Metal Gear Solid Customs Thread: SUBSISTENCE

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Im talking about as a whole not as a hole.

I like mgsv for the concept art and gameplay but the story was trash. Its the only reaon i collect from it because i really do like the designs.
I like Venoms Fatigue design but his sneaking suit sucks. Quiet, Ocelot, Lone Ranger, sahelanthropus even Miller's design all suck too.
Is LIM TOYS active?
I am worried about few reports recently.
I can not wait for MGS2 snake.
LIMTOYS's jack has not reported up-to-date recently here.
I'm worried whether the production of MGS 2 snake is progressing.
He was literally logged on today. If you need a status update ever single day then send him a PM.

These MGS threads suck. I don't know why I even come here anymore.
Yeah man, Jack just finished the MGSV figure. Can he get a minute to catch his breath and relax before everyone and their grandmothers’ on his ass about updates to future MGS figures?? Some of you guys are eager for MGS figures, but you’re getting dangerously close to be an annoyance, asking for updates everyday. It’ll happen when it happens, and if it is indeed cancelled, then at least we got an amazin MGS V Snake 1/6 figure.
don't you think there's a serious lack of figures based on the 30's?

I think so. But LA Noire was based on 1947 after WW2. Maybe because the lack of movies or shows based on that era too. Even MGS started at the Cold War. That old rumour about Metal Gear game based on WW2 about The Boss and Cobra unit is pretty interesting too.
As long as I get my Deluxe set Venom Snake, I'm good. I never really expected to have an MGS2 Snake in 1/6 form.

L.A. Noire could have gone so much further. What a let down. Too linear for a Rockstar game, crap DLC too.
Can I just highlight Firejclawjack’s last post in this thread. Clearly he’s pissed off with the constant update questions and I don’t blame him for going MIA...

Yeah man, Jack just finished the MGSV figure. Can he get a minute to catch his breath and relax before everyone and their grandmothers’ on his ass about updates to future MGS figures?? Some of you guys are eager for MGS figures, but you’re getting dangerously close to be an annoyance, asking for updates everyday. It’ll happen when it happens, and if it is indeed cancelled, then at least we got an amazin MGS V Snake 1/6 figure.

we aren't pushing for updates we're just concerned about his forum account we though something happened maybe a complaint from Konami?
I think so. But LA Noire was based on 1947 after WW2. Maybe because the lack of movies or shows based on that era too. Even MGS started at the Cold War. That old rumour about Metal Gear game based on WW2 about The Boss and Cobra unit is pretty interesting too.

i'm not sure what era Fallout & Bioshock based on but they have the 30's-40's groove and they have figures but just the main characters.
Can I just highlight Firejclawjack’s last post in this thread. Clearly he’s pissed off with the constant update questions and I don’t blame him for going MIA...


i really see no reason to be ticked off. the guy asked whether any update on the extra pack, and i don't think this question was asked so many times here to be pissed.

initially i though jack did not express himself well enough in english because the way he wrote it was like "I will show you the pics when i want to" i though he wanted to say "when he can". guess his really pissed and when he say when he want to he means it.

fair enough we just buy what is available and fingers crossed.