Hot Toys First Blood Rambo, Rocky, Mr. T

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That wasn't intended to be racist, I was making a comment about how his lips look like a freaking baboon but some... ahem... people took it personally. If somebody said Rocky's face looks too white would that offend my Italian sensibilities. I think not. Get over it pal.
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed. Martin Luther King, Jr.

People only see what they are prepared to see. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Accomplishments have no color. Leontyne Price

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. Aldous Huxley

To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice. Confucius

I know what's right, man--and I don't think that comment was right. I won't "get over it". And I don't think I'm the only one here who thinks that comment was wrong. But maybe I am and that would be fine with me. Just because this is an open forum doesn't mean things can be said without pointing out the stupidity in them. Sorry to everyone who thinks I'm overly sensitive.
I don't think that you were intending to say anything racist, but I had the same reaction as SuperAgent did when I saw your comment. It has unfortunately been common for racist remarks to be made similar to what you said about "monkey lips". People make mistakes, and since I really don't think you intended anything by it I would take it as a learning experience.
I am the least racist person I know, and am repulsed by all forms of it.

However, to take the politically correct stance that the word monkey cannot be used in any conversation regarding a black man is PC nonsense. He did not say that all black men look like monkeys, he did not say that all black men are inferior, he said that this TOY incarnation of this man, has oversized lips, that do in fact look like certain monkeys. therefore are monkey lips.

had he called an actual real black person... "hey! monkey lips! come here..." THEN he would be racist. and then he should be thrown out.

But he didn't.

It was the person complaining, who took the negative view that comparing a set of lips to a monkeys was racist, and therefore it was the complainer... who made the race connection, not anyone else.

If he had said that the Stallone figure had monkey lips, would you have complained then?

EDIT: I just thought too, maybe it's an America thing, because here in the UK... anti-black sentiments aren't high like in certain parts of the U.S. ... and maybe that's why you thought he was being racist.
I don't think anything racist was meant by decadentdave, just a poor choice of word for his analogy that could be interpreted as such.
He does have a point, Clubber's lips appear too vivid, they need to be toned down a bit. The sculpt however is perfect in my opinion.
screamingmetal said:
He does have a point, Clubber's lips appear too vivid, they need to be toned down a bit. The sculpt however is perfect in my opinion.

That's prob how it should've came out :rolleyes: :chew
This has been an embarassing exchange. I'm sorry for everyone concerned. I can't see the face well enough to know what to say anout the likeness, so...moving right along...

Am I the only one who, faced with an AA Hot Toys muscle bod in boxing attire, says to himself: I WANT MUHAMMAD ALI!!!

The NECA Ali fig coming out soon doesn't look at all like him. This body would be too dark to use as a custom, plus who could bear to break down a Mr T into its components, and I've never seen a good headsculpt of The Greatest anyway.

These are nice, but if it's boxing, I want ALI.

Oh, I know. Raising this on a thread full of Rocky enthusiasts is like climbing into the ring with Sylvester Stallone. It would make a great story to tell your kids, but would it be worth the pounding?
Gruff Old Bear said:
This has been an embarassing exchange. I'm sorry for everyone concerned. I can't see the face well enough to know what to say anout the likeness, so...moving right along...

Am I the only one who, faced with an AA Hot Toys muscle bod in boxing attire, says to himself: I WANT MUHAMMAD ALI!!!

The NECA Ali fig coming out soon doesn't look at all like him. This body would be too dark to use as a custom, plus who could bear to break down a Mr T into its components, and I've never seen a good headsculpt of The Greatest anyway.

These are nice, but if it's boxing, I want ALI.

Oh, I know. Raising this on a thread full of Rocky enthusiasts is like climbing into the ring with Sylvester Stallone. It would make a great story to tell your kids, but would it be worth the pounding?
You can better see the head sculpt from the pictures located here:
sladesuperagent said:
There is no higher religion than human service. To work for the common good is the greatest creed. Martin Luther King, Jr.

People only see what they are prepared to see. Ralph Waldo Emerson

Accomplishments have no color. Leontyne Price

You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you mad. Aldous Huxley

To know what is right and not to do it is the worst cowardice. Confucius

I'm like Stephen Colbert. I don't see color. My first wife was black. Our daughter is black.

I thought I'd add a quote to the list...

It's like saying black people have thick lips. That's not racist. It's true. We have thick lips. And white people can't dance. Eddie Murphy
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

This is ridiculous. Guys, can we move on with this? I apologize to anyone who may have "mis-interpreted" my comments. I was merely making a critical observation towards the figure that the lips were proportionately too big and exaggerrated for the scale of the figure which they indeed are. Now that I realize that some people took this as a derrogatory attack against their racial skin color, I would like to rephrase my comments as such for clarification to those who are so insecure and paranoid that they think any slightest inference regarding physical characteristics is intended to persecute them directly. Remember, we ALL evolved from monkeys (unless of course you subscribe to a religious doctrine of creationism) so how can this be offensive to one color or another unless you choose for it to be? Now, can we move on, please?
Actually we would have probably had a common ancestory to monkey many, many steps back on the evolutionary tree... then what would later become humans (and great apes) would have diverged and evolved separately. But I get where you're going with this :monkey3
Nice,all this Hot Toys stuff is nt it?I passed it over when it first came out,and i m regretting it now!That Rambo is a work of art.It may sound strange but i especially love the base.While no different to Sideshows that little nameplate sets it apart.I m watching a couple of figures on Ebay at the moment.Thanks for firing my enthusiasm for this line though.I ll be looking out for the Rocky figures as well now.

It s funny,but thinking back to the '70s were nt Mattel years ahead of the game(as Mattel were on a regular basis back then thinking about it..what a great company they were....)with Big Jim(or Mark Strong as he was in England) and the "Muscle Mover" technology.Gives you hope for the durability and longevity of the rubber though-the dolls i see at fairs are still in good shape after all these years.

One last thought,does anybody remember the 'Ali' doll that Kenner put out in the 70s?You could get a Boxing ring for him as well which came with an opponent(Ken Norton??) and all the ring paraphanalia like towels,buckets and sponges.Might be worth looking out for this you could use it to display Rocky and Clubber slugging it out!
decadentdave said:
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Now that I realize that some people took this as a derrogatory attack against their racial skin color, I would like to rephrase my comments as such for clarification to those who are so insecure and paranoid that they think any slightest inference regarding physical characteristics is intended to persecute them directly.

I would love to move on, but I don't think YOU'RE READY TO. You say you'd like to rephrase your comments (which is great), but then you say people are "so insecure and paranoid" (that's a backhanded comment). You set up what you want to say to be positive, then you say something negative and point fingers.

How about a simple apology? Something like "I'm sorry. My Bad. Mea Culpa." I think that would work best.

screamingmetal said:
He does have a point, Clubber's lips appear too vivid, they need to be toned down a bit. The sculpt however is perfect in my opinion.

See, decantdave, I'll even agree that the sculpt has some flaws, but this would have been a better way to say it.

sunohc said:
That's prob how it should've came out :rolleyes: :chew

Agreed. Thank you.
Thanks guys for the links to the photos of the Clubber sculpt and the NECA Ali. These were better photos than I'd seen of either.

I should probably look at some better references before offering this, but I find the Clubber sculpt a little off. I think the mouth may be too wide and the face too oval. The expression is all T though -- furrowed brow and lips relaxed rather than pursed. (You do realize posing them in the ring would be odd since neither has a mouthguard, right?) I wonder whether the color contrast between the head and the rubber body will be this noticeable in person. That's a very dark body. The right tone and wrong configuration for a Smokin' Joe Frazier. To make a wave of AA figures would require a range of available tones or a material that can be painted. I'm looking forward to seeing Louie Tran's AA body from Triad, because it appears it will be something you could paint, although I expect it will be BBI scale.

As for NECA's Ali, I hadn't seen the packaging and didn't realize it was a 1964 Cassius Clay. My mental image of Ali is really after his comeback. In the NECA photo at Daniel's link, I can see that they did capture his face structure and cheekbones very well. The eyes don't say Ali to me, and I'm afraid I've read the same criticism of NECA's John Lennon -- Lennon's glasses come off, and the eyes are reportedly wrong. It's a shame, because I'd really like an Ali figure.

I do wish Sideshow would make a PF Muhammad Ali. I'd buy it in a heartbeat. To many of my generation, he really was and is The Greatest. He paid a steep price for principle, beat the hell out of everybody anyway, and pulled off conceptual ring strategies that made boxing, for a while, performance art. I still use the phrase "rope-a-dope."

But to get back OT, I do like the Stallone figures Hot Toys is producing, and the Rocky figure is a marvelous reminder of another Cinderella story. For a while, Stallone was the guy who beat the system with his talent and made his dream come true. Before it became apparent his dream was to become the system. Sorry, Sly fans. After Rocky, I think his next best picture is Copland, and it makes me think he misspent the years between those pictures.

I hope you guys who are beefing can find your way together. Most of the quarrels that break out here on the board are over territorial slights; this one is about something more serious. Good luck.
The only person here who isn't ready to move on here is you, sladesuperagent. You're the one who chose to make what I said into a big deal and whined about it. You're the one that needs to deal with whatever personal insecurities you have before broadcasting civil rights lessons down people's throats.
Hey, I made my apologies, pal. Perhaps you should apologize to me for taking what I said out of context and twisting my words into your personal rant about racism and making me waste my time here having to explain myself. You're not the only one who was offended here, pal. I'm done explaining myself.

P.S. Mods, feel free to delete these posts as they have contributed nothing to the topic of this thread.