[iminime] Trekking into theDark - Brash Captain|Vulcan First Officer NEW SCULPT PICS

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Very informative review;pretty much answers all my questions. An objective look is always desirable...PS
Great reviews guys.
These look better in hand than on the official pics for some strange reason.
Wish I had the money when these went up.
Here're some quick iPhone pix I took yesterday (there's some slight lens distortion on the first photo):

Something is really off in your pics...

Now I've got it!

No lens flare.

Great looking figures by the way!

Man, Spock is spot on not so sure about Kirk. They are masterpieces by all means and i would love to own them ,I just think Kirk has a 5head Frankenstein's monster look. He is a pretty boring non characteristic male so its really hard to nail down his features i suppose. The uniforms are perfect.
what the what?? are they from different people?? I don't understand!!

I'm also confused!

One looks wider and the irises are larger. One on the left looks more real

Could also be lens distortion to an extent?

The sculpts came from the same place. One on the full figure and i ordered and an extra. I was just trying to show off the 2 very different paint jobs i received. It might be hard to tell with the crappy photo but the one on the right colors are flat and dull from the hair to the skin to the lips... i probably would have never noticed if i didnt get the really nice one to compare. Do you think they just missed putting gloss on it?
AHHHH....I know *exactly* what that is. After a paint job's done, you're supposed to put on some sort of clear coat to prevent chipping and damage. I don't care for it, just because it usually messes with the gloss. If you get a gloss clear coat, it makes the skin shiny - which isn't right. If you do a non-gloss, it dulls the paint job. It's especially noticeable on black - it tends to turn it to almost a charcoal color. Seems to me they put a dull clear coat on one and not the other, then went back and put a clear gloss on the eyes.