HOT TOYS - DX15 - Batman Returns KEATON BATMAN

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What's sad is they managed to get that AC batman up before this, when this figure was announced so long ago :dunno

Why is that sad? The two licenses were literally announced within a month of each other. AC fans have been waiting pretty much just as long as Returna fans. We know it's happening. We saw the figure. Chillax.
Yeah but don't u think this figure is more iconic and important? I just find it insulting that they prioritized AC over BR that's all.
No, I don't find it insulting in the least. Why, do you? If so, please elaborate, because, frankly, what I do find insulting is the stigma that people place on video games as something of a lesser medium than film or television. At the end of the day, the Arkham games were arguably more important than Returns, to their respective medium.

They proved that you could make a top notch, high quality game using licensed characters and that there was more to offer than the simple cash grabs people had become accustomed to. Returns, historically, was a mixed sequel that, arguably, ushered in an era of subpar to terrible Batman films. That isn't to say I don't love the film and the design, but it's of no more importance than the Arkham games.
That one would find a release insulting, simply because it's from a video game, rather than a film, is insulting to that medium. Let's face it here, Hydeous; as much as I love Returns, it's not exactly Citizen Kane. Even within the confines of its own franchise, it's not that definitive. That honor goes to the 89 film, yet, it seems that it's being placed on a pedestal simply because it's a film.
Im sure there are other aspects as to why they are releasing that before the other. Same goes with characters like Gordon, etc which was shown at the TF. Its usually the usual licensing rights, likeness approval etc. I think they as a business, will release a product without any biase whatsoever.

Its almost funny when I see it being used in that context. :lol Sort of like "I think its insulting that HT thinks we cant afford a 1/6 Bats to be giving us a 1/12 Bats instead."
No, I don't find it insulting in the least. Why, do you? If so, please elaborate, because, frankly, what I do find insulting is the stigma that people place on video games as something of a lesser medium than film or television. At the end of the day, the Arkham games were arguably more important than Returns, to their respective medium.

They proved that you could make a top notch, high quality game using licensed characters and that there was more to offer than the simple cash grabs people had become accustomed to. Returns, historically, was a mixed sequel that, arguably, ushered in an era of subpar to terrible Batman films. That isn't to say I don't love the film and the design, but it's of no more importance than the Arkham games.
Not to mention, the VGM18 is based on the arguably slightly more well received sequel Arkham City, so it is something recent. It's not insulting, and it makes sense with Arkham Knight coming soon. Plus, the VGM line is INCREDIBLY shafted overall compared to the MMS - the VGM line started back in 2008 if I recall.

I like Returns too, but I prefer 1989 and as a gamer, I love Arkham City. I don't find this insulting, at all. There is no matter of 'importance' with these too honestly. batfan is completely correct and I agree with him. The only thing I wish wasn't true was that Returns started terrible films.
That one would find a release insulting, simply because it's from a video game, rather than a film, is insulting to that medium. Let's face it here, Hydeous; as much as I love Returns, it's not exactly Citizen Kane. Even within the confines of its own franchise, it's not that definitive. That honor goes to the 89 film, yet, it seems that it's being placed on a pedestal simply because it's a film.

Im not sure they meant it that way. I don't think he was trying to undermine the importance of this version of Batman, but was defending the importance of the Returns version, or simply stating he thinks its more important in general, which could make sense since it's place in the history of the character is longer. Not saying I agree but your reaction is a bit strong for such a simple statement...
Not to mention, the VGM18 is based on the arguably slightly more well received sequel Arkham City, so it is something recent. It's not insulting, and it makes sense with Arkham Knight coming soon. Plus, the VGM line is INCREDIBLY shafted overall compared to the MMS - the VGM line started back in 2008 if I recall.

I like Returns too, but I prefer 1989 and as a gamer, I love Arkham City. I don't find this insulting, at all. There is no matter of 'importance' with these too honestly. batfan is completely correct and I agree with him. The only thing I wish wasn't true was that Returns started terrible films.

I'm really looking forward to this and I'm kind of glad he's coming before the Returns version. I love the Arkham games and Kevin Conroy has done an awesome job bringing that character to life. If this stays on schedule he should release right in time for Arkham Knight in January. Don't get me wrong, I'm eager for the Returns Bats too but this one is very iconic to us gamers who have played the Arkham series.
It comes out when it comes out. Who cares if the Arkham figure came out first? They were both ****ing shown at Comic-Con right next to each other. :lol

Also, look at how the Arkham figure has fared. People seem more interested in criticizing it than actually enjoying the fact that it actually exists after that long wait. With all the upcoming releases, Arkham Bats kind of got lost in the shuffle, sad to say. It's easy to have ADD or a small attention span with the sheer amount of releases that are announced at the drop of a hat. If anything, be thankful that Returns Batman will be shown later as it will be THE Batman item that will be fresh on everyone's minds . . . till Batfleck.
What I find insulting is that Returns was announced in early 2012 right after 89 was released at $220. The announcement had a expectation date of last quarter 2012. In no way would last quarter of 2012 cost us $300 + for a figure. Since I am not a comic guy I decided to pass on 89 and get Returns as to not double dip. Here we are most likely getting this figure in 2015. Four years after announcement and dishing $100 dollar plus!

Like I said I am not a Comic guy. Keaton for $220 in my display is a good idea. I am a Terminator fan and even shelling out $300 for DX13 did not feel right (still doesn’t). I don’t like the idea of $300+ for Keaton or Penguin or Catwoman. That was not part of the deal in 2012!
It comes out when it comes out. Who cares if the Arkham figure came out first? They were both ****ing shown at Comic-Con right next to each other. :lol

Also, look at how the Arkham figure has fared. People seem more interested in criticizing it than actually enjoying the fact that it actually exists after that long wait. With all the upcoming releases, Arkham Bats kind of got lost in the shuffle, sad to say. It's easy to have ADD or a small attention span with the sheer amount of releases that are announced at the drop of a hat. If anything, be thankful that Returns Batman will be shown later as it will be THE Batman item that will be fresh on everyone's minds . . . till Batfleck.
It's mostly since Arkham Bats belongs in the Video Game board, and most of the people here have not even played the Arkham games, so they're just judging it based on their own weird beliefs. Why are you going to want a figure based on something you didn't see or play? :lol Really, compare the posts in the thread on here to the old one in the Video Game Board.
I'm really looking forward to this and I'm kind of glad he's coming before the Returns version. I love the Arkham games and Kevin Conroy has done an awesome job bringing that character to life. If this stays on schedule he should release right in time for Arkham Knight in January. Don't get me wrong, I'm eager for the Returns Bats too but this one is very iconic to us gamers who have played the Arkham series.
Basically, yeah :hi5: Plus the other thing is, we already have a Michael Keaton Batman, which would explain why the Arkham Bats is prioritized.
I truthfully don't think the demand for Batman Returns is as high as some like to think. The 89 film is overall more popular and we got three figures plus the Batmobile from it so far. Obviously we'll get figures from this film too but I don't think they're a high priority.
More than half of the fan base don't even recognize the differences between the '89 suit vs. Returns suit. :lol

I have a feeling that regardless of price, DX 15 will sell like hot cakes and be popular, no matter the license logo/brand. In the past few years, so many people seem to have suggested that they passed on DX 09 for this instead (then had regrets when this looked like it was never coming and DX 09 sold out and goes for $300-$400+). Double this if a Bruce Wayne head is included.

As for myself, I'm not too keen on Returns as a film. I prefer the first film, Batman '89, and The Dark Knight. Returns seems to be a love it or hate it thing. It's not despised, but it ain't outright loved either. However, I don't think it matters much. The iconic visual of Batman and Catwoman will be enough to sell them, granted they look good. I bet people who hate the movie, buy Batman "cuz it's Keaton" or because they "missed out on DX 09".

Penguin is going to be the tough sell for a lot of people I bet. He'll be a poor seller, guaranteed.
Love it.

All the really cool people, who are creative and amazingly good looking, love Batman Returns.
Love it.

All the really cool people, who are creative and amazingly good looking, love Batman Returns.

Are you amazingly good looking too?

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