New Doctor Who 1:6 from Big Chief Studios!

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You should have been suspending disbelief for every episode and not just the recent ones. It's always been a show about a alien who time travels in a blue police box. Not really scientifically based.

There's a difference between buying into a concept and looking past plot-holes. With any sci-fi or fantasy story, you have to allow the story to bend/break the rules of reality when you accept the concept, but to be successful it has to make complete sense after that.
The pic looks very good. Lookin forward to reading that CO want my money!!! I dont normally look forward to bills. :rotfl

And I have completed all of the CAD parts for the TARDIS. Door mechanism works. You cant see it in the shots, but the dynamic model works great, with the doors opening and closing.

Bear in mind that this is a generic TARDIS with sizing etc determined from a range, and aiming to look at home with any Doctor.

Here are final CAD shots.

That looks flippin' AMAZING! Love that it's a generic Tardis too.

I liked Amy and Rory in Season 5, but that's kind of because it reminded me of Harry and Sarah in Tom's first season (though Rory was no Harry). I have never seen the point of River though. She's a one-story supporting character who assumed far too much importance. I'd love to see a season where the Doctor just lands in loads of different places and has adventures... not seasons built around hard to understand storylines that don't lead anywhere.
There's a difference between buying into a concept and looking past plot-holes. With any sci-fi or fantasy story, you have to allow the story to bend/break the rules of reality when you accept the concept, but to be successful it has to make complete sense after that.

This is true. It also has to have internal logic. So, as I was saying with the weeping Statue of Liberty, if it can only move when not being watched, the chances of a 90 metre statue being able to make its way across a densely-populated city without being seen are nonexistant.

Who is watched by geeks, and geeks obsess over details. These things matter, you know. :rotfl
FRom BC's facebook:

Love it - but what is it? New release, accessory pack, mess around? Would they have gone to the trouble of making that tie unless they were going to sell it?

Also, the tie looks like its based on the unlicensed version rather than the actual tie.

I'd buy it in a moment though, because that's my favourite Matt Smith episode.

And when are they going to start selling that fantastic body separately?

Let us know, BC!
LOL. I'm sure its just a "play time at BC" set of photos.

*crosses finger thread doesn't fill up with "wah wah why is BCS teasing us with pictures of this".
That's what I figured too. I posted this on Gallifrey Base and some guy was commenting on how the hands color don't match the arms... "IT'S JUST A BASH FOR FUN!!!!!!!" :slap

Is it not the same exact tie?


Doh! Sorry! Then of course it's just a bash for fun...

But serious point, when are BC going to make that body available separately? I'd like to put the CO Tennant clothes on a BC 11 just for fun but would rather do it on a separate figure and just move the head over when we feel like it than dress and redress it.
I still haven't done that with the CO suit, just for fun. Ah, that gives me an idea.
I am looking forward to the expansion packs. I will just buy TT bodies here. They cost between 20 and 30 pounds each, and are very good. So far I've built Peter Parker , Harvey Dent and Bruce Wayne. These all look fine.
The expansion packs will give us at least two more 11 figures. Can I cope ?

Yeah, of course I can !
I thought all you guys with detolfs full of Hot Toys figures and 'collection rooms' might appreciate this picture of the last solitary high-end collectible left in my house - my kid's 11 figure.
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