Marvel Studios/Sony - SPIDER-MAN: HOMECOMING

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Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I would love to start seeing Osborn and Jameson on AOS if only in hearing their voice or mentioning of their name. Just get the hype out there. If Spidey is in Civil War I doubt it would be anything more than a cameo. I am damn curious though to see what they do with a new spidey movie now that Feige is involved. I am also glad that Garfield is out. I didn't like his portrayal at all as Parker or Spiderman. I think gyllenhaal would be too old to play the character. It totally depends on what they do with the new movie and where they place him in time; whether they do another origin story or establish him having been spiderman for a while/
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I too am sad about Garfield. He was a great Spidey. I'll agree that Peter Parker wasn't the best, but I'd say it topped Tobey.

Someone mentioned Gyllenhaal replacing Tobey, it was the other way around. Jake got the role and then he dropped it and said to offer it to Tobey or Leo.

I like the idea of Lerman, i think he'd be a great Parker, I don't know about Spidey.

Also what happens between Avengers and Civil War is 4 years. MS does at least follow that. So it's as simple as saying Parker gets his powers as a senior in high school and during Civil War, that'd put him as a senior in college or already graduated. He could still be doing his thing, I don't think anyone is busy with him. Stark, oh the government is saying I need to give them control and I suffer from PTSD, I should find this spider kid. Cap? Hydra has been behind everything and my old friend is a grade a ghost of an assassin, I should find a immature kid that shoots web. Thor? Yeah not even going to go there. Only people interested would be Fury and SHIELD which is broken up. All it would it take would be is Fury saying, listen, we've been following this kid from Queens. I think we could use him. That's it. No origin, no parents, no love story. He should be used more as a cameo in CW. Maybe for a battle or few, we don't need to have him open up about everything. we can then learn more at his solo film.

I might be the only one, but I hope they use several costumes. It'd be cool to at least see Tony offer the Iron Spider suit, if at any point Cap and IM are trying to persuade him to a specific cause.

Oh possibly for the first Spidey film, but I know for Spider-Man 2 they almost had to replace Tobey because he was asking for too much money in which they already had Gyllenhaal lined up to take over.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Garfield was totally perfect as Spidey himself. Hard to imagine his performance from the last film being bested. But his Parker left a lot to be desired. I am expecting the actual Spider-Man from the new film to be a bit of a downgrade.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Garfield was totally perfect as Spidey himself. Hard to imagine his performance from the last film being bested. But his Parker left a lot to be desired. I am expecting the actual Spider-Man from the new film to be a bit of a downgrade.

Definitely. I thought he was great at Spidey. Better than Tobey, not out action or anything but they way they come off. Tobey had two modes, mumbling and screaming. I mean Garfield had those as well bUT when he mumbled he would do the classic son of a...and so on. His wise cracking was the best in the second over the first.

I think the next person could be a Tobey, good Peter decent Spidey. Hopefully they get someone who can be best in both.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Ah yes ****ing spiderman interacting with hulk! I can almost guess that the avengers AOU movie will have a couple nods here and there now.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Marvel can do Secret Wars now and introduce the black costume the same way it was in the comics.

There's a little bit of pee coming out of me right now.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I don't see the confusion of Sinister Six. I think this is perfect actually. S6 would be out after CW, people assume it will be ASM canon, but consider that if Spidey will already have existed for a while or just recently, this would be something new.

Here is what I want to assume and would make sense. Peter is in college? And he gets his powers in high school, that means he should already have existed for 4-8 or so years. Obviously he is gonna make enemies the first day donning the costume, I think it's safe to say **** happens in these years. So sinister six does there own thing and could have banded post civil war, I doubt it will be registration oriented like the comic, so I'll assume there is reason. You see them dish it out with Spidey, and at this point we can confirm he has been at it for a while. So at his solo film, there is absolutely no reason to take about origins and other things. Boom! Done.

That's my guess. I don't see how it has to be canon. In a way it could be a pre sequel. I'm not saying they should mention origins, but it isn't necessary. Joker was perfect in TDK. No origin, actually they kept messing around about it, and they just jumped in. I think Nolan is great at giving enough time for heroes and villains. It is harder to establish a connection to villains in a hero film. So it will have them in a ton of screen time so there is no need for origins or things. Everyone knows Spidey's origin, not everyone does for Vulture or Scorpion. But do we need it? No. So I think it will be all good. Don't see the confusion or why people want to cancel, Spidey has one of the best rogue galleries hands down.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Under marvel now though so who knows

Not really. From what I get from it, it's more of a collaboration between the two with Sony still controlling their property. They are just now going to share the same universr and characters are now interchangeable between both studios. I really reall hope Ari Arad is completely out of the picture. Also good to hear there are not looking to do another origin story....

Iron Man: "So what's your story?"
Spider-Man: "Argh, I felt I told this story a million times before."
Iron Man: "Very well then..."
OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I don't even think the original story for S6 was apart of the ASM timeline, most of the rumors and hacks stated it would be a soft reboot with possibly a new Spider-Man showing up, so changing S6 should be easy enough to fit in the MCU.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Not really. From what I get from it, it's more of a collaboration between the two with Sony still controlling their property. They are just now going to share the same universr and characters are now interchangeable between both studios. I really reall hope Ari Arad is completely out of the picture. Also good to hear there are not looking to do another origin story....

Iron Man: "So what's your story?"
Spider-Man: "Argh, I felt I told this story a million times before."
Iron Man: "Very well then..."

Ah I see. Well then with the new shared universe i hope the guardians will be the ones to find the symbiote.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I don't even think the original story for S6 was apart of the ASM timeline, most of the rumors and hacks stated it would be a soft reboot with possibly a new Spider-Man showing up, so changing S6 should be easy enough to fit in the MCU.

No doubt S6 will change from their original conception since it was originally started off with ASM2 which felt wad more of an origin story for S6 than a Spider Man movie. But with a new start and new casts, yes they can now/will change things up to fit with whatever Sony and Marvel will be doing together going forward.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

Gyllenhaal is a good actor. But he's weird and not very likable. Not a good combination for Parker.

My GF loved him in Sex and other drugs.....

Regardless, great news for fans. Just please don't let it be Justin Bieber.
Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I remember someone on this board telling me that it was never going to happen so just get over it... So glad he was wrong.

This is GREAT news!

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Re: OFFICIAL: Marvel Studios Spider-Man

I remember someone on this board telling me that it was never going to happen so just get over it... So glad he was wrong.

This is GREAT news!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Its was probably nova lol. Sorry nova lol