Hot Toys - MMS187 - X-Men: The Last Stand: Wolverine

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:lol The ironic thing of all you guys passing on pre-ordering this in favor of getting him cheaper 'down the line' are only going to make him worth more, not less later on. They make these to fill pre-orders. If only 10 people pre-order him, they might make 15, but 500 people actually want him, so after those 10 that pre-ordered get theirs and the 5 in stock ones are sold, the other 85 are going to get desperate and will easily pay more than retail for him.

How do I know this? Thats what happened to the original Wolverine. Low numbers were made because 'he doesn't look like Jackman' and we all know how that turned out. So if you want a deal in the future, pre-order it now and canel before he ships so they make that many more of them :duh

I'm not passing to get him later on. I'm passing.
I was thinking about cancelling my DX Luke but that now looks like the deal of the century in light of these last few hits.

I wonder if it's because they see how much XO Wolverine still fetches?

They are going to find out real fast if people are willing to drop $235 for a figure.
This is probably the worst price they've given a figure (considering likeness and accessory count) in recent history. People were floored when TDKR Bats went up for $265, but at least that could be rationalized.

$235 for a regular bare-bones -- scratch that: a less than bare-bones figure -- is unheard of. Stuff like this used to cost under $170, and I'm talking mere months ago. What the hell?
Me too. I'm passing on $235 of nothing like Hugh Jackman.

Amazing more people have not expressed how bad this sculpt is.........almost like Jackman did not give his likeness approval and HT had to make a phony sculpt to sorta look like him in a quick glance...:lol
This is probably the worst price they've given a figure (considering likeness and accessory count) in recent history. People were floored when TDKR Bats went up for $265, but at least that could be rationalized.

$235 for a regular bare-bones -- scratch that: a less than bare-bones figure -- is unheard of. Stuff like this used to cost under $170, and I'm talking mere months ago. What the hell?

Hulk has now become a distant memory, the pricing guru's out did themselves.

Amazing more people have not expressed how bad this sculpt is.........almost like Jackman did not give his likeness approval and HT had to make a phony sculpt to sorta look like him in a quick glance...:lol

The price is crap but I dig the sculpt :wave
Hulk has now become a distant memory, the pricing guru's out did themselves.

And as if to prove my point, I thought Hulk's price was reasonable. They obviously charged the highest price they could while avoiding total outrage, but it's fair. This on the other hand is insane.
I was mildly interested in the figure because of Hugh Jackman so when the SS newsletter went out, I clicked on it out of curiosity. My reaction was:
1.) :) look at price
2.) :) ....
3.) check that it is a mms--->yes
4.) :) ........
5.) :horror

I'm glad I'm not an X-men collector :rotfl
God damm !! I can't believe I sold my first wolverine from hot toys ! Big mistake in my part . This will look awesome next to him .
This guy's going for $210-$215 elsewhere, but even that's about $40 too steep. :lol What were they thinking?
$235. Hay dios mio!!! I just can't continue buying Hot toys with the current pricing. I think I've been priced out of this hobby. I'm gonna try to finish the avengers line up and stop.

I am gonna call sideshow and ask if they can keep the sentinel stand and charge me 169.99. :). I think they'll go for it
Insane price. I will probably end up getting it because I don't want to be in a situation where I'm paying even more in the aftermarket.

I'm glad he isn't high up on my want list though.

I still need to pay for, Thor, Loki, Black Widow, Hulk, Iron Man and Spider-Man + a new gaming computer.... I'm at University I wasn't made for this!
I don't know what everyone's surprised about . The price of these thing have been sky rocketing across the board . There all too much money if you ask me . It's ridiculous . I mean the joker 89 is how much ? $270 .
This figure is priced at modern DX pricing....and no DX features or extra value. HT has hit a new high in what you pay for vs. what you get.
Pay it if you, for me the sculpt is sub-par and makes the price that much more a joke.



looks good here.

It's a good looking figure just far far far far too expensive and lacking decent value

This guy's going for $210-$215 elsewhere, but even that's about $40 too steep. :lol What were they thinking?

They're thinking since the previous wolverine goes for so much onthe aftermarket they can charge more
I don't know what everyone's surprised about . The price of these thing have been sky rocketing across the board . There all too much money if you ask me . It's ridiculous . I mean the joker 89 is how much ? $270 .

I don't think the surprise is at the rising price, it is a given nowadays. The surprise is most will continue paying it :panic: