I Found the Cure to Obsessive Collecting

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You're going to live together and sleep in the same bed? Way to prolong the pain if you ask me.
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:goodpost: :clap

That is the best advice you can give someone.
You cuddle and cry!

She doesn't know what she has! :lecture

She has a guy breaking down, and she wants a man. No offence, it happens but you need to be strong and remember your the man in the relationship. Its alright to show emotion but your going overboard.

Hey the kids hurting, Im not going to lie to him to humor him. He needs to hear the truth from someone.

Well, your assuming that you know what his ex is looking for.

To a lot of women, a real man is one that can cry and cuddle. "Tough guys" are a dime a dozen and when she finds that out she might realize what she lost.

Don't hold out hope for that LChinoz, because that's not gonna be healthy, I'm just sayin'...

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Way to lazy to read all of these pages but you should just boot her ass to the curb. Or go run a train on some girl...or run a train on her.
First of all, it's extremely unlikely that *you* even know who the best person for you is because most peeps don't even know who they are at 25. And the fact that you're even thinking this way proves that you have some growing up to do. There are thousands of people out there for us at any given time. And most women don't "come into their own" until late 20's to early 30's, anyway.

Secondly- the relationship between a man and a woman is unlike the relationship between best friends. And since you two act like best friends you should not be surprised that sex has fallen out of the equation and that she is unfulfilled.

And Thirdly- You're allowing yourself to be tortured. You are losing serious Man Points and that's coming from a woman, sitting right here typing to you.

____ I said I was done here but I just wanted to say :yess: to Sam. Stop being weak dude. It's not helping you. I know how bad it hurts. TRUST ME I KNOW! You feel sick, you don't want to eat, all of that BS. Kick her ass out anyways! :lecture This ceases to become about her the minute she told YOU that SHE was DONE.
Theres is only one thing you need to know.

It is over forever now.

Also,You must be the 1st to have sex with another person.____ing another girl in your bedroom would be the best thing.Even better if your ex catches you.She needs to see that other women are all over you.Dont be weak.A Weak man is the biggest turn off ever for a women.

You must immerse yourself totally in that role..the ladies man, the jerk..This is how you win in life.

Do it or Fail.

Close the thread now.

You know, a few years ago I would have found a post like this far too cynical, but it's actually the truth. :lecture

If you want to be a Good Guy and immerse yourself into a woman and give her your soul and love 100% unconditionally (which is the ideal)... you have about a 99.99999% chance of utter and horrifically painful failure. Do the math.

Trust us old dudes who have been there and lived to tell the tale. What you're doing now will not be worth it and will ultimately only make it worse for you in the end. Quit torturing yourself and go date a stripper or four. :duff
listen man, l was not going to post, but here is my advise. you need to throw her out, go to a strip club with your buddies get drunk, see a different pair of tits, try and get laid, and relax. life does not revolve around women, trust me. in a couple months you will be happier then you ever were.
I think self-esteem and independence are lacking here, which are key to healthy relationships IMO. Those are often things you have to learn about the hard way, though. Me and most of my friends have had a really tough break-up or two when we were younger, and they helped to forge healthy relationships later on, when we were mature enough and knowledgeable enough to be ready for it. There are lots of lessons to be learned. But I agree that it is best to get the f out of that weird situation. The sooner you put it in the past, the sooner you will be able to learn and move on.

Anyway, I figure this guy's got enough advice to last 10 life-times, but none of that is gonna mean ____, IMO, until you learn this first hand. You've got to learn it yourself through getting a hard slap in the face by reality. Good luck with it all.
Believe it or not, Slipknot (of all people) have some sage words for this (via their song, "Snuff"):

So save your breath, I will not care
I think I made it very clear
You couldn't hate enough to love
Is that supposed to be enough?

I only wish you weren't my friend
Then I could hurt you in the end
I never claimed to be a saint
My own was banished long ago
It took the death of hope to let you go

So break yourself against my stones
And spit your pity in my soul
You never needed any help
You sold me out to save yourself

And I won't listen to your shame
You ran away, you're all the same
Angels lie to keep control
My love was punished long ago
If you still care don't ever let me know

Get out now.
does she have a shaggable sister?.............just askin'.............:monkey3
I don't think anyone has actually talked about the collecting part of the title in this thread. :lol

Since I'm the first, can I have all your stuff? It's better this way than the alternative: She steals your stuff when she walks out (or when you kick her a$$ to the curb).
I don't think anyone has actually talked about the collecting part of the title in this thread. :lol

Since I'm the first, can I have all your stuff? It's better this way than the alternative: She steals your stuff when she walks out (or when you kick her a$$ to the curb).

or she goes Elin Woods on his collectibles.
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