New to starwars area need some guidance

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Nice avy and signature, Groovy. Good choice of pic (have never seen that one of Fisher, before) and nice, elegant signature, greygoose.
thanks it was really cool of greygoose to do that. I'm a total princess leia organa fan. someday when and if I get married I may wear that dress or the ever after fairy dress. haven't decided. So I guess that depens on my future bf/husband.

this picture has a great grace, quiet demeanor of femininity that shows off Fisher's appearance in a classy way. So I'm proud to use this signature.
I just posted a thought since im not sure anyone has pulled that off about Frankenstein 4 Kenner R2 units to make one complete figure. there was an electronic that came with c3po, ,the remote control R2, the detachable arms R2 and one that came with princess leia slave. I feel if all 4 where meshed as one then there is a good chance to have one.

it would be cool if one generous customizer who did this would offer to duplicate them and offer them on the board I'm sure all of us would be eternally grateful.

I posted it in custom area of starwars not sure it will get noticed.
LOL. I picked up a kenner r2d2


mainly because he has arms that you can put into ports. one thing medico forgot to do as well as telescope. until we get his hand's and antenna and port for luke skywalkers lightsabor i'm holding off on buying an updated r2. I am getting another r2 that has sound. someday id like to figure out how to take this guy from kenner and make him electronic.

since I'm going to stay in the star wars area for awhile I decided to change my avatar back to my fave pic of Leia. People seem to be a lot nice in star wars area. You kinda need to learn to be combative if your going to be in g.i.,joe area I'm not kidding.

did anyone ever buy this R2 and knows if the 3rd leg comes out I know they mde like 3-4 different R2's just cruious

It does. The Hasbro R2s are decent stand in figures after a little weathering.... Drill a couple holes in the feet and run the wires for an even better look.
thanks flossi I wonder if there is anyway to make this guy tricked out I was thinking about asking ski since he is electronics guy. I don't want medicom I feel their kinda conning people. and should have put more thought in the figure than just lights and sounds.

I sent sideshow an email with a list of what he should have maybe they will pass it to bandi when they release there diecast one.

btw flossi do you have pics of doing that to R2 so I know what to pick up to make him look authentic.
hey guys:

So a recap since han is on his way here I decided to 86 flint from joes for the time being. the body from the old kaustic plastic body.


is perfect, Harrison ford was a total fox and with this body and those clothes what princess wouldn't swoon.
however been saying that I'm not sure if the no neck WGP head will fit but the neck is as skiny as the HT narrow shoulder necks. So there is a 90% chance it might work out and i'll have han completed.

what do you guys think will it work.
Im working on Princess Leia a new hope white gown. I decided to partially line it to add the proper weight needed for the sleeves.The hood is very simple and will have the gap seen in the movie.

Wish me luck and may the force be with me.
Tried it made it to heavy and bulky so bad move, making a white tank helps hide chest alittle. I decided to make sleeve longer so I could have a bigger hemline and do a hong kong finish sleeve.

See if that is better.
Ok flossi what part are we discussing I'm lost I was discussing princess leia's outfit. I'm not sure what the neck hole thing is?
Yea I'm going to check it to body 1st then send it to Pete to be painted. He can fit it then but was just worried even a dremil wont work.

I talked to someone who used an assasins creed body which is like the narrow shoulder types. the kaustic body is just shy that and same neck size so I know it will fit just want to now see how head loos on body with clothes swaped out.

I may re-do hans shirt it kinda looks cheep from pics

the princesses white dress is coming along nicely now.
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It worked, by extending the sleeves and taking them further inside it doesn't have that fabric hem staring at you and looks like the sleeve is lined but it is not. I pinned the dress hem on sides at knee notch. going to sew them up to morrow before doing the hong kong finish on her hem of the skirt, Then Im going to have her try the damned thing on make the collar and hood and call it a day.
my computer died using roomates computer don't know when i can post pics again can't use camera card at library and they don't allow you to download.
on a positive not princess leia is almost finished will post pics when and if i can.
on a separate note. found fabric for old obi-wan and luke skywalker.
the fabric for obi wan is more screen accurate just alittle better i really love this fabric so im going with it anyway and it only cost 4.99 a yard it's a gauze but thicker and looks like linen but thinner than real linen.

i found 2 browns for the mock turtleneck so i'll try them out.

as for luke i found a shirting fabric in parchment that looks like aged white fabric but softer than the stuff used for SS anh figure.

I decided to leave han alone fabric wise.

Does anyone know if anyone made a han solo belt this riged plastic thing is crap and i wasnt impressed with the bespin either.
I finished white dress and to make hood exact does't have the same look i wanted but will function the way it's suppose to. I can't take pics until i get a head. I do plan on using the costume i scraped for when she was rescued because costume was dirty.I'll put that on the sideshow figure. it's at least an upgrage costume than she got.