Hot Toys - MMS185 - The Avengers: Iron Man MK VII Official Specs & Pics

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You couldn't have said it better.
Problem is, the specs clearly state "RDJ authentic likeness", and this is far from it.
Amazing Tony Stark HS though.

"likeness" is used because by the very definition of the word it doesn't mean perfection. it simply means they are similar in appearance.

personally i think it capture movie stark closer then the long faced mark IV sculpt ever did. the only thing i can say i absolutely hate is the eyes....but thats a problem with %90 of all HT for me.
Just got mine, as my first ever IM figure I can say I'm impressed!
He does feel VERY light though, so I gotta ask, we're previous iterations of this figure light also? I know he's not made of die cast, and that he's also not as huge as Monger, and even though monger feels like plastic, it seems to me that it's some stronger kind. This guy feels a little cheap if I can actually say that without being bombarded after. Another thing that gets my attention is the fact that there's no way a 1/6 RDJ is inside that armor. This guy is fit. Not skinny, but really trimmed. The movie shows IM being this Thick armored beast that can actually hold a person inside it. Minor grip though, but I think he should've been thicker.
He looks incredible though, just amazing. Very happy with my purchase.
One thing you guys, some pats on the armor are chipped. I haven't taken all the plastic out yet, but it wouldn't surprise me if there's more spots. Something to watch out for I guess, I took some crappy iphone pics for you to see. Ill be contacting SS regarding this, and see if they can work something out for me.
And fordijuse, I actually flex paid this, and got it before you.


Maybe if you remove the bags off the limbs, you'll see that the "armor chips" are painted on. 1st figure or 10th figure, there is no way you can mistake those for real chips if you look close enough.

Let us know what SS does for you when you are required to submit pics before u get your replacement/exchange, and they see you are questioning an actual product feature that is supposed to originally be there. Even if you do get the replacement, you will receive a similar figure with the same exact "armor chips." :lol
"likeness" is used because by the very definition of that word it doesn't mean perfection. it simply means they are similar in appearance

Agreed. And they are not.
It is ok though, as I have the option not to display it with it. As I said, regardless of that specific fact that I happen to dislike very, very, much, as a customer entitled to do so, I really love this IM. It's pretty bad ***!
Maybe if you remove the bags off the limbs, you'll see that the "armor chips" are painted on. 1st figure or 10th figure, there is no way you can mistake those for real chips if you look close enough.

Let us know what SS does for you when you are required to submit pics before u get your replacement/exchange, and they see you are questioning an actual product feature that is supposed to originally be there. Even if you do get the replacement, you will receive a similar figure with the same exact "armor chips." :lol

Some very nice people already clarified that for me a couple of pages back, like I stated, this was my very first iron man.
Sorry if my post was too stupid for your intellect level. But then again, what can be said of someone calling himself an "MK suit whore".
He's trying to complete his Avengers lineup, not trade them away...

the only avengers mark VI is the promo edition limited to 3000 pieces. not really needed for an avengers collection if you have the VII but a huge feather in your cap if you scored one. but i'm sure you knew that.

Yeah come on its been too nice around here lately !:1-1:

:lol You monger, you.

I'm sure you didn't mean to sound affronting, mrclean08, but your post did come off as being a little less than cordial. It's all good though -- it can be difficult to interpret body language through text. :peace

Whether the chipping issue was legitimate or not, your looking out for us and giving a heads up was certainly genuine, franpincho, so thanks a lot for your concern. :grouphug And congratulations on scoring what looks like an amazing figure! :hi5:
But how do you know I have a mark vi, eh? Mmmmmmmm...!

Lol, thanks for the offer, but I love my mark 6, got him set up with War Machine

I don't, just guessing if you have an extra one. If not it's ok. I just started recently so I'm missing most of the good figures.
the only avengers mark VI is the promo edition limited to 3000 pieces. not really needed for an avengers collection if you have the VII but a huge feather in your cap if you scored one. but i'm sure you knew that.

True. It also depends on which Avengers lineup you wanted. Do you need both mark VI and VII on your avengers display? I skipped on Black widow and Nick Fury. Instead, I added Spider-Man. To each his own.

I just missed out on the Mark VI because I haven't started collecting then when they came out.
I agree, head sculpt is off. Seems the eyes are too thin. But thats just me being critical. Probably gonna sell this one once it comes in from pre order. IMO the mark 4 sculpt is a tad bit closer to RDJ. But overall this is a great figure with great accessories!:clap
I hate the sculpt as well, glad we agree :lol

My strabismus comment was for the more uninitiated...:wave

Hate? That is a pretty strong word when any normal person would say there is nothing wrong with this sculpt. I always find it amazing that HT usually turns out great sculpts but certain people goes to the extreme with their reactions to it. Obviously its in Hot Toys interest to ignore the extremists since their views are soo far out of the mainstream.