Prometheus Engineer Maquette

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If box office and Blu Ray sales proclaim any given products' virtue, what about Adam Sandler? This guy is still making movies, he is selling disks and for some reason people still go to the theatre [evidently] to see his films. Does this make said films "good"?

Lots of people went to see the Schumacher Batman films. Are they "good"?

Think carefully before you answer because this is a really slippery slope. Although I think heeding Collectorcol's request would also be... good.

Adam Sandlers movies get rubbish reviews, Prometheus is sitting at 73% via critic reviews.

Can I just talk for a second here, in a respectful way, you make this statement above in bold, but all you keep saying is that Prometheus is failed because "you" didn't like it, and your ignoring and tearing down the people who do like it.

Wow, WRONG!!!!

I have said nothing in here about Prometheus "failing," I really don't have to get into that even because the movie's track record is what it is. This has been more than discussed elsewhere and I am not going there in this thread.

Second, please post where I have "torn down" anyone in this thread for liking the film. WRONG, and I do not appreciate this false allegation. I have went OUT of my way to avoid provocation here. I am looking up above and I am not seeing a thing.

If anyone has been "ignored," this is because that person is one of the most tenacious users of ad-hominem insults and outright lies on the entire Sideshow Collectors site, who simply, never, ever EVER stops arguing when he has been crossed. Note that "crossed" = "does not agree with him." That's all you have to do. [one wonders how he would behave if actually provoked!] I am not tolerating this, although I would be well within my rights to defend myself from completely unwarranted attacks.

not trying to argue or be disrespectful. I just want to point that out. All we ask is please respect others who enjoy and love Prometheus.

I despise unwarranted attacks because I happen to hold a differing opinion. People EARN my respect by interesting conversation, not with never-ending ad-hominem attacks. I am not saying your post is an attack, the guilty party well knows who they are. Its just ridiculous to be flaming people who have the temerity to disagree with you, and if you have more to say on this subject please take it to PM. This whole thing is quite off-topic and the flames have been fanned enough.

Nice maquette! Too bad it does not have a better pose.
Can I just talk for a second here, in a respectful way, you make this statement above in bold, but all you keep saying is that Prometheus is failed because "you" didn't like it, and your ignoring and tearing down the people who do like it. I am sure there are movies you love, that I dont like or your friends dont like. We all just have our own opinions. But when you & Nothingface recently have made statements about Prometheus, you made it sound like your opinions are the "religious fervor" that you state you despise.

not trying to argue or be disrespectful. I just want to point that out. All we ask is please respect others who enjoy and love Prometheus. If you don't like it, thats fine. I have no problem with people not liking a movie that I like. Just please realize that this is "your" opinion only, you don't talk for everyone who has seen Prometheus, and this goes for any movie for that matter. If you like or dislike something, thats just your 1 individual opinion.

And I ask for is a little courtesy that its something we enjoy. If Nothingface likes TMNT, thats fine with me. I have no desire to say he's wrong or TMNT is bad, or got into Turtle threads and start bashing it. Why? because I dont have an opinion since im not into it. No reason for me to do so. Im not a bully. I respect that he likes it. If its something he enjoys, thats awesome. there are millions of Turtle fans all over the world, thats a great thing. You all have every right to enjoy it as we all should with any movie, toy, game, etc...We are here to have fun, we collect for enjoyment, we see movies for enjoyment. Some we love, some we don't. But its just all our individual opinion.

And say i did go into a TMNT thread and starting hating on it, if your a fan of it, you would feel like we feel. Its not great coming into a thread that you enjoy something, and all you read is hate by people who have no interest or care for that particular movie or toy. There is no reason to do that. Seeking out threads you have no interest in. Why even do that?

And if you do then please think about other people's feeling as well instead of just coming across that only your opinion matters. thats all i ask.

I can see that man and at least you're respectful in your comment, unlike that other dude who peppers insults in and out. I just never take these things seriously. It's a free country. You can come and go in any thread and give an opinion. If I like something and you don't I'm not gonna get bent outa shape. My day won't be ruined if you don't like ______. But, just wanted to say I appreciate what you wrote.
Wow, WRONG!!!!

I have said nothing in here about Prometheus "failing," I really don't have to get into that even because the movie's track record is what it is. This has been more than discussed elsewhere and I am not going there in this thread.

Second, please post where I have "torn down" anyone in this thread for liking the film. WRONG, and I do not appreciate this false allegation. I have went OUT of my way to avoid provocation here. I am looking up above and I am not seeing a thing.

If anyone has been "ignored," this is because that person is one of the most tenacious users of ad-hominem insults and outright lies on the entire Sideshow Collectors site, who simply, never, ever EVER stops arguing when he has been crossed. Note that "crossed" = "does not agree with him." That's all you have to do. [one wonders how he would behave if actually provoked!] I am not tolerating this, although I would be well within my rights to defend myself from completely unwarranted attacks.

I despise unwarranted attacks because I happen to hold a differing opinion. People EARN my respect by interesting conversation, not with never-ending ad-hominem attacks. I am not saying your post is an attack, the guilty party well knows who they are. Its just ridiculous to be flaming people who have the temerity to disagree with you, and if you have more to say on this subject please take it to PM. This whole thing is quite off-topic and the flames have been fanned enough.

Nice maquette! Too bad it does not have a better pose.

I probably wasnt clear but i also meant to refer to all the other Prometheus threads on this site where you and others got into it with very malicious attacks on each other. You clearly expressed you dont like the movie in other Prometheus threads, not just this one, and thats fine, but you and others keep arguing and arguing about it to the point of insulting each other gets pretty nasty. And a lot of times you claimed the movie made no sense, but when people who love the movie asked why doesnt make sense to you, you never really gave an answer other than just saying their were plot holes, but no specifics were given which I am more than happy to discuss if you feel there are plot holes and for the most part i think i can point out that there arent as many plot holes as you think. Most of us can agree there is some poor character development and actions by some of the 2nd and 3rd level characters were odd, but i think most of us can agree Noomi, David, Charlie, Weyland and Vickers are solid characters with excellent character development. With a huge emphasis on Noomi IMO was AMAZING!!!!!

So us Prometheus fans are now in this thread about the maquette, and of course the movie gets discussed because it has to do with the film. If people think threads about toys and statues from films arent going to discuss the films, then I think thats kind of wrong. We should be free to discuss stuff. Its not like we are talking about the TV show Glee in a Prometheus thread. We are talking about Prometheus.

You said you despise unwarranted attacks, and i dont blame you because its awful when it happens, but you have to admit you have given them to. I went back to read a lot of the other Prometheus threads, and yes people attacked you, but you also attacked them.

So i am more than happy to discuss why you do or dont like Prometheus, we can certainly do that without attacking each other. If you feel there are holes, tell us what those holes are. Maybe we can clarify things or maybe not. But if you dont want to discuss it anymore, thats fine.

And I might be replying to you here, and i dont mean to point you out, this is for anyone, like Nothingface too, or anyone who wants to discuss the film.

I try not to care too much about what others think of films, because i know its your own opinions. But i think we can all admit when someone trashes something we love, we tend to try to defend it. Its tough to do on the internet because we feel like certain things feel more aggressive than they probably would be if we talked in person in a group sitting around. So if my words come out as aggressive here, I do apologize. :)
So us Prometheus fans are now in this thread about the maquette, and of course the movie gets discussed because it has to do with the film. If people think threads about toys and statues from films arent going to discuss the films, then I think thats kind of wrong. We should be free to discuss stuff. Its not like we are talking about the TV show Glee in a Prometheus thread.
There's a huge clue in the title of this section 'Statues, Props' Kits, Etc.'
If I want to read page after page of people arguing about each others opinion, which is pretty pathetic as an opinion is just that, I would go the the relevant movie discussion section.

Life is too short to trawl through all this BS when trying to follow a thread designated to the production of a statue.
this thread is depressing lol page after page, people rightfully criticizing the ballerina engineer & knocking the movie down. It makes me & the other three people who actually POed him to shy away from expressing how excited we are for getting him :p
this thread is depressing lol page after page, people rightfully criticizing the ballerina engineer & knocking the movie down. It makes me & the other three people who actually POed him to shy away of expressing how excited we are for getting him :p

I want to order him big time just don't have the extra money right now. :(
Morphosis please stop trying to drag the prometheus fight from a year ago (!!!) Into the props and statues forum. If i wanted to still be beating that dead horse i would be over there in the Movies forum waling on it. No thanks.

Everyone in here was calmly discussing this maquette until a certain someone showed up. Please drop this now and dont bring it up again or i will not be seeing your posts either. I am not re-fighting that fight. I cant be any plainer than that.... i am asking you nicely to stop.
this thread is depressing lol page after page, people rightfully criticizing the ballerina engineer & knocking the movie down. It makes me & the other three people who actually POed him to shy away of expressing how excited we are for getting him :p

Sorry Hemoo. That honestly was not my intention.... his pose was just a surprise to me. Now THAT is a museum pose.... maybe a little too museum. But the important thing is that purchasers like the figure.
make it 4 people :D

You are already included with the three :D

I want to order him big time just don't have the extra money right now. :(

I bet the reg will be in stock for a while, plenty of time to save up :)

Sorry Hemoo. That honestly was not my intention.... his pose was just a surprise to me. Now THAT is a museum pose.... maybe a little too museum. But the important thing is that purchasers like the figure.

No worries, I didn't mean specific people, just general friendly observation :)
If anyone has been "ignored," this is because that person is one of the most tenacious users of ad-hominem insults and outright lies on the entire Sideshow Collectors site, who simply, never, ever EVER stops arguing when he has been crossed. Note that "crossed" = "does not agree with him." That's all you have to do. [one wonders how he would behave if actually provoked!] I am not tolerating this, although I would be well within my rights to defend myself from completely unwarranted attacks.
I'd just like everyone to know that this, what I've quoted right here, is all a blatant lie.

I have never, ever had an issue with anyone disliking the movie. The only issue I have ever had is when people contribute nothing but needless bashing. I do not lie. I make it a goal to never lie. I do not attack or insult anyone for having a different opinion.

Ramatuelle trolled the Prometheus movie thread for about half a year, has over 130 posts in that thread starting fights with anyone who enjoyed the film, bashing the film repeatedly, and insulting like crazy. Why on earth does someone who disliked the movie so much need that many posts in the thread? Ask yourself that. She even resulted to calling me a "woman hater" because I called her out on her BS.

Everything in the portion of her post that I've quoted is a perfect description of herself, not me.
There's a huge clue in the title of this section 'Statues, Props' Kits, Etc.'
If I want to read page after page of people arguing about each others opinion, which is pretty pathetic as an opinion is just that, I would go the the relevant movie discussion section.

Life is too short to trawl through all this BS when trying to follow a thread designated to the production of a statue.

So we should just read every 2 months this thread pops up up about how bad this statue sucks? Because that's basically what it is otherwise.

C'mon man, if people want to talk about the movie in the thread that's fine, completely fine.

Although I do agree with Larja Thwie, Prom bashers don't do it very well, they come across like the folk that say "George Lucas ruined Star Wars for me forever therefore I'll bash this movie into oblivion and make sure everyone knows about it"
Have you read the last few pages? It's like a car crash.

Heated movie discussion, which inevitably turn into personal insults, have no place in a 'STATUE' forum imo.
There is a movie section you know?
Have you read the last few pages? It's like a car crash.

Heated movie discussion, which inevitably turn into personal insults, have no place in a 'STATUE' forum imo.
There is a movie section you know?

It's just that one person really taking it waayy too far. There was a sane conversation happening until someone just couldn't help remind us about how this movie ruined their life.

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