Official Rob Zombie "HALLOWEEN 2" Thread - SPOLIERS

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The thing that bothers me most about these new Myers films isn't so much the contrast between the subtle and artful take Carpenter took and the hammering-over-the-head approach Zombie is taking since they're two completely different perspectives, but the aesthetic of Michael. I guess this is why I have such apprehensions about this hobo-version for the sequel.
That crabby Mask reminds me of why I disliked so many of those Myers sequels, his appearance just couldn't match the original. There's so much about that blank face with those specific contours (shatner heh) that the sequels just couldn't match except for part II. They look like cheap halloween masks (i know that's what they're supposed to be within the film) but it takes away from the sort of uncanny or 'can't really pinpoint it' weirdness of the shatner repaint.

This new mask is just that much worse, it's so in your face with the supposed grittiness that I just can't be as creeped out by him as the original. The rest of the grittiness is fine I suppose, but he aesthetic has a lot to do with Michael's effectiveness.

Agreed. They completely caught lightning in a bottle with the Shatner mask.
I first watched the original halloween as a kid , in the 70s ,and because of seeing it so young, Ive always thought of it as the scariest film Ive seen.

It is also my favourite horror film, but I did enjoy the new version, and Im glad they made it different, but it lacked the suspense of the original.

(mind you if I was watching it at 7 years old it would probably be pretty terrifying too..)
my thing is that this movie didn't do suspense for me at all. It didn't scare me at all. I just thought it sucked and then to add on that it was supposed to be Michael Myers I was pissed :lol
my thing is that this movie didn't do suspense for me at all. It didn't scare me at all. I just thought it sucked and then to add on that it was supposed to be Michael Myers I was pissed :lol

Fully agree the original was creepy as hell this was not scary at all i've been more scared watching TMNT :rotfl
Fully agree the original was creepy as hell this was not scary at all i've been more scared watching TMNT :rotfl

:lol :lol :lol I still say that the ppl who did the Friday The 13th movie and Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies should have done the remake of Halloween. Now he's less scarier than Leatherface :lol
Agreed. They completely caught lightning in a bottle with the Shatner mask.

It's still so amusing that one of the coolest character designs in the history of film, at least to me, is base on William Shatner and isn't Star Trek related :lol It is the classic mask though, and I'd give anything to see more collectibles accurrately capture the look.
I really don't see why a person is aloud to grow up to be really tall and big and being a psychopathic killer. He was a big boned kid, so him growing up to be a big dude was completely alright in my book. I was just waiting for him to snap and just murder everyone. The film was dark and dripped with atmosphere.

I can understand how some people aren't into RZ,I haven't even seen Devil's Rejects. But I can't understand all the bashing in this thread that is meant to discuss it and be excited over the new sequel. Which is on my top 3 films this year that has me super excited. Don't hate, appreciate.
I really don't see why a person is aloud to grow up to be really tall and big and being a psychopathic killer. He was a big boned kid, so him growing up to be a big dude was completely alright in my book. I was just waiting for him to snap and just murder everyone. The film was dark and dripped with atmosphere.

I can understand how some people aren't into RZ,I haven't even seen Devil's Rejects. But I can't understand all the bashing in this thread that is meant to discuss it and be excited over the new sequel. Which is on my top 3 films this year that has me super excited. Don't hate, appreciate.

I hear ya. I'm not so much protective of the carpenter movies, which were the first to really solidify the film elements that would be later used, popularized, and then over-used in the horror slasher genre, but concerned about my own enjoyment of the newer films. It's so hard to enjoy something that has been done perfectly already. And Zombie should expect nothing but comparisons, after all he's re-using and 're-inventing' an infamous horror character that changed the genre.

I really truly enjoyed the House of a 1000 corpses and the Devil's Rejects. They were unique films that utilized a lot of really cool aspects of old slasher flicks. They created the grit that only comes off somewhat disingenuously in the Halloween remake, but that's because although they were familiar, I really hadn't met the Fireflys before, at least in this fashion. Myers, I have met before and he was a lot more interesting the first time around unfortunately.
I can understand how some people aren't into RZ,I haven't even seen Devil's Rejects. But I can't understand all the bashing in this thread that is meant to discuss it and be excited over the new sequel. Which is on my top 3 films this year that has me super excited. Don't hate, appreciate.

It's a discussion thread, not an appreciation thread.

I will be the first to admit that I want very badly to love RZ Halloween 2. I hope it blows be away. I just have realistic expectations, having been incredibly disappointed with his first try.

I also don't at all think his heart is in H2. He said without a shadow of a doubt that he would never do a sequel, and lo and behold, here he is. What changed? I am thinking money and the fact that he was made to do this in order to get T-Rex off the ground.
I also don't at all think his heart is in H2. He said without a shadow of a doubt that he would never do a sequel, and lo and behold, here he is. What changed? I am thinking money and the fact that he was made to do this in order to get T-Rex off the ground.

Yep milking it for cash i do hope it's good though but won't be holding my breath.
It's a discussion thread, not an appreciation thread.

I will be the first to admit that I want very badly to love RZ Halloween 2. I hope it blows be away. I just have realistic expectations, having been incredibly disappointed with his first try.

I agree. I'd love to be surprised by Part 2. If word of mouth is good I might check it out in the theater.
It's a discussion thread, not an appreciation thread.

I will be the first to admit that I want very badly to love RZ Halloween 2. I hope it blows be away. I just have realistic expectations, having been incredibly disappointed with his first try.

I also don't at all think his heart is in H2. He said without a shadow of a doubt that he would never do a sequel, and lo and behold, here he is. What changed? I am thinking money and the fact that he was made to do this in order to get T-Rex off the ground.

I dunno, when I see a Halloween 2 thread, I suspect to come in here and discuss it with other fans. Not have to defend the movie from trolls and make arguments as to why I liked and why I think it's good. Too many people poisoning the well in this thread.
I dunno, when I see a Halloween 2 thread, I suspect to come in here and discuss it with other fans. Not have to defend the movie from trolls and make arguments as to why I liked and why I think it's good. Too many people poisoning the well in this thread.

I'm sooo glad you said something, I actually enjoyed the first movie and I hope to enjoy this one.:D
I dunno, when I see a Halloween 2 thread, I suspect to come in here and discuss it with other fans. Not have to defend the movie from trolls and make arguments as to why I liked and why I think it's good. Too many people poisoning the well in this thread.

I am the biggest fan of the Halloween franchise you will ever speak to. Just because I state my opinion and defend it with reasons of why I feel the way I do, I am on no way, shape or form a troll. These threads turn negative as soon as the discussion stops and the name-calling starts. I think I clearly stated that I understand the film has its fans and that is fine...I am just not one of them.

If you get upset at seeing opinions other than your own, start an official RZ Halloween appreciation thread. I can promise I won't be commenting there.

If not, please feel free to comment on why you love RZ Halloween so much. I would love to read what you have to say, as I welcome discussion and debate. :duff:
Man, may not care after seeing the movie, but MEZCO appears to have the license this time, if I like the movie and designs, I'd like if NECA could do a figure again.
I am also one of the biggest Halloween fans out there. I was disappointed with RZ's Halloween, that being said I'm glad the franchise is still alive. If you want Carpenter's story continued check out the comics currently published by Devil's Due Comics. Great story and great art.

But I'm looking forward to H2, it at least looks diffrent. The mom visions could cause further alienation of Halloween fans.
I am also one of the biggest Halloween fans out there. I was disappointed with RZ's Halloween, that being said I'm glad the franchise is still alive. If you want Carpenter's story continued check out the comics currently published by Devil's Due Comics. Great story and great art.

But I'm looking forward to H2, it at least looks diffrent. The mom visions could cause further alienation of Halloween fans.

Meh, I'm willing to take any liberties as they come, truly. It's just that it'll be hard for me to separate it from Carpenter's films because...well it's friggin Michael Myers. As I've said before the comparison will be inevitable, but that's why I can watch it on two different levels, on one level taking it as a separate film from a different auteur and enjoying it (or not) for what it is, and on another holding it up to that ridiculous standard set by Carpenter.
Meh, I'm willing to take any liberties as they come, truly. It's just that it'll be hard for me to separate it from Carpenter's films because...well it's friggin Michael Myers. As I've said before the comparison will be inevitable, but that's why I can watch it on two different levels, on one level taking it as a separate film from a different auteur and enjoying it (or not) for what it is, and on another holding it up to that ridiculous standard set by Carpenter.

I agree. I'm a huge fan of HALLOWEEN as well, yet I really love Zombie's version. I love horror remakes in general. I just plain love ALL horror really. I look at them as campfire tales. One guy says, "I heard from my sister's boyfriend's older brother...." and he tells a story. The next guy says, "I've heard that one, but not like that". He tells his version and so on. The details are different here and there, but it's the same tale. Visually they're different because each person pictures it differently in their head as they're hearing it/telling it. To me it's ALL the story of Michael Myers and the HALLOWEEN characters, told around a campfire. I think the only remake I didn't care for was Dawn of the Dead. Nothing to do with the departure from Romero's film, I just can't stand this new notion of zombies as hyper-fast, insane cavemen. Wrether it's due to physical decay or the fact that oxygen deprivation has left them basically retarded, zombies are slow, sloppy and clumbsy. Period.

And as far as the visions of Deborah, let's see it before we fling crap at it. Michael Myers does have a mind afterall, ##cked up as it may be. What's wrong with showing what might be in there? There's no precident for it, so it can't really step on any pervious lore. And as far as her seeming to be evil now, well, it's in Michael's head. And he is totally evil and insane. He hasn't seen his mother in nearly 20 years. It doesn't surprise me that he would have an incredibly warped and convoluded memory of what she was like.
Yeah man, I'm open to whatever Zombie has to offer. I'm neither blindly accepting nor fanboy nitpicking about it. But, to use your metaphor, it's just going to be hard to follow up the first campfire stories!

As far as Dawn of the Dead goes, I enjoyed it quite a bit, but yes the hyper-fast zombies is irritating, but for me it's more in regards to political or social commentary.

Romero's movies are all social commentaries, and there's something lost when the speed of the zombies had so much to do with the message. I suppose now it's more 'relevant' to have faster zombies, but they're less of the sort of populist threat of the originals. If the original zombies were the populist horde, the undead and buried of society's repressed unconscious, then the new zombies I guess are zealotry, rabid and unyielding but not a collective. You could get past the old zombies if they were individual, but their strength came from their sheer mob terror. In the new ones, one fast one gets you, you're done.