Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys or Not?

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Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I love 12" figures. I love seeing what any 1/6 company will be bringing out next even if I'm not especially interested in the line or figure. So happens HT are the most prolific and arguably the most consistent with their quality.

HT are only now reaching the price points of their main competitors, Enterbay and Medicom (well, Medicom, sort of, maybe once upon a time). Overall, and with a few notable exceptions, HT provide the more affordable, better accessorised figure sets out of the three.

Unlike some I don't feel entitled to be able to afford every release HT bring out. HT are not saying "check out all these awesome releases we expect each and every one of you to buy", but many folks here seem to think HT are forcing these things on us and holding us to ransom with big price tags.

I don't buy what I can't afford and I don't buy what I don't like. As such I service my hobby on an average income and I retain the pleasure of collecting through a discerning selection of all that is on offer. Simple.

Great post! :goodpost:

I love HT figures, I look forward to each and every new announcement, yet I only buy the ones I really want. Sure the prices have increased, and yes, they might be a bit high in the case of the new Batman and Joker, but because I buy only what I like, I can live with the high pricepoint of some of these figures.

Jack Sparrow DX for example. He's about €60 more than the other figures I bought. But IMO he's worth it because it's a great character and pretty much the only character I'd ever want to see in DX form.

And because I don't waist money on figures that I don't want to own, I have no problem with paying that price.

So to answer the question, no I'm definitely not over HT.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

hot toys prices are not going up, it is the $$$$ that is going down and just like everything price of these toys are going up, by the time we get to dx 10 i am sure they will be at $399.99-----like gold----

I said this long ago,that prices were just going to go higher and not too many listened.If you follow trends and pay attention to smart analysts,its easy to see.especially,If they keep printing money out of thin air,your going to see hyper-inflation.The dollar is and has been de-valued! people wont be able to afford Hot Toys figures all at,if they havnt been able to at all now
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I kind of lost interest soon after the SDCC exclusive chaos and crazy scalper stories...but the release of Keaton Batman has me excited again...
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

HT has been putting out alot of great stuff this last month or so. I'm more excited then ever.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Hey Everyone,

Just as the title reads. Has anyone just lost interest in HT lately...they just seem..blah to me nowadays. Maybe its' the prices. But I used to own 15-20 of the best HT figs. DX01, 02, 03, 04. TDK, Iron Man, Predator, etc. I recently sold them all off and don't regret it one second. 2 examples recently were, I bought an HT Thor...and sold it the next day, it just looked like a toy..and the recent HT Batman Begin/Wayne debacle at Sideshow. So much hype for what...a headsculpt and a mediocre figure that I already owned and sold. I almost bought into it though, but then I realized, I used to own the OC Bats and wasn't impressed.

Don't get me wrong though...HT does some amazing work. The DX Bespin Luke and The new 89 Bats and Joker, 100% awesome. Will probably bite on 1 or 2 of those(Luke for sure). But , I don't know I really think its the new price trend. When I look at the things I own like the MR Falcon, Sideshow 1:1 C-3PO Bust and the upcoming EFX Vader Legend they have such a commanding presence. They feel worth it.

Who knows maybe I just needed to rant on about it a bit. Anyone else out there feel the same way.:dunno Thanks for listening


It is just the nature of the thing you are collecting. A detolf crammed full of 20-30 hot toys figures will never have the presence of a detolf with 1:1 star wars helmets. Replica props and statues collections have the size and the associated visual WOW factor that a hot toys collection will never match.

That being said, the 1/6 hobby goes beyond looking pretty since it gives you more "play" value: e.g. Kit bashing, customization, photography, stop motion, building dioramas...the list goes on.

Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

This thread...
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I love HT, the reason I got in to 1/6 wasn't actually to do with the size or articulation but because they look so real but I only buy what I like, I don't want every character from a film either. One, two or three figures Max & I'm done. I'm hoping to slow down after the Batman'89 figures & Iron Monger because I'll own figures from all the films I love with the exception of films like Taxi Driver, Goodfellas, Pulp Fiction... Ect, you know, figures which are unlikely to be made any time soon.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I've found myself growing less and less interested over the past few months too and I suppose that's wholly due to the prices. It's not about whether I can afford the figures or not (which many point to when you say you don't agree with the price), it's rather that I plainly don't think HT figures are worth the prices they're currently asking. These figures are great but I don't think they're $180+ great. When you get to $250 and such they definitely get a lot less appealing to me.

For me there's a price limit with these figures, beyond which I start to feel like I've wasted money or been taken for a sucker. It gets to a point where it's just not an agreeable exchange, where I feel like I'm being gypped.

Great post. I agree.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Yep, I agree as well. The price has less to do with whether or not they're affordable and is really all about perceived value. I love oreo cookies. If they started charging $30 a bag for them could I afford it? Sure. Would I pay that much? Hell no.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I am SO over Hot Toys! Having said that I just preordered 1989 Joker and Bats for $517 :rock
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

am I over HTs? not in the least. And here is why...

I only collect Nolan's Batman. and I only want Nolan's Batman. And I love all the figures they do for the franchise. So I collect them. I don't sell them, I don't buy customs, I collect the officially licensed figures. And its a lot of fun. Yes, its pricey, but this is considered high-end collecting in the toy collecting hobby. And if I want the best Batman figures, these are the best.

I think what happens, as I read a lot of peoples post on this site, is that a lot of collectors try to collect many different figures from different genres and movies. I think that can get overwhelming and gets expensive because say you are a Star Wars fan, you want to keep up with ALL of the characters they release, and SW there is a ton, that gets expensive. But then you want Batman too, and Iron Man, LOTR, etc etc...Once you get into many genres it gets really expensive or you have to sell some to get the newest releases. And i can see why some people get stressed and upset about it.

I think for me, I dont feel that. I only collect 1 specific movie franchise and there really isnt that many you need to get.

As far as pricing, EVERYTHING goes up in price! You cant avoid that. That just the way the world is. And because of the production costs on these figures, from everything to design to licensing and where they are made, they are only going to get more expensive. But these arent toys you find at a local toy store, they are considered HI-END Collectibles. I think for those who sole purpose to collect is because they may be worth money someday its a tricky situation to get into. Because things can easily go down in value. For me I collect for the love of Nolan's movies. They are two of my favorites of all time, and I like collecting anything related to the movies such as 1:1 movie replicas and these 1:6 toys.

But we all are different, we all collect for different reasons. There is no right or wrong to collecting. Just try and have fun with it. Some people get too stressed from it, I think.

I'm in agreement. I pick my favorites and I have to limit it. I guess this thread has made me wonder are there people out there getting every release no matter what it is. The prices have me a little nervous as to where things will be next year. One of my favorites is Tron, it takes me all the way back to when I was 8. If if we do see another release and it does involve a light up suit I'm a little worried what the cost we will be. My focus primarily is Avengers related, and while, Nolan Batman, Sucker Punch, Avatar, Christopher Reeve Superman and Michael Keaton Batman are way tempting if I was to get them it would have to be at the expense of something I want more.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I've found myself growing less and less interested over the past few months too and I suppose that's wholly due to the prices. It's not about whether I can afford the figures or not (which many point to when you say you don't agree with the price), it's rather that I plainly don't think HT figures are worth the prices they're currently asking. These figures are great but I don't think they're $180+ great. When you get to $250 and such they definitely get a lot less appealing to me.

For me there's a price limit with these figures, beyond which I start to feel like I've wasted money or been taken for a sucker. It gets to a point where it's just not an agreeable exchange, where I feel like I'm being gypped.

Yep, I agree as well. The price has less to do with whether or not they're affordable and is really all about perceived value. I love oreo cookies. If they started charging $30 a bag for them could I afford it? Sure. Would I pay that much? Hell no.

Exactly. At over $200 a pop, I really have to think if this action figure toy is truly indispensable. I mean, for $200 you can get an iPhone! Or $225 for the iPod Touch. Or $250 for a Playstation. Or a decent Blu Ray player. Or even a freakin' LCD TV!

I'm already pretty selective about what I buy. I've been ruthless with my choices, even cutting out HT's Indy who is my favourite movie character. I'm getting Cap, but Supes, who is currently on order, is on the bubble. I might cancel him because I can't justify paying over $200 for a fairly bare bones figure. I'll save my pennies for the absolute must must haves.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Ht Thor a letdown- rushed into production to get it out around the movie's release. End result: well, you know. I don't care what defenders of this and Odin say- I have alot of HT figures and these just aren't anywhere near the finish and detailing they are known for.
I'm not tired of HT- they better produce highest quality for the prices they are now asking!!!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Exactly. At over $200 a pop, I really have to think if this action figure toy is truly indispensable. I mean, for $200 you can get an iPhone! Or $225 for the iPod Touch. Or $250 for a Playstation. Or a decent Blu Ray player. Or even a freakin' LCD TV!

Holy ____! You really put their prices in perspective for me. :lol
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Is this really a thread?

Captain America
RE Alice (despite controversy)
Batman DX
Joker DX

That's just what I have on PO from them. As long as the quality is there, I'll buy.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

Thats funny though, of all these things I rather have my HT figures because technology always changes and the iPhone you buy now will be obsolete in about a year or two, But my HT figures i'll have for many decades :)

Then again Im not really into phones, i have an old cell phone and works still perfectly for what i need it to do :)

many decades? in the past 8 years, they've released 3 versions of the begins batsuit, each one with little improvements over the last version.
That's AT LEAST as bad as cellphones.
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I’m just getting started. My first purchase was February this year with Berserker Predator and T-600. Since then I have purchased Dog Alien, T-1000, T1 Tech Noir Arnold T-800 and recently Sweeney Todd. My future purchases are Jack Sparrow and Indiana Jones. From that point I am unsure. I don’t do comic related figures but Jack’s Joker cries to me as being iconic. Also the contrast in colors from the rest of my Hot Toys would be beautiful. If the purchase price is a indication of what’s to come I might revert back to collecting NECA (Gremlins, Predators, Rocky etc). What I have been doing is selling old figures (loose) that have been in boxes for years and I know I will never display again. I did this to purchase Sweeney Tood and have the money put aside for Indiana Jones and Jack Sparrow when they become available. I am doing this right now with about $70 put aside for a future purchase. Joker comes out next year so maybe by then I might have the $260+ asking price. But I really hope and wish we get a Street cloth Rocky!!!
Re: Is anyone else just kind of "over" Hot Toys?

I really wish I was over HT...

Just got

-Sweeney Todd


-DX05 Indiana Jones
-DX06 Jack Sparrow
-Captain America
-Baby Doll
-Classic Predator
-DX08 1989 Joker
-DX09 1989 Batman

all Pre-ordered....and will preorder...

-Cannibal Jack Sparrow V2
-DX07 Luke Skywalker
-Ichabod Crane

And still hoping for

More Avengers
More Pirates
More Star Wars
More Sucker Punch
More Depp figures.
Robocop DX
Rambo DX
Rocky DX

Im ____ED.