1/6 Hot Toys Speculation Thread - Avengers 4

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I'll be down for Thor to complete the set. Unless there is some 'Avengers 1' type appearance of Loki, then he's out. And assuming this is the last appearance of Rogers and Stark, as I have an Iron Man figure from each Avenger movie, I'll probably do the same here.. It's more about fleshing out existing character collections than collecting movies for me.

I dig though, that the movie seems to be centred around the core team that was there from the first tie-in movie..
Pretty sure this will be an accessory.
Maybe as an exclusive:

im helm.jpg
Ehh blah trailer, was happy to finally see Ant Man and Hawkeye/Ronin back

I liked the trailer but wasn't expecting much....Marvel bein' secret fanatics. Nice and grim except welcome appearance of Antman.

Depending on both movie and HT - I'd probably get most - Cap, Bucky, BW, Vision, Loki, Falcon, Antman, Wanda....maybe IM depending, Hawkeye for sure, maybe Thor.
No CM.

But hard to say, HT needs to come through w. sculpts/costumes.:dunno
Sold off my Hawkeye because I never displayed him. I would consider Ronin if they made him.
I doubt they make a new Antman with the one from AMatW releasing next year, and we know it's the same suit. Same for Thor right, Or does he wear a new suit in A4?
If Hot Toys produce a new Winter Soldier Captain America suit, I'll buy it without a doubt and sell my Civil War version. I'm a big fan of WS suit.
And thats ignoring those white "Avengers" suits that did the rounds a month back.

I'm surprised those suits were not more scrutinized than they were. They looked photoshopped over existing promo pics that were released awhile in advance. Would be odd at this point to see all of them in a white themed outfit.
i'd be interested in another Cap, but I'll wait and see if they make one and what it looks like before I decide if I'll get it. Maybe we'll get another Thanos? Maybe they'll finally make a Nebula?
A new Cap with that new body and a new Evans sculpt would be cool. Hope they don't cheap out and reuse an old sculpt because his hair is different here.

Didn't stop them from reusing the BvS Cavill sculpt for Justice League.
Nice to see Strike Suit Cap is back...I never got the first one (I wasn't into collecting HTs yet), but looks like we may get another shot at getting it! :yess:

Seeing him in a suit that's already available makes sense in the context of the story. Half the life in the universe has been wiped out - getting new threads is probably pretty low on Cap's priority list. I'd bet the only way we see him in a completely new suit is if he survives and is wearing one in the end, similar to Scarlet Witch at the end of Age of Ultron.
As many iterations as the regular Cap suit has had, A strike suit is worth at least another iteration as well. I had the first strike suit and the design was subtle but very nice. Unfortunately there were too many issues or things I didn't like that I ended up letting it go.