Hot Toys - Iron Man 2: Black Widow

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yeah, leave the head sculpt alone, but start a petition to change her clothing material. the material on scofield in the above pics looks like a much better option. i think even a spandex, as used for ht's superman, is also a better option for her.

the material chosen now is just wrong wrong wrong! and that's frustrating to me since the more i look at her head sculpt the more i love it.
Awesome!!! Hot toys, as usual, its perfect as it is. No changes needed. This is one of the few much like RE Chris were pretty much it is spot on.

The pouty lips is perfect, please keep it as it is. I like it. Its an expression a lot of girls make to show seductiveness. Even on the famous crouched pic of BW, you can see that she has that open mouth sexy look.

I like it, definitely much better than another of the 95% closed mouth no expression face.

Another excellent job HT:clap:clap:clap
She looks fantastic, even in crappy lighting:




These pics look better than the official HT ones and you can see Scarlett's likeness better too. Again the likeness may not be 100% dead on but I think this is the closest any of us will get to having the real Scar-jo in our homes. I haven't seen IM2 yet but I'm almost sold on this figure.
The likeness in those pics are a bit better, especially that last one in the set.
I'm definitely not sold on this. There is about a 90% change that ScarJo will be in The Avengers. Knowing HT they'll do another figure of her then so it'll give the option of a redeux of this particular character not to mention I seriously doubt her costume will change save maybe Avengers logos over the SHIELD ones. So I'm happy waiting on the sidelines, definitely on the lower teir of even wants from this line. With So many figures already optioned out, the sheer guarantee we'll see a Mark VI and probably V as well as Nick Fury and the possiblities of BD versions and a Whiplash v2, this is really down there....
These pics look better than the official HT ones and you can see Scarlett's likeness better too. Again the likeness may not be 100% dead on but I think this is the closest any of us will get to having the real Scar-jo in our homes. I haven't seen IM2 yet but I'm almost sold on this figure.

I agree!

This looks like an awesome figure!

I love the rooted hair! :clap
More like one of those creepy "lifelike" silicone sex dolls made in Japan but hey if they made one of those sex doll's based on Scar-jo's likeness, I might just get one :monkey3:D:rotfl

News Brief....

"Next up after the break: There's been a series of suicide by dehydration cases plaguing the nation. How are Scarlett Johansson and Real Doll to blame? Stay tuned for details...."​
I'm definitely not sold on this. There is about a 90% change that ScarJo will be in The Avengers. Knowing HT they'll do another figure of her then so it'll give the option of a redeux of this particular character not to mention I seriously doubt her costume will change save maybe Avengers logos over the SHIELD ones. So I'm happy waiting on the sidelines, definitely on the lower teir of even wants from this line. With So many figures already optioned out, the sheer guarantee we'll see a Mark VI and probably V as well as Nick Fury and the possiblities of BD versions and a Whiplash v2, this is really down there....

Hey Mike I see what you are saying but just wondering if the price point of $115 (if it's true) won't rope you in?

That's the cheapest HT figure I'll have ever bought if it is. Makes me all the more game for this one personally. However, I like the looks of this figure quite a bit so I'm sold anyways.
Should be a pretty cheap, comparatively speaking, figure since there's not much there accessory wise... She kinda has an empty Sex Doll look to the face, though....

Sorry, late to the game :) This expression does remind me of those real sex dolls and I guess there is a reason why they do it that way? :lol

no, i'm seeing it as it is, without scarjo's cleavage clouding my judgement. just look and compare the two shots:



the cardinal sin for a 1/6 scale fig is for the clothing material to be 1/1 in scale. that could turn any cool fig to look like a doll. just look at that ugly corner flap around her neck, that giant zipper pull, or that thick lines on both sides of the zipper line.

I think you are being unrealistic as to what can be achieved. I have seen better but still not to scale zipper lines/pulls but then they were fake, non-functional ones and in this case they needed to be the functional ones. Take a look at T-800 leather jacket as I believe those are an example of fake ones and it can be done as the jacket stays open
As for material fabric would be more appropriate but I suspect you could not make those details.
Overall if those lips could be just be a tad that be great and btw that neutral look we do not like so much on any other figure.. Damn HT here it would have worked fine and be better than that open mouth IMHO :slap

Also that hairstyle.. I wonder if a hairstylist could work his/her magic and rearrange it to match the style in the movie better. I am already in amazement how HT workers can make these mass-produced figure so nice so I can totally except that they are not hairstylists too...
Thats pretty cool. If HT can produce this at such a small scale it should be no problem for SS at 1/4 scale.
Hey Mike I see what you are saying but just wondering if the price point of $115 (if it's true) won't rope you in?

If it is actually $115 I might bite although I'm not happy with the expression and not sold on the rooted hair. Looks good in the proto shots but I'm still thinking it'll come in looking like Humidity Hair Barbie


I'm just not up on having to actually comb her hair or something along those lines. Even at $115 its still on the lower tier of wants but it'll definitely begin to have me take notice. Timing is everything though, if this ships at the same time as War Machine for example it'll be an easy call of who to cut.