Next SS 12" Star wars is....PLO KOON

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I think his exclusive will either be another Battle droid part (or Super Battle Droid) or his yellow/orange lightsaber from the Jedi Power Battles game.
Buttmunch said:
I think his exclusive will either be another Battle droid part (or Super Battle Droid) or his yellow/orange lightsaber from the Jedi Power Battles game.

Good call on the yellow saber exclusive.

BTW, I just saw you on the SDCC part 2 video. I know what you look like. :D
Wor-Gar said:
Good call on the yellow saber exclusive.

BTW, I just saw you on the SDCC part 2 video. I know what you look like. :D

Oh no! My secret identiy has been blown. :D

Other than droid parts, I think that saber would have the best bet. It was never in a movie, just a EU video game, but thats why it would be a good exclusive.
Buttmunch said:
Other than droid parts, I think that saber would have the best bet. It was never in a movie, just a EU video game, but thats why it would be a good exclusive.

I agree. I never played the game, but I like the idea of having a YELLOW SABER instead of another blue one.
Still waiting for a Star Wars 12" figure that isn't dressed primarily in a robe. :monkey2

Seriously, when is Sideshow going to get off the robe-kick and start giving us some 12" Star Wars (and LOTR figures for that matter) that have different looking outfits, or armor of one kind or another?

We're getting odd ball aliens that appeared in minor roles instead of various kinds of stormtroopers, imperial guards, X wing or TIE fighter pilots, rebel soldiers on Hoth or aboard Leia's ship (always liked those helmets) or assorted other Star Wars figures that'll require Sideshow to do something besided pull out the robe pattern once again.

I guess Sideshow is trying to recoup their licensing costs by putting out every figure that wore his pajamas in any of the films before committing to making some Star Wars universe figures that will require some of the more detailed outfits and molded armor pieces necessary for those figures. I'll keep passing on these aliens and one-minute wonders, and save my money for the ones I want.
Batty said:
Why the "execute order 66" in the pic? Hmm? You would need a certain character who gave that order. Or maybe a character who carried out that order.
I noticed he's in his fighter and you can see the ARC-170 outside. Maybe he WILL come with matches.
wookilar8 said:
I don't collect every line but unless I find something to comment toward the figure (ie sculpt, clothing) I don't post just to say "Useless figure, I can do without". People are excited about this figure and here you come and bring everybody down.
Come on people, contribute something don't just post to hear yourself type.:peace

OK,Firstly it was in the early hours of the morning when I typed that so I was hardly at my most eloquent. Secondly I'm more than a bit fed up of PT Jedi and think it's about time Sideshow gave us something more than a bunch of robed characters and little else. Maybe Jedi such as Kit Fisto and Plo Koon are somewhat intresting visually and I can see how Sideshow can save $ on production costs as they all wear more or less the same outfit,but I'm just not intrested in those characters as they did nothing of note in the movies they were in,unless you count dying very easily. I'm not against secondary characters being made but I think if they are they should be ones that had a reasonable amount of screen time and that actually spoke something other than "ARRGHGGHH!!".
ffl1940 said:
Still waiting for a Star Wars 12" figure that isn't dressed primarily in a robe. :monkey2

Seriously, when is Sideshow going to get off the robe-kick and start giving us some 12" Star Wars (and LOTR figures for that matter) that have different looking outfits, or armor of one kind or another?

We're getting odd ball aliens that appeared in minor roles instead of various kinds of stormtroopers, imperial guards, X wing or TIE fighter pilots, rebel soldiers on Hoth or aboard Leia's ship (always liked those helmets) or assorted other Star Wars figures that'll require Sideshow to do something besided pull out the robe pattern once again.

I guess Sideshow is trying to recoup their licensing costs by putting out every figure that wore his pajamas in any of the films before committing to making some Star Wars universe figures that will require some of the more detailed outfits and molded armor pieces necessary for those figures. I'll keep passing on these aliens and one-minute wonders, and save my money for the ones I want.

Just think of what you have to look forward to!
I am excited about Plo but now that he has come out we really need Ki-Adi Mundi and Saesee Tiin well and Yoda of course to finish out the right half of the Jedi Council.
If I knew sideshow would be doing another jedi PK or Shaak Ti would have been towards the top of the list to get done, just due to their appearance. I was personally hoping for a Chewie myself or storm/clone trooper. We will all get all the figures we want at some point, because God knows they want every cent we have! :rotfl

:chew :chew :chew
wookilar8 said:
I don't collect every line but unless I find something to comment toward the figure (ie sculpt, clothing) I don't post just to say "Useless figure, I can do without". People are excited about this figure and here you come and bring everybody down.
Come on people, contribute something don't just post to hear yourself type.:peace

I'm glad people are excited about this figure, but not everyone is. If someone is excited about a figure than someone else posting that they aren't shouldn't really dampen your enthusiasm. Personally, I'm not thrilled by this announcement. To some it is a useless figure I guess, but probably more for the charactor choice and its amount of screen time or importance to the film as percieved by one person, not necessarilly because it is a bad figure.

I don't want to pick on you or anything, but it seems like your only contribution was to tell someone else not to contribute, so come on out of that glass house and put down the rock. :peace :peace :peace I just don't want to see another thread where the first negative post gets lambasted. Know what I mean?:cool::peace :cool:
I am thrilled with Plo Koon as the choice. I understand the battle cry "enough Jedi", but since they are some of my favorite looking characters I want MORE.

We have seen Luke, Han and the rest done to death so I am thrilled to see Kit Fisto, Plo Koon and the like get some attention. Bring on Shaak Ti, Sassee Tinn, Aayla, Ki Adi Mundi and the rest!!!
This is a definite MUST BUY for me. I love the character anyway (mostly because when I played Jedi Academy my character was his species) but also because of how awesome that sculpt is. This makes me sorry I didn't get Kit so I may have to track him down now too. Honestly when you look at Kit, Jabba, Bib and now PK I think SS is doing their best work with the aliens.
Oh, and I'd also be down for a Yellow Saber as an exclusive. Actually I'd be happy if that were the standard (he never had an ignited saber in any of the movies did he?) since we don't really know the color.

Wasn't there a cut scene with him, Ki Adi and Secura in AOTC where they had some mission to perform while the other Jedi engaged the battle droids? Maybe the exclusive could have something to do with that. I'd hate to get a battle droid part as the exclusive since I don't think they ever actually showed him fighting them. Could be wrong tho.
ffl1940 said:
Still waiting for a Star Wars 12" figure that isn't dressed primarily in a robe. :monkey2

Seriously, when is Sideshow going to get off the robe-kick and start giving us some 12" Star Wars (and LOTR figures for that matter) that have different looking outfits, or armor of one kind or another?

We're getting odd ball aliens that appeared in minor roles instead of various kinds of stormtroopers, imperial guards, X wing or TIE fighter pilots, rebel soldiers on Hoth or aboard Leia's ship (always liked those helmets) or assorted other Star Wars figures that'll require Sideshow to do something besided pull out the robe pattern once again.

I guess Sideshow is trying to recoup their licensing costs by putting out every figure that wore his pajamas in any of the films before committing to making some Star Wars universe figures that will require some of the more detailed outfits and molded armor pieces necessary for those figures. I'll keep passing on these aliens and one-minute wonders, and save my money for the ones I want.

Considering Kit Fisto sold out in 27 minutes, I'd say you don't have a clue what you're talking about. If you don't like the character, quite your *****ing and don't buy it. This is only the second "minor" character to be offered out of around a dozen 12" figures. Kit has probably received the warmest reception with the smallest amount of critique to date. I'm glad he was a success so we can get more of the Jedi that almost everyone here loves.

I'm sure we are going to get plenty of OT characters next year with SW planning a whole slew of things for the 30th anny. of the original.

I will agree with you that I want some more LOTR figures though.
Darth Loki said:
Considering Kit Fisto sold out in 27 minutes, I'd say you don't have a clue what you're talking about. If you don't like the character, quite your *****ing and don't buy it. QUOTE]

Um, how exactly do I know know what I am talking about when I give my opinion that I would like some figures that aren't in robes? I think you need to study the meanings of words. The fact that a figure sold out fast has absolutely zero to do with whether or not I "have a clue" when it comes to my desire to see Sideshow move beyond most all of it's Star Wars figures being outfitted mostly in robes. Didn't do so well on your reading comprehension in school, did you? And since when is it not allowed to ***** about a figure? We are allowed to have opinions that even you might not agree with, after all.

To paraphrase, remember, it is better to not post on a board, and be thought an idiot, than to post on a board, and remove all doubt.

P.S. Let me make it clear that if Sideshow wants to make every single Jedi that's fantastic, I'll all for it, it'll make someone happy so that's great, and I'm being serious. All I'm asking is that Sideshow sneaks in a figure that has a complicated, detailed outfit like the stormtroopers, TIE pilot, or X wing pilot. Bespin Han and the new Leia show that Sideshow isn't all about the robes but I'm looking for them to do something more.
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