HBO's Boardwalk Empire

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This is my favorite show since the sopranos. First season comes out on dvd Jan 10. I haven't watched the second season (only the first two episodes) because l wanted to watch the first season on dvd then watch the second on the computer. From what everyone is
saying (I'm trying not to read to much) 2nd season sounds great.
WTF! :horror

Spoiler Spoiler:
I didn't see him doing the shooting but you knew one of them was going to get it.

Richard will be interesting next season.
damn they are gonna be pissed at wasting all that champagne......:lol
Oh My Freakin' God! Did NOT see that coming. Not at all. Nor the now wasted champagne! Holy crap. :lol
Nucky said blood is thicker than water but Damn!

HBO season finales are often great but this one? Unfreakin'believable. Really great. I agree, ObMan. The writers are ballsy, no doubt about it. There's just so many things in this one epi that blew my mind.

And I am now done with this show.
Why? Just too much?
Wow. I really loved this season. I thought it was even better than the first. So bummed that Jimmy is gone. Where is the show going from here? It is going to be a long wait till season 3!
Oh My Freakin' God! Did NOT see that coming. Not at all. Nor the now wasted champagne! Holy crap. :lol
Nucky said blood is thicker than water but Damn!

HBO season finales are often great but this one? Unfreakin'believable. Really great. I agree, ObMan. The writers are ballsy, no doubt about it. There's just so many things in this one epi that blew my mind.

Why? Just too much?

That was just my initial reaction because Jimmy was my favorite character, besides Richard. I actually really do not care about Nucky at all, his character is just boring and almost predictable to me. I will most likely watch next season only for Richard.
Yeah...I agree about Nucky. And on top of all those things you mentioned now he is just plane hate-able. Siding with a two faced slimy ********* like Eli is just so beyond me. Jimmy will be missed.

My guess is since the highway is being built and Nucky is somehow siding with a worthless connection like Manny that he is going to cut his ties with new york. He called to see if they were working with manny and since no one seemed to care its stange that he kept him alive. So maybe atlantic city and philly going in to business and cutting out the rest of them.
I figure Jimmy knew he was gonna die/wanted to. That's why he didn't go there and kill them all. Basically he left his son the commodores estate. I have a hard time imagining he wants his mother to raise his son, but I guess that gives his son a safer shot.

As far as Harrow goes, I'd love to see him seek revenge but I kind of doubt they will. He's just sort of a floater and the last conversation he had with Jimmy, jimmy made him promise that he would try and "come back" from the war. I could see him just take off to go live with his sister or something.
Now THAT is how you end a season.

Spoilers, just in case some poor schmoe clicks on this thread without having watched the finale last night.

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As for Richard, I can see him taking a back seat for awhile. I could see him popping up towards the end of the series (whenever that might be) and offing Nucky.

As for Margaret, She better head for the hills!! I have no idea what Nucky will do when he finds out that the land is gone. But then again, she will have Owen for protection...
I just rewatched it. The last couple episodes make it seem pretty clear that Jimmy was pretty damaged and just wanted out at this last point. (But not by his own hands)

It would be nice to see harrow take out nucky...or at least eli at some point down the road.

Apparently they are adding in a new james cagney type character to the mix which could be fun. I hope the bleak town of this finale doesn't stick around for too long.

I wonder how long the show will run for? They said this next season is gonna be like a year and a half after this one. So like 1923 ish. You have until like the late early 30's for the end of prohibition.

Itd be awesome if it just kept going for a long time. So like 40's, 50's, 60's, 70's era gangsters.
I'm gonna miss this show. I hate this time of year...when all the shows end. It's like now what the hell am I going to do on boring nights.
Fantastic finale, I was suprised by Jimmy's death, but then afterwards not being armed, what he says to Richard and giving his son his dog tags it all made sense.

Kind of annoyed with Margaret's character, her angst and back and forth (not to mention signing away the land title) are starting to get old. She was one of the best parts of the first season, but I need for her to stop meddling so much :lol
Fantastic finale, I was suprised by Jimmy's death, but then afterwards not being armed, what he says to Richard and giving his son his dog tags it all made sense.

Yeah, looking back there were tipoffs all through the episode that I just didn't pick up on at the time. All of the things you mentioned, plus, Jimmy asking if the Commodore's estate would pass to his son. In hindsight, the writers practically painted a target on him for the audience to see.
Yeah, looking back there were tipoffs all through the episode that I just didn't pick up on at the time. All of the things you mentioned, plus, Jimmy asking if the Commodore's estate would pass to his son. In hindsight, the writers practically painted a target on him for the audience to see.

Yeah, they really did a great job with that character. Looking back to even like season 1. All his interactions with Nucky and becoming a gangster himself. I can't wait to rewatch it sometime. 2x11 totally gave you everything you needed to know about his relationship with his mother, joining the army, and marrying his wife. It's no wonder he ended up so ready to go in the last episode. It's pretty fitting though... he told nucky he couldn't be half a gangster anymore...and his death is an example of how he was right.

Still...I can't help but feel like everything that went wrong with Jimmy and his family leads back to Nucky being a calculated political scumbag.