full swing next month once DiCaprio finishes filming The Great Gatsby.
Filming on Quentin Tarantino‘s Django Unchained is gearing up and actor Garrett Dillahunt has the TwitPics to prove it. The film has been described as a “southern”: a spaghetti western set in the Old South. Jamie Foxx stars a Django, an escaped slave who goes to rescue his wife (Kerry Washington) from a sadistic plantation owner (Leonardo DiCaprio) by teaming up with a bounty hunter (Christoph Waltz). As you can see from the photos, the Santa Clarita Melody Ranch looks like the set of a western town, which makes sense since it’s the same set from HBO’s sorely-missed western drama Deadwood, which also stars Dillahunt (in two different roles!). Tarantino recently told the LA Times, “It’s a blast shooting here. Most other western towns look like dollhouses. This has the complete look. It’s fantastic.”



I'm really looking forward to this! It should be great! Just seeing that set is awesome to begin with! :lol :rock
The Deadwood set? I heard it got destroyed years back?

Regardless though, this is going to be another Taratino masterpiece...it's about Leo is working with T as well :yess: