Official "Ridley Scott's Prometheus" Discussion Thread (Spoilers)

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Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

I want to see Aliens vs Aliens in this one. It would be cool to see what happened to the "Space Jockey" aliens.

I'll settle for a good movie...period. A movie that actually features a good story, competent directing, and quality acting. After the last two steaming piles of dog crap I think Fox owes us that.....but I'm not optimistic. :rolleyes:
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Read an interesting bit of news over at the asylum; it seems Fox is saying that unless Ridley himself sits on the director's chair, they are not willing to go ahead with the remake/reboot/prequel of Alien. Source is said to be EW.

I'm not sure how I feel about that...
Scott doesn't seem to have the edge anymore, he seems to be somewhat past his prime. Besides, I wonder if Scott would want to do it anyway. Along with Blade Runner this is the film that cemented his career, why mess with it? Much easier to let someone else take the risk. If it turns out crap, well, he wasn't the director, if it turns out great, of course! Ridley was involved! On the other hand, it could be interpreted as a move by Fox to say "we don't want to do this", because they know Scott won't agree to do it himself...

EDIT: Here's the link,,20283385,00.html
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Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

The whole thing seems like a screwy mess, is information being leaked or something because there are so many different reports, it doesn't seem like anything is firmly in place for this project.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

If Ridley does it...good. If he doesnt and the project gets scrapped....good. I want this done RIGHT or not at all.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

If Ridley does it...good. If he doesnt and the project gets scrapped....good. I want this done RIGHT or not at all.

yep. I think Ridley could do this well.
To be honest though at the moment I would rather the series be left alone.
I like the mystery behind the space jockey , makes the story more compelling.

As for a remake. :monkey4
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

I'm sick of all these bad Alien movies. I and 2 are great and the rest should be flushed away. I know some like Alien 3 but it sucks. It never should have been made and a new set of charcters and story should have come. Fox had a great chance when the master film maker James Carmeron wanted to do two movies back in 2003. Instead they went with AVP and the director was Oh yeah that clown. As a huge fan I say only a great movie this time. Wait 2 years and bring back Cameron. He loves Alien and I bet would come back with a great movie or two. If Scott isn't jumping on this than I bet he is scared he will fell.
I would say to S Weaver to blank off. Now that she is older and needs and wants a new Alien movie well she should have looked ahead back in 92 when she wanted to end it with that crap fest. Whats sad to me is David Fincher I would welcome back and I'm sure could make a great Alien movie. It's all about story and one thing they seem to not get is MAKE IT SCARY. I hope the movie gets made and I bet Fox knows they need a way better effort next time. Scott himself has said for years he wants to do it. Well bring it on.
It would be nice to get to sculpt a new Alien also.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien 3 is underrated, and is the most emotional of all of them. Sure, you may hate the characters, but Ripley is a tragic character.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien 3 is underrated, and is the most emotional of all of them. Sure, you may hate the characters, but Ripley is a tragic character.

Alien 3 felt like the perfect ending too me.
Not matter what Ripley did they wouldn't stop coming. Like a curse.
There was only one way out hence the ending.

When fox brought her back to life though for ressurection.. :sick
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

ressurection imo was the most disgusting movie ive seen,its just nasty that white alien thing was ugly and the part were he gets sucked threw the hole was disturbing as hell for me atleast. i love alien 1,2 (the most),and 3 but 4 was just nasty.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

ressurection imo was the most disgusting movie ive seen,its just nasty that white alien thing was ugly and the part were he gets sucked threw the hole was disturbing as hell for me atleast. i love alien 1,2 (the most),and 3 but 4 was just nasty.

The one scene you mentioned is actually the only scene I enjoyed maybe along with the water scene too.
I found it quite interesting how the movie makes you feel for such an ugly monster that was killing everyone in sight when its getting sucked out of the hole in the window.

I'm one of the few people who likes the design of the newborn and even own the fewture statue. :D:horror:lol
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien-R could have been great! Like a cross between ALIEN and Al()ens, a Hybrid if you will :D, had potential but you stuck a Frenchmen at the wheel of a Lamborghini! He didn't even speak English! and Fox trusted him with one of their corner stone franchises?
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

The one scene you mentioned is actually the only scene I enjoyed maybe along with the water scene too.
I found it quite interesting how the movie makes you feel for such an ugly monster that was killing everyone in sight when its getting sucked out of the hole in the window.

I'm one of the few people who likes the design of the newborn and even own the fewture statue. :D:horror:lol

omg that was sick and nasty,yea i seen that statue its ugly his stomach is gross just thinking about that thing makes me sick:sick
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien-R could have been great! Like a cross between ALIEN and Al()ens, a Hybrid if you will :D, had potential but you stuck a Frenchmen at the wheel of a Lamborghini! He didn't even speak English! and Fox trusted him with one of their corner stone franchises?

Alien was not a corner stone series back then.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien was not a corner stone series back then.

So back in 1997, Aliens as a saga was not a Fox corner stone! And might I ask what illegal substance you have taken?:duh

Alien-R put a real dent in the series for me:(:(
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

Alien-R could have been great! Like a cross between ALIEN and Al()ens, a Hybrid if you will :D, had potential but you stuck a Frenchmen at the wheel of a Lamborghini! He didn't even speak English! and Fox trusted him with one of their corner stone franchises?
actually, Jeunet is a great director. by far the best that's worked on the franchise. the problem was the script and FOX d!cking around with the production.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

So back in 1997, Aliens as a saga was not a Fox corner stone! And might I ask what illegal substance you have taken?:duh

Alien-R put a real dent in the series for me:(:(

Alien 3 did poorly, most people hated it. Fox stressed it out too much......they only did it for some money.
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

copied from my 'predators' post:
my whole problem with reboots is that they rarely work and just reboot them again , and again

how does holly wood screw up good franchise material like (fant 4 ,superman,xmen, avp)
fail miserably and then try again a couple years later (hulk), did they NOT know the first hulk/F4/superman werent great movies before they released them? How does that happen?
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

actually, Jeunet is a great director. by far the best that's worked on the franchise. the problem was the script and FOX d!cking around with the production.

No way, cameron reigns supreme! King!

Ridley, Prince!

Fincher, Duke!

Jeunet, Court Jester!
Re: Alien remake/reboot is GO

No way, cameron reigns supreme! King!

Ridley, Prince!

Fincher, Duke!

Jeunet, Court Jester!
i can only guess this is your idea of a point. but to be honest, i'd take you a little more seriously if i thought this was an informed opinion.
try to look past your bias and actually watch some of Jeunet's other movies.