Mad Men

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He should have gotten one for every season. He really was amazing in that role. Although it's hard to shine in awards season when you're up against Bryan Cranston for Breaking Bad. Now if only some company would make a 'Madison Avenue Crazy Man' figure. I'm aware of Trevor's customs.
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Yeah, it was about damn time!
Too bad the other actors didn't get any, there were plenty of outstanding performances in that show.
I saw S1-4 ages ago, and saw 5 about 3 years ago. Never caught up and finally finished 6 and 7P1&P2.

While on the subject like Meat Hook's rant; I wouldn't necessarily think too heavily on it. I admire his morality, but even while figuratively, you are contradicting by stating, "put a bullet in his brain" because he's a rapist. That'd make one just as much the same as the rapist. Who actually has the authority to label who should die or not, based on past sins?

This is a society thing, they love that taboo. I'm sure if my wife cheated on me, I'd be infernal about it. But, why do I root for Don at times? Like with Megan, he could have found tranquility, or with Diana or Sylvia. Took some wrong, but no one is perfect. Hell, great example is Clockwork Orange. Everyone eventually roots for Alex, hoping he's cured and all. But realistically many are still repulsed by his actions.

All I'm saying is, even while we can take it like it was said that bad people tend to win, we can also see what many want at a subconscious level. Every action has a direct reason.

As for my opinion though, I have not been a fan of the last 3(4) seasons.

For one it is Betty, I do not understand the hatred for her, at least none that I can blame her. Then, she goes and becomes all weird during her weight gain, and then she becomes a psych student? And the cancer just came out of nowhere. She literally had **** in 5-7.

Peggy being made as some Don-like protégé was interesting, but not really her style. The affair for Ted I guess advanced the idea of him going to Cali. But overall it all seems like that wasn't even necessary. Basically my list of things unnecessary:

Pete's real estate girlfriend
Harry Crane and the Megan thing
IBM drunk standoff
Sally shipping to boarding
Joan and Jim
Lou Avery
Meredith the secretary
Diana disappearing
Stephanie disappearing
Mathis and Ed in general

A ton just didn't make sense either like Megan and Don's divorce. Literally during the phone call that it happens, it seemed like she was missing him, to 'we are divorcing'. It just felt instant. Not married myself, but I doubt even actresses or married people get to that notion in minutes

Too munch felt like it was bunched in without making sense. I would have done an eighth (ninth?) Season to essentially finally bury the dirt. Like Hook said, a few of these people could have died. Like Pete ironically crashing in his new luxury thing. Joan and Peggy start a firm, but no one takes em seriously.

But one final thing that nothing has made sense to me and advanced nothing, was Ginsberg. What the **** was all that? What was the purpose of his hook up? Why show his personal life and not do more? Why make him cut off his own nipple? Surely we know the effects of prolong computer usage, but I doubt you get hit with Joker gas and cut off your nipple. His character is by far my most 'what the ****' in any show.

Sadly the ending was way too weak for me. Especially with that strong start.