Guillermo Del Toro is helming a Justice League: Dark movie?/General DC Movie Hub

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I love how everyone is crying that he's going to be on S2 and not S1. Uhm maybe because they worked on S1 before they could confirm they got Matt Ryan on board. :lol

I wouldn't mind a Constantine on CW. At first I was against it because it'll be supernatural with a hero; but with how slow some of the seasons of Supernatural has been...well, I'll take something new with Constantine.
Is everybody crying? I'm just happy I'm gonna get more Constantine.

S1 is probably being wrapped up at the moment, they couldn't possibly squeeze him in that suddenly.
Yeah, and there are rumors about Tatum being Shazam because of him... :slap:slap:slap

If Tatum is cast as Shazam I'm DONE with the DCEU, I'll drop it HARD.

I hope they're working with Del Toro's plot, he had a plot didn't he? :lol Hopefully the fact that he's not working on this means he's working with Brojima.
I followed the books for some time, and I have to say I wish the writing was better. It never fully grabbed me and it wasn't because of the character roster. I just felt there were plenty of interesting characters not used to their potential for twisted and complex stories. Comics have tended to use large story arcs which span multiple issues and series. One arc can dominate half a year. Well if you're not a fan of that arc, the series loses steam. How about some really good one issue stories in there? Might be my own beef with numerous series and not just this one.

I've loved Etrigan since he had his own series though I feel they've watered him down since then. I'd rather see him more as an agent of "chaotic neutral", with evil thrown in now and then to emphasize the neutral. It's like they've made him a good guy now.
I think we all understand that JLD got new director and writer only because of the SS box office.
It's safe to assume that they'll just try to duplite the formula.
I'm with Riddick here. Wan's horror does nothing for me. Liman is a fine director though, and could do this some justice, maybe. I guess we'll need a reversion to the dark approach after the muddled, happy-go-lucky romance story, with no real threat, suspense, or drama that we got with Suicide Squad. And from what looks to be an attempt at a Marvel Studios joke-fest with Justice League proper.
To be fair, JL Dark was never "horror". Even Hellblazer, back in its Vertigo days, was more like gothic romance novels with some horror undertones. Granted, I'm still not done reading either of them, but, y'know... Personally speaking, I ain't a horror guy, so if this happens and it's an R film, I'll probably see it on video. As for the team, I'd be content with: JonCon, Blood/Etrigan, Swampy, Deadman, Zatanna and Doctor Fate (I prefer him to Xanadu).
Excited that this is moving forward- hope SS sequel gets announced soon too
To be fair, JL Dark was never "horror". Even Hellblazer, back in its Vertigo days, was more like gothic romance novels with some horror undertones. Granted, I'm still not done reading either of them, but, y'know... Personally speaking, I ain't a horror guy, so if this happens and it's an R film, I'll probably see it on video. As for the team, I'd be content with: JonCon, Blood/Etrigan, Swampy, Deadman, Zatanna and Doctor Fate (I prefer him to Xanadu).

All these characters had horror elements, but none of them really belong to the "horror" genre.

Best description for the JLD series would be Dark Fantasy I think.

Series had its ups and downs like any other comic, but I felt it was way more consistently good that all the other team books during the N52.
Edge of Tomorrow wound up being one of my favorite films of 2014, and, with GDT's script seemingly still being used and him being on as a producer, coupled with the material. It definitely sounds exciting, but I also acknowledge that DC will probably find a way to **** it up, like with Suicide Squad.
This thread needs closed and new one started with new director in the title..that is if he will actually stay on the film!