Maul and probe droid ES

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I guess if they dont want to release the # of the inclusives out theres nothing we can do to find out. Im not so sure that the number is in the 10000 range but I would say its definitely alot more than a regular exclusive. I know I told a friend of mine whose 13 year old son loves Maul about the 12" figure and he ordered it which is the only figure they will own from this line. I think alot of the Maul inclusives may have been sold to people who arent collecting this whole line because of the popularity of the character. I dont have a problem with a large ES and would rather alot more preorders be inclusive because I hate having to plan my Fridays around that. I do think there may be alot of cancellation of the inclusive but these will be sold to wait listers.
The inclusive edition idea will truly shine when it comes time for Vader, Fett and Troopers. I would hate to see what would happen to the servers if an exclusive edition ESB Vader went up for preorder at a set time, It would be scary.
Does it really matter?

No it doesn't. I don't care what anyone says it doesn't matter. As long as an item that is supposed to be high end comes out looking like it's supposed to then it really doesn't. We're collecting these because we love SW and love that SS is putting out some of the best stuff on the market. It's the item that matters not the # that goes with it. IMO of course.
I really don't like PPOs. I don't get why people feel a rush, its a hassle and a bit nerve racking. And usually if you are on the waitlist you'll still get the figure anyway. I think that Sideshow should approach the Inclusive with maybe a minimum target number of figures they would like to sell. For instance with Bib they'd produce at least 2500 figures. And if it oversells good and they make as many as are demanded, and if it doesn't just continue to offer the remainder until they sell out.

I'd be happy if they completely did away with SW PPOs, with other products its not a big deal since the don't sell out as fast, but with SW its just too insane.
Darth Loki said:
The only people who'd be upset over a high ES are those who are looking at this from a money standpoint, not a collectible standpoint. Whether it be percieved value, or they are planning to sell it for a profit. If you are getting this because it's the best 12" version of one of the coolest characters in the SW universe, then who the F@*# cares about the ES!?

And yes Batty, it appears to be an endless debate.
It's only an endless debate because so many people keep making ridiculous statements such as the one you made above.

Some people do care about the ES, and it has nothing to do with money. Apparently you can't accept that fact.
RoboDad said:
It's only an endless debate because so many people keep making ridiculous statements such as the one you made above.

Some people do care about the ES, and it has nothing to do with money. Apparently you can't accept that fact.

While it's not true that the only reason people care about the ES is money. It's not totally false either.

However, the same could be said that those who seem to care about the ES can't seem to accept the fact there are others out there that just want to collect this stuff because of pure enjoyment. Not saying this is you of course but the road does work both ways.
Of course it does. But as you well know, I have never criticized others for their motivations for collecting. And, truth be told, there is far, far more criticism leveled against the "low ES preference crowd" by the "ES should never, ever matter to any true collector" crowd. But why that is, I honestly can't understand.

Oh, and one other thing. Never make the mistake of assuming that I get no pure enjoyment from my collection. If I didn't, I wouldn't have it.
RoboDad said:
Of course it does. But as you well know, I have never criticized others for their motivations for collecting. And, truth be told, there is far, far more criticism leveled against the "low ES preference crowd" by the "ES should never, ever matter to any true collector" crowd. But why that is, I honestly can't understand.

Well, in a way there is by those that care everytime an item comes out with a higher than wanted ES. Those in the "ES preference crowd" almost always complain. Therefore that could be taken as a percieved slap at those who have a higher preference about the items ES. So if you've done that then a person could if they wanted to take it that way. Honestly though how can you even criticize someone who collects because they love the item or whatever? They are collecting for the "love" of the game so to speak and not the # on the bottom or what that adds to it.

As I've said before low ES items are nice but in the end the overall item is my real concern. As long as that item comes out then I'm just dandy. I just can't understand myself how the low ES adds that much love to an item. It makes ya look at it and go cool that has "x" ES but it doesn't make me like the item more. If somone feels an item is a lesser item because the # isn't as low as they would like fine with me that's their loss not mine. I'm gonna enjoy the item no matter what # the ES is.
If someone takes a general comment that the ES for a particular piece is set too high as a criticism of them, that is really not something I can control, and it is certainly something for which I feel no need to apologize. When that comment is made, it is usually made about a piece that has sat for a long period of time without selling out, and I seriously doubt that any person making that comment is in any way thinking disparaging thoughts about other collectors.

On the other hand, there is no mistaking that the comment "people who care about the ES are only thinking about money" is a criticism directly aimed at a particular group of collectors, and it is, at least in my case, patently false.

As for why ES is important to me, I've explained it so many times already that, if it isn't clear by now, it never will be.
Color me curious about what the inclusive ES is, but I'm not going to cancel if it's really high. I beleive Chicky said in another thread that they aren't going to publish the inclusive ES's anyway.

I doubt it's higher than the regular though. They probably took the inclusive number and just doubled it for the regular ES.
Do you really think so? Darth Maul has been one of the most highly anticipated figures in the 12" line, and there was (surprisingly) very little complaining about the prototype. With the length of the inclusive order period, I would be shocked if the total number of orders for that version didn't come close to (or possibly exceed) 10,000.

But either way, I don't plan to cancel either (unless there is a glut on eBay at significant discounts in the final days prior to shipping).
RoboDad said:
If someone takes a general comment that the ES for a particular piece is set too high as a criticism of them, that is really not something I can control, and it is certainly something for which I feel no need to apologize. When that comment is made, it is usually made about a piece that has sat for a long period of time without selling out, and I seriously doubt that any person making that comment is in any way thinking disparaging thoughts about other collectors.

I didn't say it was something you can control but you know it happens. Hell, you've seen it happen when I've made general comments and folks have taken them outside of the context if what was meant. I doubt most do but I wouldn't put it past some to mean more than what's there. Folks can be real *******s as we all know.

RoboDad said:
On the other hand, there is no mistaking that the comment "people who care about the ES are only thinking about money" is a criticism directly aimed at a particular group of collectors, and it is, at least in my case, patently false.

You're right a comment stated like that is more of a direct shot at folks be it correct or not. I don't think folks who care about the ES care only about the money but they do in an indirect way care because the lower the ES means their items hold their value longer.

RoboDad said:
As for why ES is important to me, I've explained it so many times already that, if it isn't clear by now, it never will be.

I know the thrill of the hunt, the items holds its value, makes it more important than a general collectible that can just be had, etc.

In the end it all comes down to one thing IMO. Do you (general use) like want to own the item or not? ES be damned?!
I do not actually care about the ES. at the end, it is only a good priced toy for me. But if SS will not improve on the shoulders and the waist , I will definitely cancel it. The current proportions are really really bad.
Darklord Dave said:
Color me curious about what the inclusive ES is, but I'm not going to cancel if it's really high. I beleive Chicky said in another thread that they aren't going to publish the inclusive ES's anyway.

Thanks Dave, I missed that post.

jlcmsu said:
You can go out and say it's no better than a McDonalds Toy (which I'm sorry is a silly comparison) but that doesn't mean it's not as cool.

Hey, call me crazy, but my BK SW toys are still some of favorite :D
Well if it's anything under 13,000 for the total run of figures, that's still pretty damn limited for a Star Wars item.
The funniest part would be the people reaction to the number. I can see the question now why 3562 (I made that number up). Its going be some totally random number and think that might be why then did since it would look funny. The way they did it seemed to be fairly different , but I like it even thought I didnt get into sideshow early enough, but the wait list came thru agian.
It's hilarious how so many people replied negatively to my post in which they apparently didn't understand what I was saying or worse, decide to twist my words in order to further their own arguments. Let's take a moment to break it down ala Josh reply style, piece by piece, shall we?

The whole "Limited Edition/ES" issue has been discussed ad nauseum since the beginning of time.

I can see that many of you joined this forum within the last few months so may not have been privy to the endless discussions regarding "collectibility and ES". Needless to say, most of you appear to not care about ES and that's fine, but limited editions have been a mainstay of Sideshow Collectibles products for many years, so it's quite normal to question the significant increase in ES on some of their products.

Some people like to know that their "piece" is special due to a limited amount manufactured and not something that compares to a McDonald's Happy Meal toy in exclusivity. (bold used to stress original intent)

I was obviously referring to exclusivity and not comparing the toys themselves. Nothing "silly" about that, Josh. But once again, you take offense to anyone questioning your opinions while being quick to insult any opposing views. Par for the course.:rolleyes:

More importantly, no one wants to pay $60+ dollars on an item that could immediately be available on ebay for significantly less.

Unless you have an endless amount of spare income available or simply enjoy throwing money away, that alone should provide a very good reason for not wanting an extremely large ES.

I'm willing to bet that those of you that believe everyone should be happy just to get one would not want the monetary value dropping on their pieces.

The whole "It shouldn't matter that it dropped in price, you should just want the the figure" argument is moot. YOU may not care, but the vast majority of people paying hard earned money on these things apparently do. Again, at least respect the opinions of others, even if you don't agree with them. So instead of assuming that those people who believe ES is important are simply flippers and scalpers, try understanding that exclusivity comes into play for many other collectors. If not, then why would Sideshow bother even having ES's on any of their products. And by the way, with endless amounts of "oh my, I'll have to sell a (kidney/blood/organs) and go on a ramen diet..." type of posts being made, I think I would be correct in assuming that not many of us have the extra cash lying around.

Perfect example: Those of us that collected Hasbro 12" figures are happy about getting are figures in the first place but truly disappointed that they are worth pennies on the dollar now. If you aren't then you're just fooling yourself.

The reply from "PosterBoyKelly" was pathetically illogical: "That's your fault for ever have had buying Hasbro 12". The Hasbro 12" line was the ONLY Star Wars 12" figure line for many, many years. So I was in error for buying the only product line available at the time? Ridiculous.

And by the way, as I mentioned in my initial post in this thread, with a higher ES I would expect a significanty lower MSRP considering that now the whole license fee/R&D expenses can be distributed over a much larger run. This has always been one of the major arguments for higher prices on smaller ES's. I definitely don't see it on a figure (Maul) which has a "9,000" regular edition run and most probably a larger inclusive run.