Indy 5 on the way?

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I kinda disagree with the idea of Jones not being suited for the intel work.. with his past history with battling Nazis, his international travels and knowledge of foreign language and customs.. his type character is perfectly suited for intel work even today.. that is exactly the type of background and knowledge that intelligence agencies value..
Whenever, if ever, they get around to another Indy film, I think they should just make it a prequel to KOTCS and cover the decade they decided to leap over. I think it would be a fascinating storyline to cover Indy's intel work during the war.
Agreed Choopie... I may be in the minority.. but I found Mac to be one of the more intriguing aspects to KOTCS... his exploits with Indy in Berlin or Flensburg would be great movie plots.. or at the very least expanded universe type novels !
Agreed Choopie... I may be in the minority.. but I found Mac to be one of the more intriguing aspects to KOTCS... his exploits with Indy in Berlin or Flensburg would be great movie plots.. or at the very least expanded universe type novels !

I actually found Mac to be one of the more annoying aspects of KOTCS. The whole, double/triple agent aspect was horrible writing. Especially for someone who's supposedly a good friend of Indy. It made Dr. Jones look quite dumb for keeping him around. I won't even get started on the "Jonesy" drinking game. :monkey1
4th ep was the worst movie of all time-----i know i am opening a big bag of worms saying this but it just sucks-------nuke the fridge------
hell, I think one of the toughest things Indy ever did was gun down the Cairo swordsman in Raiders... bring back the edgy, steely nerved aspect of the character established in Raiders and ditch the tongue in cheek, I'm not going to shoot any bad guys aspect they developed in the later films..

Didn't he massacre a group of nazis with a machine gun in TLC? "I TOLD you ratatatatatatatatatatatatat DON'T call me junior!"
I actually found Mac to be one of the more annoying aspects of KOTCS. The whole, double/triple agent aspect was horrible writing. Especially for someone who's supposedly a good friend of Indy. It made Dr. Jones look quite dumb for keeping him around. I won't even get started on the "Jonesy" drinking game. :monkey1

he deserved the horrible death he got. ____ that guy,
Regarding the comments regarding Jones killing Nazis in LC.. agreed... there was something just a little more edgy and tough in Raiders.. yup.. he mowed down some bad guys with the MP40 in LC.. and followed it up with a cheeky line.. and jousting, while visually cool.. was still somewhat corny... Raiders just had a harder more gritty feel to it.. the character seemed more rough and tumble... wish he had just smoked the poison dart mope in the KOTCS cemetery scene instead of just threatening him with the Webley... could have brought some of that character back... imagine had he done that, followed by Mutt's, "'re a teacher".. and instead of the part time comment he just shrugged and turned around to get to business.... just saying... and just an opinion.... Indy needs that devil may care aspect of his character back to be the real Indy again..

As for Mac... I agree with the double-triple agent gaff in his character.. that was what I was getting at.. Mac had huge potential to be much more interesting because of the background with Indy.. but they fumbled the opportunity...
Since we're talkin' about Mac . . . wtf was the deal with the lamest attempt at a whip save ever, when Mac just flopped on the ground and laid there and chatted with Indy before the place even remotely started to fall apart. He could've just gotten up and walked up the steps.
If they want Indy 5 to be decent they need to hire Lawrence Kasden to write it.

Amen! Actually, I hope they do make it because it cannot be worse than part 4. They need to make it have a SERIOUS tone this time and keep Shai out of it for sure.
harrison ford can barely walk, how they going to make indy 5 unless reboot it/prequel with a new actor. please not labeouf though, worst miscast ever!

Huge jackman would be an ok choice, or that firefly guy is good too.
harrison ford can barely walk, how they going to make indy 5 unless reboot it/prequel with a new actor. please not labeouf though, worst miscast ever!

Huge jackman would be an ok choice, or that firefly guy is good too.

Captain Mal, FTW! :rock

Nathan Fillion is one of those well-rounded actors that can do just about anything when it comes to Hollywood.
Indy 4 had good writers. Frank Darabont and David Koepp are no slouches. But George and even Steven had some stupid ideas that they insisted be put in. So even if you get some good dialogue or character parts, you would still have them interspersed with silly things like prairie dogs, nuked fridges and Tarzan-swinging monkeys.

The main problem is George. As long as he's in charge he'll still insist on putting in "fun" and "lighthearted" bits that very young kids can enjoy. And nothing too intense, of course. Our only hope is that he'll break up with his current girlfriend and want to make a really dark movie in order to deal with his depression. ;)

I watched Cowboys and Aliens last week, and I thought the role HF played was terrific. That guy was who I pictured the Raiders of the Lost Ark Indy to have aged into. He was grouchy, mean, intense, closed up emotionally, and really tough. He wasn't afraid to use a gun, that's for sure.