Lucas endorses Obama

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I just wanna know what exactly split this country up so divisively in the past few years? It never used to be this bad. I hate politics so much.
Before this thread gets locked. (I never post in these threads either) I wanna add:

Once you go Barrack, you never go back!

Go Obama! :rock :rock :rock
So what is it about Obama that you like so much? He's already on record as saying how he wants to slash military spending. Would be great if the whole world was all peaceful and all, but they are not. The church that he has attended for 20yrs preaches hatred against whites. He may have denounced it, but not before it started affecting his candidancy. One of my other hobbies is target shooting. He wants to ban the particular weapon I use. I also have a conceal carry permit, which he wants to ban so me and my family are easy targets while he walks around with armed guards. Taxes will surge to pay for all the programs he will try to pass. He wants us out of Iraq, but has said he would atack Pakistan, a nuclear power if need be. Even his own party view him as the leftist of the left in the Democratic party. He wrote 2 books in his college years stating that he hated the white that was in him. So tell me what "change" is he going to make that draws people like you into thinking he is the second coming
Lucas' not so subtle diatribe at the end of Sith was an early indication of his political slant.
Obama appeals because he is not 'owned' by any corporations or lobbyists. He's not been in the system long enough for it to destroy him... yet. Some people view him as the only chance for any type of change in the way politics are played in the U.S. Like JFK, he has youth and charisma and the hope for change behind him. And like JFK, he's at increasingly high risk levels for assassination because of all of those things - thus the armed guards.

hoodonit, it sounds like you've been drinking the mudslinging kool-aid. Have you read said books? I have. They do NOT denounce white people in any way. 2 soundbytes from a minister who has preached to all colors, and holds high level of respect amongst all, including many past presidents and leaders, does not mean Obama is a secret anti-white racist. No, he's not a secret Muslim and no, he's not gonna let terrorists 'win'. He's a politician, just like the rest of 'em (and probably part slime-bag like them too), but he's a great compromiser, a great educator, and a great speaker - something we've had SORELY lacking in a presidency since, I don't even know when... Nixon? JFK?

Anyway, it just seems like a lot of fear and hate is coming out of nowhere. It's quite worrisome :sick

I in no way hate George Bush or John McCain. I just don't think they are good leaders. And that's really what it comes down to, no matter what your party affiliation.
Obama appeals because he is not 'owned' by any corporations or lobbyists. He's not been in the system long enough for it to destroy him... yet. Some people view him as the only chance for any type of change in the way politics are played in the U.S. Like JFK, he has youth and charisma and the hope for change behind him. And like JFK, he's at increasingly high risk levels for assassination because of all of those things.

hoodonit, it sounds like you've been drinking the mudslinging kool-aid. Have you read said books? I have. They do NOT denounce white people in any way. 2 soundbytes from a minister who has preached to all colors, and holds high level of respect amongst all, including many past presidents and leaders, does not mean he's a secret anti-white racist. No, he's not a secret Muslim and no, he's not gonna let terrorists 'win'. He's a politician, just like the rest of 'em, but he's a great compromiser, a great educator, and a great speaker - something we've had SORELY lacking in a presidency since, I don't even know when... Nixon? JFK?

Anyway, it just seems like a lot of fear is coming out of nowhere. It's quite worrisome :sick

The guy says he will do this and that, but dances around HOW he will do it.

He won't win because one, he is black, and two, his name.

President Obama doesn't sound right.

Sound like some middle east leader. .. . . .. .
The guy says he will do this and that, but dances around HOW he will do it.

Perhaps people aren't looking hard enough. It is the sound byte generation after all. No one reads or researches anymore. And instead of the nitty-gritty, the media focuses on flag pins, middle names, churches, and other petty distractions these days.

It's all on his site:

He won't win because one, he is black, and two, his name.

President Obama doesn't sound right.

Sound like some middle east leader. .. . . .. .

As ridiculous as that is, and as much as I'd hate to believe that of my fellow U.S. citizens, you might be right. Canada, here I come :lol (besides, as a BSG fan, I kinda like it... sounds a little like Admiral Adama ;))

Regardless, it's historic, and I can't wait to see what happens in November. I'm still holding out hope :)
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The guy says he will do this and that, but dances around HOW he will do it.

He won't win because one, he is black, and two, his name.

President Obama doesn't sound right.

Sound like some middle east leader. .. . . .. .

Lest we forget, it's not just President Obama, it would be President Barack Hussein Obama.
Yeah, it's pretty sad if people wouldn't vote for him because of his name.
No one reads or researches anymore.

This is my biggest problem with discussing politics with anyone. People are quick to pick a side and stop learning about the "enemy."

Political discussions always devolve into a contest of who can sound smarter than the other person. It doesn't matter if actual facts are being presented, it's "I sound smarter than you and you are an idiot."

In non-election years, I can have very productive political conversations and can come away from them having a better understanding of the issue being discussed. During elections years, it's a pissing contest and not worth it.
I just wanna know what exactly split this country up so divisively in the past few years? It never used to be this bad. I hate politics so much.

Somewhere along the line people convinced themselves that anyone who does not believe the way they do are either stupid or bad or both. And I don't think it's the past few years because things were pretty bad during the Clinton years too. I think the big difference is that we were doing better economically when Clinton was in office so people weren't as stressed.

I remember a very distressing lack of respect for Clinton as a president. Conservatives, republicans, or whoever could not stand Clinton and put up roadblocks and attempted to sabotage his Presidency at every available pass. Democrats and liberals responded in kind when Bush was elected President. I think now we have devolved into a huge playground scuffle where no one will let their pride go long enough to say, "Maybe so and so has a point." At the very least I would like to see respect come back in to play. What I would love to see in this country is for more people to say, "I disagree with so and so's politics, but I recognize that they are doing this because they believe it is best for the country."

As for me, I disagree with Obama politically, but I agree with many of your sentiments, Dusty, that he may be the breath of fresh air we need.
His stance on the military

A friend of his and guest speaker at his church.

Rev. Wright himself. The man who married Obama and his wife and was his mentor for 20 years.

Some quoates from his books. Of course they are taken out of context.:rolleyes:

'I ceased to advertise my mother's race at the age of 12 or 13,
when I began to suspect that by doing so I was
ingratiating myself to whites.'
From Dreams of My Father :
'I found a solace in nursing a pervasive
sense of grievance and animosity against my mothers
From Dreams of My Father:
'There was something about him that made me wary, a little too
sure of himself, maybe. And white.'
From Dreams of My Father:
'It remained necessary to prove which
side you were on, to show your loyalty to the black
masses, to strike out and name names.'
From Dreams of My Father:
'I never emulate white men and brown
men whose fates didn't speak to my own. It was into
my father's image, the black man, son of Africa ,
that I'd packed all the attributes I sought in
myself, the attributes of Martin and Malcolm, DuBois
and Mandela.'
From Audacity of Hope:
'I will stand with the Muslims should the political winds shift in
an ugly direction.' You say I worry you. People who think this man will make a great President scare the hell out of me. I can post more if you want.

Here, how about raising taxes.
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I'm still holding out hope :)

Me too but don't underestimate the evil Right Wing spin meisters. They've gotten a lot of traction out of petty things so far.


We have many stupid people in this country who are easily distracted and put a lot of emphasis on unimportant things like names, pins and such.
I read alot of what you posted as a pride in his African heritage and I don't see anything wrong with that. I also think that many people who have parents of different races can have a difficult time in finding themselves. It may be that he experienced discrimination from both races and felt that he would be better to align himself with one as opposed to being alienated by both. As a white person I don't think I can ever understand what it is like to be a minority in this country, and I don't think it is fair or right to judge a person's comments without understanding where they are coming from.

As for his comment about Muslims, I don't know what he means by that. But one thing that comes to mind is that he could be saying should the tone in the country move against Islam and its followers to the point that they are being discriminated against that he will stand with them. Should anyone's freedom of religion in this country be threatened I will stand with that religion myself based on the prinicples that this country was based on, which I believe strongly in.
We have many stupid people in this country who are easily distracted and put a lot of emphasis on unimportant things like names, pins and such.

Yea we have alot of stupid people in this country who are falling for this wolf in sheeps clothing. I thought I read where the mod said be respectful. Was their disrespect in my post to Dusty? I don't appreciate the "stupid people" in your post.
Yea we have alot of stupid people in this country who are falling for this wolf in sheeps clothing. I thought I read where the mod said be respectful. Was their disrespect in my post to Dusty? I don't appreciate the "stupid people" in your post.

Didn't mean to imply you're stupid simply because you're republican, just the people that think a middle name or wearing or not wearing an american flag pin matters. If you do think such then I think that's a silly, petty reason to dislike someone.

Personally, I'm not so much pro Obama, though I do think he's one of the smartest, most eloquent candidates to come around in a looooong time, I'm just very anti republican administration, not necessarily anti republicans as people, at this point.
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