NEW HT PREDATOR, 'Dutch' full spec and hi-res pics

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I can't wait till mine comes :chew

Looks great Tyler!

Took some more of mine:








I found it quite easy. The socket was lightly glued into head. I released it from glue with a terminal screwdriver with little effort. It was a little harder to lever out of head though. Used a craft knife to cut top off socket. Placed socket on neck first. Then put a little super glue on bottom edge of cut socket just before pushing head back on.

The articulation is almost the same as before..(As in less movement than other Hot Toys figures that I own).

Call me dense but, using your photo, can you specify which part of the socket you cut off?
Thanks for the comments guys.

Call me dense but, using your photo, can you specify which part of the socket you cut off?

Once you have pulled the socket out of the head you have an open end that the ball of the neck post pushes into. You also have a closed end with a bulge on the end. I removed the closed end so that when you place the neck socket onto body you will see approx half of the ball from the neck post sticking out of the top.

Hopefully that helps.
Thanks for the comments guys.

Once you have pulled the socket out of the head you have an open end that the ball of the neck post pushes into. You also have a closed end with a bulge on the end. I removed the closed end so that when you place the neck socket onto body you will see approx half of the ball from the neck post sticking out of the top.

Hopefully that helps.

Got it, thanks.
So with the apparent easy fix to the Dutch Head/neck issue, do you think that the problem isn't a "too long neck issue", but a design mistake in where the head and neck connect?
Those are some great pics! The head sculpt looks wonderful. Did Yulli do this HS too?
This guy looks fine in hand to me. I really don't think as many people would be commenting/even noticing the extent of this 'giraffe neck', if a couple of people hadn't continually mentioned it after the first pics.

He looks fantastic with or without the shirt.

Plus Arnold does have a long neck, so it looks appropriate to me. I haven't and still don't notice a major issue with the neck.

damn ht made a mess of the pred figure. The head is way way too big :horror lol but imagine this really was the pred figure shipped in the box and what peoples reaction would be..
lol but imagine this really was the pred figure shipped in the box and what peoples reaction would be..
I bet tons of HT fanboys was still like:
"Oh, what the hell! It's still-awesome-friggin-nutz-hell-u-va-lukin figga!!! It's Pred from HT that we was waiting for years & etc..."
damn ht made a mess of the pred figure. The head is way way too big :horror

I suppose we shouldn't be too surprised - for all the HT worship many of us, including me, dish out on a regular basis - they do get things wrong..sometimes it isn't their fault but sometimes it is.

TDK Batman was overly bulky and didn't particularly resemble the film counterpart well in the face.

Apparently the TDK Joker costume isn't entirely accurate...obviously the V1 Joker headsculpt was completely wrong.

Kane&Dallas can't see over the rims inside their helmets and there was a thread pointing out the many innaccuracies in the suits...not to mention that Kane should be shorter.

T-700 doesn't actually exist!

Anyone else got other ones? Or should we start a HT bashing thread?